Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 245 Hey, there are some things that you think the author will develop into what you think?

After returning to Hogwarts Castle, Zhang Xu, who had a big harvest tonight, immediately ran to the kitchen and began to process the mushrooms.

In the kitchen, Zhang Xu met Harry who had just been discharged from the hospital. He was eating supper with Ron, Hermione, and Ginny.

When Zhang Xu sliced ​​two sun mushrooms and mixed them with sesame oil to congratulate Harry on his discharge, Harry told Zhang Xu that Dumbledore had returned to Hogwarts just now.

Zhang Xu estimated that Lao Deng would ask him about Harry's situation, but at present, the spicy mushroom beef sauce is the most important. Discounted.

So Zhang Xu decided that if Lao Deng didn't come to him tonight, he would not go to Lao Deng, and he would deal with the harvest tonight first.

So Zhang Xu began to clean up the big puff mushrooms, and then cut them into small dices. After handling the mushrooms, I began to chop the prepared beef into minced meat. Then wash the chili, ginger and garlic together and cut them up.

After making preparations, Zhang Xu asked the house-elf for a pot, added oil, put beef mince in it, and boiled it on the fire until there was no water left. Next, put the diced mushrooms, and boil until the water is almost gone. Then put chili, ginger, garlic and seasonings, and cook until the color turns dark, turn off the heat when there is no water, and then put in the sesame seeds fried by Dobby just now.

Finally, put it into the prepared bottle while it is hot and seal it, and the spicy mushroom beef sauce is done.

By tomorrow, I can entrust Dobby to the owl post office in Hogsmeade to post them to London, and then forward them back to China.

After packing all the spicy mushroom beef sauce, Zhang Xu ignored Harry who was telling his friends that he had seen hell tonight, and went back to the dormitory alone.

After Professor Snape, who thought Harry was cursed by unicorn blood, came to the ward, his behavior made Harry think that he was cast by the Imperius Curse by the Death Eaters, or was transferred like Moody.

Tired from walking around in the Forbidden Forest tonight, Zhang Xu went back to the professor's dormitory in order to get a good night's sleep on the weekend.

As soon as he entered the dormitory, there was a sound of breaking wind.

"There is an ambush!"

Zhang Xu jumped to the side, dodging a kick from behind.

"Hey! Stop it! Don't think I dare not fight back, I'm even afraid of myself!" Zhang Xu said while avoiding the life-threatening series of kicks.

"Just kick you to death before you fight back." Scarlet said, "Who told you to say that kind of misleading thing last night,

Both McGonagall and Flitwick came to me this evening, hinting that I should not attack the students at school. "

"I just said 'it's useless for you to find unicorns, they won't talk to you', I'm right." Zhang Xu hid behind the sofa and said, "If you want to blame this, blame your ancestor Si Leitlin, he is the one who cursed people, I will not take the blame."

"You won't shut up. Once Babling and I go out, can't I fish in the Forbidden Forest?" Scarlet said while looking for something that could be used as a weapon in the living room, "You Saying this in front of those married women, wouldn’t it make them think I’m the same as them? Why do you still touch my head when you say it? Are you afraid they won’t misunderstand enough? "

Zhang Xu thought about it, maybe this matter is really what Scarlet said, the way of thinking of middle-aged and elderly women is different from that of young people like himself, only {deleted}middle-aged women{/deleted} like her Only then will you immediately realize the other party's thoughts.

Just like on the day of the final of the Triwizard Tournament, Gabriel and her mother said that Furong couldn't eat breakfast this morning. During the celebration banquet in the evening, Mrs. Delacour asked Zhang Xu if he had decided how to name the child. Zhang Xu, who was startled, later explained to Madame Delacour's disappointed eyes that Fu Rong's lack of appetite was just because she was too nervous.

In addition, there was a period of gossip between the two of them among the students in the last school year, maybe the professors also heard about it. Also, the two of them often act together during the summer vacation, and Professor McGonagall, who is also a member of the Order of the Phoenix, also knows. So it is inevitable not to make people think wrong.

Now Zhang Xu had nothing to say, he stood there and received Scarlet's punch.

"You're still talking to Peeves outside the bathroom," Scarlet continued, "You're the only one inside the professor who doesn't know that Peeves has never been within fifty meters of the professor's bathroom for a hundred years."

"It's not my fault!" Zhang Xu shouted, "Who told you to go in two minutes after I entered, and then drive me out, and you happened to be seen by passing Harry."

"So it's my fault?" Scarlet said with a smile, "Or should I keep you inside? Should I ask you to rub my back?"

"It's not impossible."

In the next moment, Zhang Xu realized the profound meaning of the Scarlet family in practice - squatting with his head in defense.

After Zhang Xu reached the full level of squatting with his head in defense, Scarlet sat on the sofa to rest after being exhausted.

Fortunately, she is a traditional wizard, and her stamina doesn't add much, so Zhang Xu didn't do any real damage.

Zhang Xu, who combed his hair neatly, handed the boss a Coke.

"Get down to business." Scarlett said after taking a sip of Coca-Cola, "There is news from inside the Ministry of Magic that the Ministry of Magic will pass the "Education Order No. 23" tomorrow, appointing Umbridge as Hogwarts Senior Investigator. What are your plans for this?"

"According to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, I cannot interfere in the internal affairs of the UK." Zhang Xu shrugged.

"Believe it or not, I'll beat you up again?" Scarlet said, staring at Zhang Xu.

"We have nothing to be afraid of." Zhang Xu said indifferently, "Fudge started cleaning up the professors at Hogwarts, and then stuffed people here. If she follows the rules, I'm not afraid of her. If she dares to mess up Come on, I dare to bring the lawsuit to the Lafayette. The Ministry of Magic has been worried about the Lafayette for hundreds of years. And I don’t believe that she dared to touch you. Your family still has a lot in the Ministry of Magic old friend."

"Those old friends don't make people worry," Scarlet said angrily, "They still want me, the heir of the family, to remarry with the family in England."

"With whom?" Zhang Xu asked curiously.

"Who else is there besides that bastard Black?" Scarlet rolled his eyes and said, "I want to pay someone to kill him."

"How about I contact Voldemort." Zhang Xu said.

"Do you know where he is?" Scarlet asked curiously.

"Not only I know, Dumbledore and the others have already guessed it. Which of the Death Eaters has the best accommodation?" Zhang Xu said, "It's just that their house is hidden now, just like Harry's house back then. .Now even Dobby can’t get in, otherwise Old Deng would have told him to put explosives there long ago.”

When Zhang Xu said this, Scarlet immediately guessed who it was.

If it weren't for the unspoken rule that the British wizarding world has struggled for thousands of years not to harm Hogwarts students, Draco Malfoy would have been dragged to feed Veritaserum long ago.

In the "Story", after the Death Eaters took control of Hogwarts, the anti-thief families like Ginny and Neville were still alive and kicking in Hogwarts.

"The Ministry of Magic asked Umbridge to conduct such an investigation, and Hogwarts will be in a mess." Scarlet said helplessly.

"Let them have the last madness, they won't be jumping for long." Zhang Xu said.

"How about I just go and help Umbridge?"

"It looks like fun."


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