The doors to the Eagle Common Room never turn away students from other houses, provided they can answer the questions posed by the doors.

So when the Harry trio appeared in the Yingyuan lounge, Zhang Xu was not surprised.

With Hermione here, answering the door's question wasn't a big problem. After all, like Professor McGonagall, she was almost sent to the Eagle Yard by the Sorting Hat.

And based on the quick wit the three of them showed in the office just now, Zhang Xu also recognized their wisdom.

In the common room, Harry and Anthony were playing magical table tennis, Ron was playing wizard chess with three students from the Eagle House at the same time, and Hermione was reading a book from the bookshelf.

Zhang Xu greeted the three of them and asked them to come back to him after playing. Then he found a table with no one around and sat down. After a while, Zhang Qiu also came and sat down.

"The three of them have been waiting for you for a while," Zhang Qiu said.

"I watched TV and they were having so much fun that they wouldn't mind waiting a little longer," Zhang Xu said.

"I'm afraid you won't come back until you make a phone call tonight." Zhang Qiu said.

"It's still early," Zhang Xu looked at the multi-function watch on his hand, "It's only ten o'clock, and the police haven't started yet over there."

At this time, Harry and Ron ended the game and came to Zhang Xu's table.

Finding that Hermione was still reading there, Ron went over and pulled the reluctant Hermione over.

"If you want to see it, come over when you have time. We welcome knowledgeable people to be our guests." Zhang Xu said to Hermione.

"I think you should have been assigned to our college." Zhang Qiu also said to Hermione.

"Actually, the Sorting Hat was worried about whether I should go to Gryffindor or Ravenclaw," Hermione said. "In the end, he sorted me into Gryffindor."

"There have been many precedents for this kind of situation." Zhang Xu said, "As far as I know, when the Sorting Hat assigned houses to Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick, they all had questions about whether they should go to Ravenclaw or Glen. Findo’s troubles.”

"The Sorting Hat made its decision after thinking about it for several minutes. Our two houses almost exchanged deans."

After finishing the professors' gossip, Harry and the others started talking about business.

"Percy asked me to go to his office just now.

Told me a lot of things. "He said he was glad I could follow his path," Ron said. "

"He also told me to sever ties with Harry and Professor Dumbledore."

"This is in line with Percy's current position." Zhang Xu said.

"This is not the most important thing," Ron said. "Percy said that Hogwarts is about to start a professor qualification review, and professors who fail the review will be expelled."

After Ron finished speaking, the trio looked at Zhang Xu with worried eyes, as if Zhang Xu had been fired.

Zhang Xu had a dark streak, and they seemed to think that he would definitely be fired.

"I already know about this matter. Percy sent all the relevant documents to the professors early in the morning." Zhang Xu said, "I also discussed this issue with other professors just now."

Zhang Xu put all the documents just now on the table. These are all things that are ready to be made public, and there is nothing that needs to be kept secret.

The Harry trio and Zhang Qiu sitting next to them picked up these documents.

Harry (*?)σ Potter: "Ah, I thought you were there just now..."

Harry was interrupted by Zhang Xu before he finished speaking.

Zhang Xu: "What do you think I'm doing?"

Harry (((′`;))) Potter: "I thought you were in the kitchen preparing a midnight snack."

At this time, a gentle "hehe" sound came from Zhang Xu's side.

"I was discussing this matter with other professors, and finally Professor Dumbledore came." Zhang Xu said, "Percy's skill is really beautiful."

"I remember you taught this method to Percy, right?" Hermione said, holding a document.

Then Hermione took out a hard-covered notebook from her pocket and flipped it to the front.

Hermione looked at the documents while looking at the notebooks, and then said: "At this time in the second year, you and Percy talked about Lockhart's teaching level during a chat, and then you and Percy mentioned the professor. Qualification matters.”

"Then you went into detail about the necessity and methods of professor qualification review."

"Percy's two documents basically use what you said at the time, with only a few changes."

After saying that, Hermione turned over a few pages of her notebook and continued.

"When you were discussing Professor Lupin with me in third grade, you told me that Hogwarts should establish a fair, just, objective, and clear and open professor performance evaluation system."

"You also told me that if both Professor Lockhart and Professor Lupin were put into this system for evaluation, it would be clear at a glance which one is better."

"And professors' salaries and benefits should be linked to evaluation results, so that good professors have high incomes and bad professors have low incomes."

"When you and Percy corresponded last year, you mentioned that when hiring professors, candidates should be evaluated and scored according to unified standards in advance. Only those with passing scores can serve as professors at Hogwarts."

Zhang·(°o°) Xu watched in disbelief as Hermione took the notebook and read out one by one what he had said to her and Percy about the management of Hogwarts professors before, and then talked to Percy Compare the documents sent down one by one.

Zhang·(ーー;)·Xu suddenly thought of a question and asked: "How did you write down everything I said before? And how do you know the contents of the chats and letters between Percy and I?"

"I think what you said sometimes makes sense, so I wrote it down." Hermione said, "Percy, too. We used to communicate with each other often."

Zhang Xu was embarrassed this time. Organizing personal quotations was not something a little shrimp like him could do.

What Lu Xun said can be used as a joke while learning from his spirit.

Taizu's quotations even contain his talent, knowledge and wisdom.

But what else can "Professor Zhang's Quotations" be used for besides being used to cushion tables and chairs.

Zhang·(-_-;;;)·Xu could only ask Hermione not to show this to others, and not to mention it to others.

Wiping the cold sweat on his head, Zhang Xu said: "These are issues that professors are worried about. I believe that all professors will treat and handle this matter reasonably."

"What you should be worried about is Hagrid. According to Percy's evaluation method, I think it will be difficult for Hagrid to score high."

"Don't argue, Harry."

"Some problems cannot be covered up just because you have a good relationship with Hagrid. If you cover up Hagrid's mistakes because of your personal relationship, then you are no different from Fudge who covered up the return of the mysterious man."

After reminding the trio about Hagrid's problem, Zhang Xu was considered to have done his best in this matter.

As for Professor Snape, who has a bad reputation among students, Zhang Xu is now waiting to see the expression on Snape's face when the students' evaluations come out.

The Harry trio saw that Zhang Xu was not worried about this matter, and they were relieved.

After the Harry trio said goodbye and left, Zhang Qiu, who was sitting next to him without saying much, leaned his head over and said, "What were you doing just now?"

"Discuss what I just said with other professors." Zhang Xu replied with a question mark on his head.

"Can the discussion include the smell of someone else's perfume on your body?" Zhang Qiu said with a smile, "Don't tell me that you hugged Mrs. Loris who sprayed perfume on the way back."


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