Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 246: Voldemort Killing Insects

On Sunday, Zhang Xu slept until lunch time.

While having lunch, Zhang Xu saw that Dumbledore did not appear on the professor's seat in the cafeteria again.

After dinner, Zhang Xu was called to the office by Snape with a cold face.

Snape's temper was very bad today, and it was difficult for Zhang Xu to communicate with him.

During nearly an hour of communication, Zhang Xu got the news he most wanted at present from Snape.

Harry's magic riot that night was indeed related to Voldemort, and it was also related to Zhang Xu.

Voldemort has been in the rivers and lakes for so many years, and he is not weaker than others (except Lao Deng), and he has profound attainments in magic.

As Voldemort's subordinates, Death Eaters can also be called a wealth of talents.

People only focus on the ferocity of the Death Eaters, often ignoring their magic level.

Take two chestnuts.

A Snape, the achievement of Potions is among the best in England. Before graduating from school, he began to improve the refining process of potions, and research and innovations have emerged in an endless stream over the years.

A Karkaroff, who escaped from England that year, went to Durmstrang, which is famous for its black magic, and finally became the headmaster, on an equal footing with Dumbledore in the administrative level.

If Zhang Xu hadn't reflected on this incident, he would have subconsciously ignored the background of Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

After Voldemort regained his body this time, it can be said that he is in better health, he eats delicious food, his waist is no longer sore, his legs are no longer painful, and he can walk with strength. He can go up to the fifth floor without apparating.

At first, Voldemort thought that Harry Potter's blood was nourished internally and externally.

Nourishes the blood and nourishes the skin, making the skin delicate, rosy and shiny.

As a result, a few days before and after the first full moon night after his body recovered, Voldemort suddenly felt weak, aching all over his body, and his magic power ran away.

And as the moon in the sky gets rounder, the symptoms get worse.

On the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, he quietly locked himself in the room, rolling around in pain.

A few days later, after the symptoms disappeared, Voldemort was horrified to find that his strength had dropped by five percent.

At this time, he realized that there was something wrong with his body.

But Voldemort couldn't wipe his neck to delete the number of this body and retrain it, so he could only find a way to patch it.

To apply a patch, you must first find the source of the problem.

So Voldemort began to investigate the design, construction, and raw materials of the magic that he used to restore his body.

Soon the results of the investigation came out.

There are no flaws in the magic design, no theoretical errors.

The spell-casting operation conforms to the design standard, and the heat and techniques have reached an excellent level.

The potion materials prepared in the early stage are of good quality, and there are no moldy, insect-eaten, or shoddy products.

Later, the "father's bone" was confirmed to be the bone of his own father, which ruled out the interference of the old Wang next door.

The "servant's meat" is fresh and has no deterioration, no water injection, no antibiotics, and heavy metals exceeding the standard. The meat owner is also loyal.

After investigation, the only suspicious target left is "the blood of the enemy".

Since it was no longer possible to capture Harry Potter for an inspection and quarantine inspection, they could only start with Voldemort's blood.

Finally, under the microscope that Snape brought from Hogwarts, the parasite in Voldemort's blood was discovered.

After discovering the problem, Voldemort fell into deep thought.

Did Harry Potter get the parasite in his blood by accident, or did he get it on purpose.

If it's the former, it's okay, but if it's the latter, the problem will be serious.

Voldemort never forgot the fortuneteller named J.K. Rowling that Zhang Xu said that day.

Since the fortune-teller could predict the magic used to restore his body in advance, it means that Dumbledore may plant worms on Harry Potter's body in advance, and it means that every step he takes in the future They are all under the control of each other.

It was the first time that Voldemort, who had been deceived by the fortune-teller's prophecy, was afraid for the first time, and it felt uncomfortable to feel that all actions were under the control of others.

So while he was looking for a cure for the blood parasite, he sent all the Death Eaters to look for the fortune teller named J.K. Rowling.

After more than half a month of investigation by the Death Eaters across the UK, no fortuneteller named J.K. Rowling was found, only a female Muggle with the same name and surname was found in Edinburgh, Scotland.

