Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 274: The naughty child of Hagrid’s family

After walking out of Professor McGonagall's office, Zhang Xu said to Harry and George at the fork in the road leading to the Lion Court common room and the foyer: "You two go back to the dormitory to change clothes first. It's very cold outside, so wear more clothes. Meet in the foyer in half an hour.”

Now Harry and George are still wearing their jerseys.

Then Zhang Xu looked at the redheads behind him and said to them: "If you are free, you can come and help. Harry and George won't suffer so much if we finish the job earlier."

After speaking, Zhang Xu walked towards the foyer.

Just now, Zhang Xu heard from Ginny that they were going to find Percy as soon as the game was over. Percy could not stay out of this matter, both public and private.

The incident then gave Percy an excuse to push through his latest education order.

In the office just now, Percy punished Malfoy more severely in the name of personal vendetta. This was a signal he sent to Professor McGonagall, indicating that although he had the power, he would not favor certain students.

After all, Pony is a very good figure in the Ministry of Magic. It is only natural for Percy, who represents the Ministry of Magic, to favor Pony.

Now that the pony was killed by Percy as a chicken to scare the monkeys, he could already show his fair and just stance.

Zhang Xu waited in the foyer for a while and saw a group of people coming down the stairs.

After Zhang Xu said that others could help, Fred would definitely help George, Ron and Hermione would definitely help Harry, and Ginny would naturally follow.

Seeing that a group of people had changed into robes and cloaks, and everyone was wrapped tightly, Zhang Xu nodded and led them out of the castle.

"I received a request for help from centaurs this morning. There is a huge threat in the Forbidden Forest." Zhang Xu said as he led a group of people to the edge of the Forbidden Forest. "I reported this problem to Professor Dumbledore. , but Professor Dumbledore is not available recently, so he authorized me to take full charge of this matter."

"And I think you guys are the best people to solve this matter, so work hard."

Harry and the others looked at each other in confusion after listening. According to Zhang Xu's words, it seemed that they were going to solve a big and dangerous problem in the Forbidden Forest.

When several people were wondering whether they would have to fight magical animals such as basilisks and eight-eyed spiders later, Zhang Xu brought them to Hagrid's hut.

At this time, a puff of white smoke came out of the chimney of the hut, and a light came out of the window.

"Hagrid is back?" Harry shouted in surprise.

"You go and say hello to Professor Hagrid first. I'll come back in twenty minutes." Zhang Xu said to Harry and the others.

The Harry trio, the twin brothers and Ginny have a very good relationship with Hagrid, while the relationship between Zhang Xu and Hagrid has not improved.

Seeing Harry and the others knocking on the door happily, Zhang Xu walked towards the greenhouse not far away.

Twenty minutes later, Zhang Xu came to Hagrid's hut with a mandrake root in his hand and chewing it non-stop.

After swallowing the last mouthful of mandrake root, Zhang Xu, who was now in front of the wooden door, heard Hermione's voice coming from inside the house.

"Don't worry, Hagrid. Percy is very fair at work. As long as you perform well in class, you will pass the review."

After listening to Hermione's words, Zhang Xu couldn't help complaining in his heart that Hagrid's standard of "good performance" was different from that of ordinary people.

After knocking on the door, Hagrid opened the wooden door of the hut.

After saying a useless hello to Hagrid, Zhang Xu sat in the seat opposite Hagrid that Ginny and the others had vacated.

"Professor Hagrid, Harry and George will be in confinement for the next period of time to eliminate the dangers that have just appeared in the Forbidden Forest. I think they need your help." Zhang Xu said to Hagrid.

"No!" Hagrid stood up excitedly and said, "He is not dangerous at all, he is just a little ignorant. I will educate him well."

Although Hagrid swore his promise, looking at the injuries on his face, Zhang Xu felt that his promise was not convincing at all.

“He almost killed my friend Mattosh last night.

"Zhang Xu said, "Within half an inch, Mattosh's head was smashed into pulp by a tree as thick as Harry. "

"And the place where he is now has been the territory of the centaurs since ancient times. He almost killed other people's patrol members on other people's territory. Are you two brothers going to start a war with the centaurs?"

"What happened last night was just an accident," Hagrid said loudly, "I will apologize to the centaurs properly."

"He just came to the UK and has not adapted to the environment and climate here, so that's why he is like this."

"And he has nowhere else to go."

Harry and the others, who still didn't know what was going on, looked at each other again. The conversation between Zhang Xu and Hagrid just now was a bit full of information. The focus was on what Zhang Xu was talking about, Hagrid and his two brothers. All these years they didn't know Hagrid had a brother.

This incident was also caused by the changes caused by Zhang Xu's arrival.

At that time, Hagrid's pet eight-eyed spider occupied a large area of ​​​​the former centaurs' territory in the Forbidden Forest.

