Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 285 Telecommunications fraudster Voldemort?

"Do you still remember the phone scam you talked about before?" Zhang Xu's grandfather Zhang Feng said.

"The scammer pretends to be a staff member and asks you to turn off your mobile phone on the pretext that a communication failure needs to be dealt with. Then he calls your family and says that you have been in a car accident and are in the hospital for emergency treatment and need to transfer money immediately."

Then Zhang Xu's father, Zhang Tiandong, took out his cell phone and pressed it a few times before handing it to Zhang Xu and said, "There are also several text messages like this that I have received before."

Zhang Xu took the phone and saw, "Mom and Dad, I was caught renting a room with someone of the opposite sex. Please give two thousand yuan to the police officer to let me out. So-and-so: 6222...6, Bank, you must not do this." Call me and we’ll talk when you come out.” and other text messages.

"Let me see if there are any text messages from other beauties." Zhang Xu said while checking his father's mobile phone.

"If so, would I still store it in my phone?" Zhang Tiandong glanced sideways at his son.

"Oh, you didn't deny that a beautiful woman sent you a text message." Zhang Xu said affirmatively.

乀(ˉεˉ乀): “Get out!”

The mobile phone in Zhang Xu's hand flew back to the mobile phone case on Zhang Tiandong's waist.

Zhang Tiandong ignored Zhang Xu's interruption and continued: "These are the same as the question you just asked. They are all using information asymmetry to deliver false information to the other party to defraud."

"Do you know why I wouldn't be deceived by the kind of text message just now? Or why would someone be deceived by that kind of text message?" Zhang Tiandong asked, "Someone in our club was almost deceived. He came to me and wanted to advance his salary and transfer money. In the past, I told him it was a text message from a scammer, and he finally woke up."

"I'm not fooled. The main reason is that you know my situation." Zhang Xu said after thinking for a while.

"You know if I were caught in England,

It is impossible for you to transfer money to a domestic bank. "

"If I were arrested in China, it would be a matter that could be solved with just a phone call, and I wouldn't need to pay for it."

"So you won't get scammed."

"And those who were deceived, on the one hand, were unable to contact the person involved, and on the other hand, they were not surprised about the source of the text messages. The most important thing is that they subconsciously believed that their children would commit crimes."

"That's right." Zhang Tiandong said, "If you want to avoid being deceived, you have to start from several aspects after receiving the news that is true or false."

"First, you need to verify the authenticity of the information. If you are sure that the information is false from the beginning, then ignore him or even take advantage of him."

"Secondly, there is good communication between the two parties. Not only must the two parties contact each other in time, but also ensure that the contact will not be affected and interfered by scammers. When asking the other party to verify whether something really happened, you must contact the other party himself. . Otherwise, just like you mentioned before in another phone scam, the so-called police station number given by the scammer is simply another phone number of the scammer, so the result of asking the scammer to verify the authenticity of the information is self-evident."

"Third, don't close the communication channel between the two parties. Sometimes the other party can complete a fraud if the phone is turned off for a few minutes. It is best to prepare two or more contact methods in case of emergency."

“As long as you do these three basic things well, basically scam calls and scam text messages won’t be able to deceive you.”

Zhang Xu initially thought that his father would use examples on the battlefield to educate him, but unexpectedly the example he used was the recent frequent telecommunications fraud.

However, such a comparison shows that there are many similarities between telecommunications fraud and what Zhang Xu wants to ask.

Voldemort sent Harry a text message, "Harry, this is Sirius. I was captured by the Death Eaters and taken to the Ministry of Magic. I'm waiting online. It's very urgent."

With no reliable way to contact him, Harry chose the riskiest fireplace.

As a result, Harry, who was eager to contact Black, was misled by Kreacher, the secret agent deployed by the liar Voldemort without being able to contact Black himself. Just like the person who calls according to the contact information left by the scammer, the person who answers the phone on the other side is the same as the scammer.

In the end, the deceived Harry went to the Ministry of Magic to give Voldemort money...no, his head.

After figuring out the tricks of the telecommunications fraudster Voldemort, Zhang Xujue found that this matter was not difficult to deal with. He might even be able to counterattack Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

Then Zhang Xu thought of another question, so he asked his father: "Dad, I have a question. If there is something that must be taken away by a specific person, is there any way to let others go? Take it away?"

"How are things arranged?" Zhang Tiandong asked.

"It should be placed on a shelf." Zhang Xu said.

At this time, Zhang Feng suddenly said: "Can't we just move it together with the shelf?"

At this time, Zhang Tiandong looked at Zhang Xu with eyes that said, "Baby, I'm very disappointed in you."

Zhang Xu, on the other hand, covered his face and was speechless. How could he forget how Krum brought Tonya up from the water in the second game of the Triwizard Tournament at the end of February?

The conversation continued until around nine o'clock in the evening, when Zhang Xu's grandparents and parents went home.

??Dividing line??

There was not so much air pollution and light pollution at night in the mid-1990s, and many stars could be seen on the night sky when one or two clouds occasionally passed by.



Zhang Xu, who came back rarely, took his fishing gear and went to the river to fish with Furong.

"What we eat tomorrow depends on tonight. If we can't catch fish, we won't have meat to eat tomorrow." Zhang Xu said to Fu Rong who was leaning next to him.

Furong just smiled and said nothing. She was not interested in fishing and came here just to spend more time with Zhang Xu.

Zhang Xu's home is located south of the Tropic of Cancer. Winter is not too cold, and the weather is random from this time of year. Sometimes it is not surprising to wear short-sleeves in January and February. Sometimes I stay out all night in an Internet cafe and find that the temperature suddenly drops. Ten degrees.

Winter nights are not a good time for fishing. Zhang Xu came out tonight just to have fun.

The temperature has not been too low these days, and there may be fewer fish in the water near the shore, but getting the fish nests, fish hooks and bait into deeper water is just a little magic for Zhang Xu.

After more than half an hour, a big fish was dragged to the shore by Zhang Xu.

Zhang Xu wanted to fight this big fish just now, but Furong suddenly took action and knocked it unconscious with a magic spell.

So Zhang Xu could only drag the fish up directly in an awkward manner.

"How do you want to eat this fish?" Zhang Xu asked Furong, holding a grass carp weighing more than 20 kilograms.

Originally I just wanted to have fun, but I didn't expect to get a lot of rewards. This grass carp will be enough for Zhang Xu and Furong to eat tomorrow.

"Well, let's make soup with the fish head and tail." Fu Rong looked at the grass carp and said, "The fish meat on both sides can be used to make sweet and sour crispy fish, and the other can be used to make spiced fried fish."

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