Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 286: One Death Eater Beats Hogwarts

Vacation time is always short. ——Lu Xun

I never said this - Lu Xun

Three days before the holiday ended, Zhang Xu took the local products Furong bought for his family and boarded a plane to Paris.

The day before he was about to return to Hogwarts, just as he was about to play with Gabrielle after lunch, Dumbledore's phone call made Zhang Xu so shocked that he was no longer in the mood to play with his sister-in-law.

After the incident at Hogwarts, Dumbledore found Dobby, and then Dobby took Lao Deng to Zhang Xu's villa in Hogsmeade and called Zhang Xu using the mobile phone Zhang Xu kept there.

Thinking about the scene of Lao Deng holding the instruction manual in one hand and pressing his cell phone in the other, it’s quite beautiful.

Hogwarts was attacked by Death Eaters in the early hours of this morning. Barty Crouch Jr., who had been locked in the secret room by Dumbledore, was rescued by the Death Eaters.

If Peeves hadn't discovered the retreating Death Eaters when he was preparing a prank in the hall, Dumbledore might have been kept in the dark after being tricked.

But listening to Lao Deng's tone, it seemed that the problem was not too serious. He just wanted to let Zhang Xu know about it, and there was no need to rush back.

This action that was not in line with Voldemort's past style made Zhang Xu wary.

It can be seen that Voldemort and the Death Eaters are making changes, and the previous routines will no longer apply.

Maybe in the coming days, Voldemort and the Death Eaters will take more shocking actions.

After Gabri pinched Zhang Xu's face a few times in his arms, Zhang Xu realized that he was supposed to be holding Gabri and reading to her, but he had been sitting there motionless for a long time because he was thinking about something.

Zhang Xu reluctantly took Gabriel to his side and put her away.

My sister-in-law is getting older and can no longer hold her casually.

After bidding farewell to the reluctant Gabriel, Zhang Xu immediately rushed back to Hogwarts.

"Professor Dumbledore, what happened early this morning?" Zhang Xu, who arrived at the principal's office immediately, asked as soon as he sat down at his desk.

"It's Winky." Dumbledore said in a deep voice, "I have been trying to prevent Winky from knowing about little Barty, but I accidentally let her know."

"The house elves at Hogwarts have been bringing food to little Barty. Little Barty used the broken porcelain cup shards to secretly carve his initials on the plate. Later, he was spotted by Twinkle who was cleaning the plate. .”

"Later, Winky found the secret room while other house elves were delivering food to little Barty."

"After meeting Winky, Barty Jr. asked her to inform other Death Eaters."

"And in the early hours of this morning, the Death Eaters rescued little Barty, and they were discovered by Peeves in the foyer."

"Later I found Twinkle fainted in the secret room."

Just when Zhang Xu was about to ask Dumbledore why he didn't take action, Dumbledore handed him a newspaper and said, "Another big thing happened last night, so I was not at Hogwarts at that time."

Zhang Xu took the newspaper, which was today's "Daily Prophet."

There were dozens of photos of wizards printed on the front page.

The news below the photo reported that a large-scale prison break occurred in Azkaban last night, and a large number of Death Eaters and dark wizards escaped from Azkaban.

"It seems that the team of Death Eaters is going to grow." Zhang Xu said while looking at the newspaper.

Dumbledore, sitting across the desk, nodded.

In this way, Zhang Xu basically smoothed over what happened yesterday.

First, there was a large-scale jailbreak of Azkaban students. After receiving the news, Dumbledore left Hogwarts to participate in handling the matter.

Then a group of Death Eaters attacked Hogwarts while Dumbledore was away and rescued Barty Crouch Jr.

"It seems that our last Defense Against the Dark Arts professor did not escape." Zhang Xu noticed that Umbridge was not on the escape list.

After reading the first page, Zhang Xu turned to the second page.

The second page opens with a photo of Azkaban taken from a distance, in which the Dark Mark skull can be seen flying over Azkaban.

Newspaper reports suggest both perspectives.

The Ministry of Magic claimed that a group of Death Eater remnants organized the escape, and the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic were able to arrest the fugitives quickly.

The view of some reports is that the mysterious man may really be back, and the dementors have turned to the mysterious man.

"Fu Ji is having a hard time." Zhang Xu said after reading the newspaper.

The escape from Azkaban is not what Zhang Xu is concerned about now. What he is most concerned about is the Death Eaters' sneak attack on Hogwarts.

He didn't want to be touched by a Death Eater on the bedside one day while sleeping.

"How did the Death Eaters sneak into Hogwarts, Professor?" Zhang Xu asked curiously.

Although Hogwarts' defensive magic looks good, it still has a lot of loopholes.

