Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 240: Rear Soldier

Perhaps Zhang Xu's words made him very satisfied. Umbridge smiled and said to Zhang Xu: "What is it, Mr. Zhang? I think we can discuss it with each other."

Umbridge had a feeling of "I have a big advantage, I can persuade him" at this time.

"We have fully learned the theoretical knowledge, but there is still a difference between theory and practice." Zhang Xu said, "If there is not enough practice, I don't think we will be able to master magic defense."

"I suppose," said Umbridge, "that this should be all right, as long as you've got your theory down very well."

"But theory must be connected with practice, Professor Umbridge." Zhang Xu said, "Don't we need to be prepared to meet all the dangers that await us?"

"Who do you think would attack a child like you?" said Umbridge, with a forced smile.

At this time, Zhang Xu said while counting with his fingers: "When we were in the first grade, several students were injured by dark wizards who sneaked into Hogwarts."

"In the second grade, the basilisk in the secret room was released, and many students were petrified. In the end, we took a lot of effort to kill it."

"In the third grade, dementors broke into the Hogwarts campus, and a classmate almost lost his life. Later, the werewolf army even attacked Hogsmeade collectively, and the students and the residents of Hogsmeade together Blocked the werewolves' attack, and persisted until Minister of Magic Fudge led the Aurors to support."

"In the fourth grade, two outstanding student representatives from Hogwarts participated in the Triwizard Tournament and fought against magical creatures such as fire dragons. In the end, one of the students won the championship. At the same time, the second dark wizard sneaked into Hogwarts Maud became a professor."

Every time Zhang Xu mentioned an incident, Umbridge's face became darker.

"This year, things like this won't happen again!" Umbridge said angrily.

Zhang Xu ignored her and continued, "We can't live on campus forever, Professor Umbridge."

"We all witnessed the riots at the Quidditch World Cup camp a year ago. A group of black wizards destroyed almost the entire camp, and they finally attacked the spectator camp in our country. Although in the end they were defeated by us and our Russian friends Yes, but the price to pay is heavy.”

"I remember that the four signs floating in the sky were obviously dark wizards. The Ministry of Magic still has no clue about three of them."

"Earlier this year, Mr. Barty Crouch, Director of the Department of International Magic Exchange and Cooperation of the Ministry of Magic, was kidnapped by a group of dark wizards. The body of a Ministry of Magic employee was found in the back garden of his home."

Hearing this, Umbridge's face was as black as Snape's head.

The students were also terrified when they heard it. They suddenly felt that they were still alive, and their fortune-telling was great.

"Not long ago, thousands of corpses made by Voldemort hunting wizards and Muggles were known to the British government. The Minister of Magic, Mr. Fudge, was reprimanded by the UK. The Queen is also very concerned about this matter."

As soon as Zhang Xu finished speaking, the students in the classroom were in an uproar.

Apart from Zhang Xu's name, this was the first time the students knew about it.

Umbridge also opened her mouth wide in surprise, and now she regrets why Zhang Xu had to say so much.

The fact that Fudge was reprimanded by the Prime Minister was only known to those in the high-level circle of the Ministry of Magic, but Zhang Xu broke the news in public.

Zhang Xu didn't give Umbridge a chance to stop himself from speaking, but continued to break out violent news.

"On the day of the final of the Triwizard Tournament, I believe that everyone did not see me, Professor Dumbledore and Harry Potter in the audience at the beginning. It was because of a conspiracy by Voldemort and me. were kidnapped together."

"Durmstrang's headmaster, Karkaroff, used to be a Death Eater, and now he has rejoined Voldemort."

"The other day we went to place the Goblet of Fire in the middle of the maze, but Karkaroff turned the Goblet of Fire into a Portkey ahead of time. When Harry touched the Goblet of Fire, I happened to be by his side, and at the last moment I pulled His robes. Then we were sent to Voldemort's presence."

