Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 275 Hagrid was fired

While having dinner in the cafeteria, Zhang Xu felt that he was being watched.

He raised his head and looked around, and found that it was Harry and the others staring at him. ?WwW.suimeng.lā

Zhang Xu could read the meaning of "You're cheating me" from their eyes.

Harry and George thought at first that Zhang Xu was letting them off the hook, and found a not-too-difficult task for them to get through the confinement.

When they saw Graup, they realized how badly they had been tricked by Professor Zhang.

But Harry and George couldn't refuse this mission, and even their family and friends were dragged into the water.

And even if the confinement period is over, if this matter is not resolved, they will not be able to let it go. After all, they are all Hagrid's friends.

They finally understood what Zhang Xu meant when he said at the beginning that they were the best people to solve this matter.

The few people who were tricked had no way to resist and could only continue to speed up in the pit.

And they have another thing to do, which is to help Hagrid prepare lessons.

Percy even punished Snape, who knows what he will do to Hagrid.

Time passed day by day, except for the various news that happened every day, life in Hogwarts did not change much as usual.

First came the news from Snape that Voldemort led a group of Death Eaters to finally get rid of the bugs in his own blood.

Voldemort finally figured out the growth rules of the bugs through a microscope, and then seized the opportunity to eliminate the bugs in one go.

But this also severely damaged Voldemort's vitality, making it difficult for him to make any big moves recently.

After hearing the news, Zhang Xu didn't plan any big surprises, just to make Voldemort lose some vitality and slow down his pace.

Of course, classmate Harry Potter was cooked again, but this time Madam Pomfrey had experience and the potion prepared by Dumbledore, and was able to deal with him without any danger.

Most of the other gossip was about Percy's recent actions.

"The maze is closed." Anthony Goldstein said to Zhang Xu.

Zhang Xu, who was doing homework with everyone in the common room, was a little surprised when he heard the news. After all, the Triwizard Tournament maze was left at his suggestion, and he didn't get any news about it being closed.

"Why did you say it was closed immediately?" Zhang Xu asked strangely, "I haven't heard anything about it before."

"Professor Weasley ordered it to be closed," Anthony said. "The reason is that it is winter and some of the magical animals from the tropics in the maze are not suitable for winter activities. These magical animals also need a vacation."

Zhang Xu was speechless for a moment. Although he knew that the purpose of the Ministry of Magic was to weaken the "armed force" of Hogwarts, closing the maze for students to fight monsters and upgrade was Percy's first step, but Percy's excuse was enough. Yes, it makes sense to people who don’t know the truth.

Sphinxes, for example, come from the tropical deserts of Egypt and Africa. It is obviously inappropriate for them to work in the heavy snow in Britain.

It's just that Percy didn't say when the maze would be reopened. After hearing his reasons for closing the maze, the students would only subconsciously think that it would be reopened after winter.

Zhang Xu bets that even if summer comes, Percy won't reopen the maze.

Zhang Xu said "hmm" and didn't say anything else. After listening to several other people's gossip about the relationship between men and women in the college, he heard another piece of news about Percy.

"Professor Weasley can be seen in the recent Care of Magical Creatures class." Michael Corner said, "Professor Weasley asked many students about Professor Hagrid."

"How is Professor Hagrid's performance recently?" Zhang Xu asked.

"It's the same as before, it's terrible," said Terry Butt, who, like Michael Corner, took Care of Magical Creatures.

"He took us to the Forbidden Forest to see an animal we couldn't see," Michael said.

"What's the name of that animal?" Terry thought for a moment and said, "Coconut... Yeqi... Thestral, yes, it's called Thestral. They can only be seen by people who have witnessed death. Eat from them As you can see from the loss of that cow, it’s not an easy animal to get along with.”

"Thestrals are the beasts of burden on the carriage that pull us from the train station to the gate of Hogwarts Castle every year." Zhang Xu said, "If you don't mess with them, they won't hurt you."