Not to mention the various secret passages. In the "plot", when Mr. Crouch's brain is not working properly, he can still walk through the Forbidden Forest and reach the edge.

Dumbledore did not answer Zhang Xu's question, but placed the pensieve on his desk, and then poured the memory from a brand new small bottle into it.

At Dumbledore's signal, Zhang Xu plunged into the pensieve.

What Zhang Xu came to was a dark secret passage, and he couldn't see his fingers.

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps deep in the secret passage. After a while, several wizards wearing black cloaks and hoods came over holding up wands that emitted light.

Zhang Xu followed the five wizards in the secret passage and soon came to a collapsed place.

The wizards who were blocked by boulders and mud did not panic at all. They seemed to have expected this.

Suddenly, Zhang Xu, who was following behind, heard a familiar voice.

"The Divine Edge is Shadowless"

A round hole the size of a human head was instantly punched out of a large stone blocking the road.

Zhang Xu, who walked to the front, saw Snape using several Divine Blades in succession, and finally made a round hole in the stone that penetrated the stone.

After Snape checked the cave with the light from his wand, he nodded to the wizard behind him.

Then everyone took out a cookie and ate it, and then they all turned into mice.

"Fred and George..." Zhang Xu, who was watching from the side, covered his face and was speechless.

Zhang Xu could pass through obstacles, so he followed these little mice through the boulders.

After clumsily digging through some dirt, the mice finally made it through the barrier.

After coming out of the secret passage from the mirror on the fifth floor, Snape led several other Death Eaters straight to the girls' bathroom.

Arriving in front of the empty faucet in the bathroom, Snape took out a piece of parchment and imitated the Parselton accent according to the content on the note.

Soon the passage to the secret room was opened. Snape left two people hiding in the bathroom to guard the back way, and jumped down with the other two people.

Use the same method below to open the door to the secret room. After knocking out Winky who was taking care of Barty Crouch Jr., Snape and the others took Barty Crouch Jr. out.

After completing the rescue mission, a tall Death Eater picked up the somewhat frail Barty Crouch Jr. and ran toward the castle gate surrounded by other Death Eaters.

Apart from meeting Peeves in the foyer, the Death Eaters had no problem running out of the castle.

When Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick arrived, the Death Eaters had already left through Apparation outside the school gate.

This memory ended here. Zhang Xu looked up from the pensieve with a solemn expression.

It was so quiet, except for a few words with Barty Jr., there was no conversation during the entire action.

Moreover, this operation was carried out very cleanly, without any trace of sloppiness. We passed through the obstacles and entered Hogwarts through the secret passage. We went straight to the girls' bathroom through the shortest path. We prepared the method to open the secret room in advance and evacuated quickly after rescuing the target. , nothing extra was done.

This memory undoubtedly came from Snape, perhaps to create an alibi or for other reasons, and he quickly returned to the castle.

It's just that Voldemort didn't expect that he would tell Dumbledore what happened in this way.

"The Death Eaters were fully prepared before taking action. Their actions were clean and neat. They may have conducted corresponding drills through other methods." Zhang Xu said to Dumbledore.

"But we also have good news." Dumbledore said, "After this operation, Voldemort trusts Severus even more."

Zhang Xu thought for a while and nodded. This time he was redeeming his money. Using Barty Crouch Jr., who was becoming less and less useful, in exchange for Voldemort's further trust in Snape, it can't be said to be a profit, but It cannot be considered a loss.

It can be seen from the fact that Snape led the team in this operation that Voldemort was a little suspicious of Snape.

If this operation was disrupted by Dumbledore, who theoretically should not be at Hogwarts, then there was a high possibility that there was a mole among the Death Eaters.

Now, except for a little accident in the last step, the entire operation can be said to be very successful and can be included in special operations textbooks.

This eliminated the suspicion that Snape was an undercover agent to a large extent.

As for whether Snape and Dumbledore were playing double roles in this matter, Voldemort thought it was impossible.

"It seems that Voldemort's thinking has changed a lot." Zhang Xu said, "In the past records, I have not seen him take similar actions."

"Yes." Dumbledore said, "I suspect that this operation was probably not arranged by Voldemort."

"If this is the case, things will be terrible." Zhang Xu frowned and said, "If we change to an opponent we are not familiar with at all, our next actions will be passive."

"Could it be that Voldemort himself came up with such an action?"

"After all, with Voldemort's desire for power, it's hard to believe that he would leave the Death Eaters under the command of other people."

Dumbledore thought for a moment and then nodded.

"Those secret passages need to be rearranged for protection, otherwise Death Eaters would still use them to sneak into Hogwarts," Dumbledore said.

"Leave those collapsed secret passages to me. I will set them up as death traps." Zhang Xu said.

"What are you going to do?" Dumbledore asked curiously.

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