After a week of stalking, Lucius Malfoy confirmed that the recently divorced single mother was a genuine Muggle.

At this moment, the Ministry of Magic came with a wave of divine assists.

For two months now, the wizarding press has been full of articles slandering Harry Potter.

In terms of intelligence analysis, sometimes the news in the public media that is worthless in the eyes of laymen is priceless intelligence in the eyes of insiders.

Most of the reports have mentioned that Harry Potter has often used the scar on his forehead as an excuse to attract the attention of everyone around him in recent years.

After Voldemort read these reports, he thought it was not clear whether Harry Potter's scar was painful, but there was no reason for it. It is certain that he often felt pain, which is probably the same as his body pain a while ago. For the same reason.

By the way, when Zhang Xu heard Snape mention that every morning after breakfast, Voldemort would listen to the Death Eaters around the table analyzing every report in the "Daily Prophet", his three views had already changed. Give up treatment.

This is the new atmosphere that Lucius Malfoy brought to the Death Eaters. He learned how to get important information from newspapers by reading newspapers after returning from the sugarcane field every day. Serious study is a bonus item for the selection of labor pacesetters.

When Lao Ma analyzed useful information from the reports of the "Daily Prophet" several times, Voldemort made him responsible for promoting daily newspaper reading and intelligence collection among Death Eaters.

After Snape reported to Voldemort the daily life of Harry Potter in the past few years, and the pony reported the daily activities of Hogwarts students in these years, Voldemort synthesized the reports in the media and searched for a fortuneteller With no results from these two factors, it is believed that the parasites in Harry Potter's blood were infected by him due to eating indiscriminately in the past few years, and 90% of Zhang Xu's words are misleading him.

Voldemort heard from Pony and Karkaroff that Zhang Xu had a close relationship with many of Durmstrang's students, and it could not be ruled out that he learned about this magic from Durmstrang's students. This magic is mentioned in Durmstrang's restricted area. Students who can participate in the Triwizard Tournament candidates are basically eligible to read in the restricted area.

Having discovered the cause of the problem, Voldemort set about healing himself.

Without a targeted antidote, the parasitic Gu worms in the blood can only be eliminated through violent means.

But the potion that can poison Gu worms can also destroy the red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets in the human blood at the same time. It is equivalent to throwing a grenade next to the gangster who has taken the hostage. Whether it succeeds or not depends on which of the hostages and the gangster is more fateful.

If Zhang Xu and Voldemort were in the same group, they would take him to the hospital for several blood filtrations to filter out the parasitic Gu worms in the blood.

In the end, Voldemort chose a very manly method. When the Gu worms began to absorb the magic power from him, he took the potion to cause the magic power in his body to riot, and then he was killed after absorbing the magic power of the riot by the Gu worms.

It's like a person shedding a living snake, and the snake bites the person to death inside the person's body. 【Note】

Ordinary people would not let their magic power easily riot, especially a wizard with powerful magic power like Voldemort.

A magic riot is what the East calls a madness. If the magic of the riot cannot be quelled in time, the whole person will suffer serious physical damage, and the worst result will be to become a human firework.

But this is also a good way to kill the parasitic Gu worms in the body at once.

Voldemort set the time to do it the night before the Mid-Autumn Festival. That day, the Gu worms had a good appetite, and he still had the energy to calm down the magic power of rampage.

After Voldemort drank the potion made by Snape that day, the potion affected the soul, and the soul issued chaotic instructions to make the magic in his body disordered.

Harry Potter, who had a tacit understanding with Voldemort, was also influenced by Voldemort's soul, and the soul in his body also directed the magic in his body to riot.

It's just that Voldemort was prepared long ago, and his strength is much stronger than Harry Potter, so after more than ten hours of painful magic riots, after killing all the parasitic Gu worms in his body, he calmed down his magic power .

And Harry Potter almost died when he was caught off guard.

Last night Snape returned to Hogwarts after Voldemort recovered. After visiting Harry Potter, he reported the situation on Voldemort's side to Dumbledore who returned to Hogwarts at night.

Then Dumbledore asked Snape to tell Zhang Xu about it.

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