If the Eight-Eyed Spider was still there, then it would be no problem for Hagrid to place his half-brother at the junction of the Eight-Eyed Spider's territory and the Centaur's territory. Neither the Eight-Eyed Spider nor the Centaur would offend the little giants in the middle. .

On the one hand, everyone is giving Hagrid face, and on the other hand, if the little giant is eliminated by force, heavy losses will inevitably occur. In this way, the balance of power between the two sides will definitely be broken, which will give the other side an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Now the Eight-Eyed Spider has long been dealt with by Zhang Xu. In recent years, the centaurs have regained their homeland, so Hagrid can only place his younger brother on the centaurs' territory.

Originally, Hagrid wanted to greet them at the Centaur's place. The Centaur didn't mind letting his brother live there, and he wouldn't go near that place.

But last night, when Hagrid, who had just returned, took people to the Forbidden Forest and before they could settle down, his brother Grawp got mad and uprooted the surrounding trees and threw them everywhere.

And Mattosh, who had just become an adult, joined the patrol team as an adult, and he happened to be on the night shift last night. When he and his teammates discovered something big in the Forbidden Forest and went to investigate, a tree flew from the sky, and its trunk almost hit Matosh on the head. Although Matosh's life was saved, he was still injured by a branch.

Now the centaurs were not happy and immediately called people to come over and restore the situation.

Fortunately, Hagrid came forward in time and explained the current situation, so the centaurs had no choice but to retreat first.

Zhang Xu had left a communicator with Mattosh before, so that they could contact him if they had any treasures or other harvests.

As a result, Zhang Xu received a message this morning asking Zhang Xu to tell Dumbledore about Grawp and let Dumbledore resolve the matter.

Later, Dumbledore handed the matter over to Zhang Xu, who kicked the ball to Harry and the others.

Zhang Xu didn't believe that Harry and the others wouldn't help Hagrid.

"Your brother?" Harry asked Hagrid.

"Yes, his name is Grawp." Hagrid replied, "He is my half-brother. After my mother gave birth to me, she left my father and found another giant, where she gave birth to Grawp. Lopp.”

"Grawp?" Ron asked.

"Yeah, that's what it sounds like when he says his name," Hagrid said. "He doesn't speak much English, and I'm trying to teach him. Anyway, it's like my mother doesn't like me. Like him. Because the giantess thinks it is a good thing to give birth to a healthy big child. He has always been a short one among the giants, only sixteen feet tall."

Everyone here has a black line. The common sense of giants' appearance is very different from that of ordinary people.

After Hagrid introduced what happened to his brother, several people looked at Zhang Xu together.

"Harry, George, your task is to resolve the conflict between Hagrid's brother and the centaurs." Zhang Xu looked at Harry and the others and said, "Whether it's educating Hagrid's brother into a good boy, give him It doesn’t matter if you find a place to live that neither party accepts, I don’t care what methods you use, I just want the results.”

Harry and the others breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that Zhang Xu had no intention of driving away Grawp.

They all thought that this task was not too difficult for them, and since it was to help Hagrid, they had nothing to say, so they agreed immediately.

Zhang Xu, who successfully kicked the ball away, also breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, Harry and the others followed Hagrid to the Forbidden Forest to get to know Grawp first.

Zhang Xu carried a basket of fresh vegetables picked in the greenhouse just now and headed to the Centaurs tribe to visit Mattosh.

Horse people usually use fresh herbs to treat injuries, and will not use magic potions unless absolutely necessary.

The fresh white juice is very effective in treating trauma, and if used in time, it will not leave scars. Horses also often use this herbal medicine.

It's just that the natural conditions in the Forbidden Forest are not suitable for the growth of white herbs. In the past, centaurs would ask Hogwarts for this herb through Hagrid when they needed it.

The injuries on Mattosh's body were all external injuries, and his bones and internal organs were basically fine.

After Zhang Xu sent the bai xian to Mattosh's house, Mattosh's sister Jiaer, under the guidance of her grandmother, Granny Smith, mixed the bai xian with several other herbs and mashed them. Lili applied the prepared herbs to Metosh's wound and wrapped it in linen.

It is estimated that the herbal medicine added later contained irritating ingredients, and Matosh's face looked unpleasant after applying the herbal medicine.

At the same time, Zhang Xu reported to Granny Smith the solution to the Graup incident.

Now the elder horseman's health is getting worse and worse, and he can only work for half a day in the morning every day.

The centaurs also knew that their elder was dying, and the registration and selection process for the next elder had already begun.

So Zhang Xu could only report this matter to Granny Smith and ask her to report it to the horse elders tomorrow morning.

Instead of staying in the centaur tribe for dinner, Zhang Xu returned to Hogwarts Castle before the meal.

You worked overtime on the weekend and ran around all day. Are you depressed?

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