"What do the students think of Professor Hagrid?" Zhang Xu asked again.

"Not very good," Anthony said. "My evaluation is not high. I told Professor Weasley that the magical animals Professor Hagrid has taught us are too dangerous."

"Me too," Terry said. "In the past few years, we have always been nervous about Professor Haig's classes, for fear that he would end up in the school infirmary like Malfoy two years ago."

"I told Professor Weasley that I would prefer Professor Grubbly-Plan to replace Professor Hagrid as Professor of Care of Magical Creatures," Michael said. "I also said that Professor Grubbly-Plan's class is more interesting than Professor Hagrid's." More, I hope Professor Graplan can take over Professor Hagrid’s job.”

"Is this a common idea among everyone?" Zhang Xu asked.

"Yes." Anthony replied, "Not just us, but even some Gryffindor students think so."

Next, Michael and Terry also said that from the information obtained from other colleges, almost all students who chose this course had this idea.

After a while, Zhang Xu could only sigh and said: "It seems that I am going to lose a colleague."

Anthony and the others nodded after hearing this. They were not surprised by the result.

This is where Percy is smarter than Umbridge. He gets the support of most people before taking action, instead of fighting head-on alone.

Percy's character and skills also predestined that he would not lead a group of Aurors to drive Hagrid away by force like Umbridge did in the end. Percy still knew the principle of keeping a line in life. At least Hagrid could still Keep your previous position.

Zhang Xu didn't have to worry that Professor McGonagall would be injured by the Aurors when he tried to stop them.

Zhang Xu could imagine how much Dumbledore's head was hurting now. If he didn't find a way to break the situation, the Ministry of Magic would definitely use this breakthrough to launch a massive attack.

Tomorrow is the first weekend in December. This weekend is the long-lost Hogsmeade week, and the Christmas holiday will soon follow.

Several classmates began to talk about their own programs during the Christmas vacation.

At this moment, a cry of surprise came from the common room.

Zhang Xu and the others turned their heads and discovered that the exclamation came from the bulletin board in the lounge.

More and more students flocked to the bulletin board, and Zhang Xu and the others followed to see what was going on.

After Zhang Xu walked over, he found that the new thing on the bulletin board was about Hagrid's review results.

“Announcement: Rubeus Hagrid, Professor of Care of Magical Creatures, has been dismissed from his position as professor of Care of Magical Creatures due to failure in performance appraisal, teaching qualifications and on-site teaching review.

The above regulations are in compliance with the "Education Order No. 24".

Signed: High Inquisitor Percy Ignatius Weasley"

In front of the bulletin board, the students in Yingyuan were talking a lot. Unlike the last time when Zhang Xu and Snape's review results were delayed for a long time, this time Percy cut the knot quickly. He was still doing on-site teaching reviews in the morning and the results came out in the evening.

Moreover, the handling of Hagrid this time did not involve a second round of on-site teaching review in a few months like Snape did. It was a direct dismissal without room for negotiation.

This is the first time Percy has fired a professor at Hogwarts, but there is no guarantee that a second or third professor will be fired.

Soon, a second announcement appeared on the bulletin board out of thin air.

“Announcement: From now on, Professor Wilmina Graplan will be appointed as the Professor of Care of Magical Creatures.

Signed: Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, First Class Wizard of the Order of Merlin"

The appearance of two announcements in succession made the students' discussion louder.

Facing Percy's attack, Dumbledore responded very quickly.

Zhang Xu always believed that Dumbledore had actually found a spare tire for every professor, and even prepared the jack for replacing the spare tire, so he could jack up the spare tire before the Ministry of Magic deployed personnel.

After Zhang Xu looked at the bulletin board for a while, he returned to his dormitory and took out the Marauder's Map that he had occupied for several years. He saw that the Harry trio had just left the hall and were running towards Hagrid's cabin. .

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