"Later, I pretended to negotiate with Voldemort to delay the time, so that Professor Dumbledore came to save us before Voldemort killed me and Harry."

"Then, Professor Umbridge." Zhang Xu finally looked into the eyes of the stunned Umbridge and said, "Can we only use theory to defend against Voldemort and Death Eaters?"

After the students in the seats came back to their senses, they whispered to each other to discuss what Zhang Xu said just now. They had seen the video of Voldemort's return, but this was the first time they heard the cause and effect from the person involved.

Umbridge, who also came back to his senses, suddenly shouted hysterically.

"Twenty points from Ravenclaw!"

"Lies! This is a complete lie!"

"If someone tells you that a certain dark wizard came back from the dead and came out again, it's nonsense."

"The Ministry of Magic can assure you that there will be no danger from any dark wizards. If you still have doubts, please do come to me after class. If someone scares you with a tale of dark wizards coming back from the dead, I'd love to hear it." As soon as you hear it, I am always ready to help you."

"Mr. Zhang, starting this evening, at five o'clock, in my office, off..."

"Professor Umbridge," Zhang Xu interrupted her, "may I ask if there is a tradition in your country of using confinement to treat people who tell the truth? If you think I am lying, I suggest that the Ministry of Magic will meet with you that day. Those Aurors from Voldemort were brought back from the Falkland Islands to confront me. If your country punishes me for telling the truth, I am afraid that something will happen that will make everyone unhappy."

Zhang Xu, who hadn't sat down yet, made a gesture with his right hand when he was talking, and then raised it slightly, almost at the level of his elbow.

Several students who knew the meaning of this gesture suddenly exclaimed, and Umbridge immediately shut his mouth when he saw it.

What Zhang Xu typed out is the common hand gesture used by wizards in Europe when bargaining. His right hand gesture means that the price will increase by 20%. If his right hand raises his elbow, it means that the price has been set. up.

Umbridge and the knowledgeable students knew that Zhang Xu played an extremely important role in the foreign trade activities between the magic circles of the two countries.

When the two countries meet thousands of miles away, both buyers and sellers need a middleman that both parties can trust, and Zhang Xu is the best choice.

Now Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is still the British general agent who has monopolized the import of magic materials from the Far East. Especially in the past two years, Zhang Xu has used his influence to expand the source of raw materials to Southeast Asia and the entire Northeast Asia. This further expanded Hogwarts' right to speak in the magic material import market.

And the two names signed on this general agency contract, one is Dumbledore, and the other is Zhang Xu.

Except for Hogwarts, in the first two years, many merchants in the two countries signed the contract when they were doing business. The contract was the exporter-Zhang Xu-importer model. From the contract point of view, the goods were sold to Zhang Xu. Xu, Zhang Xu sold it to others.

So in theory Zhang Xu can decide whether to raise the price of imported goods. And according to the agreement in the contract, October of each year is the day to determine the price negotiation for the second year. If Zhang Xu insists on raising the prices of all products by 20% at this time, there is a high probability that the final result will be to cut off a few points and finally increase the prices by more than 10%.

If the upstream raises prices on a large scale, the pressure on downstream dealers will naturally increase.

If those families that make money with Hogwarts know that Umbridge has caused their profits to drop significantly, they will throw Umbridge into Azkaban as a scapegoat, let Zhang Xu calm down and lower the price, It has become the first choice of these families.

Umbridge realized that Zhang Xu could not allow himself to abuse his power to punish ordinary students at will. If the other party also abused his power to retaliate against him, the impact would be unbearable.

Umbridge's face turned pale when he figured it out.

"Please sit down, Mr. Zhang," said Umbridge dejectedly.

Then she walked to the podium and said to the students: "Okay, please continue to read the fifth page of the textbook, 'Basic Principles of Introduction'."

Zhang Xu, who returned to his seat, didn't say much, took out the course and read it.

After coming to Hogwarts for so many years, he finally had a chance to pretend to be a face that is standard for traversers. .

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