Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 295 Information from undercover agents

When Zhang Xu walked out of the coffee shop, he saw a person walking towards the coffee shop from a distance. If Zhang Xu recognized it correctly, that person should be Rita Skeeter.

As a Western reporter who can run no slower than Cao Cao, her absence from Hogsmeade is the big news after the big news tonight.

It's just that Zhang Xu has been receiving criticism and education from Professor McGonagall and cannot go over to say hello to her. Therefore, Zhang Xu is afraid that the other party will write some shocking news.

From walking out of the coffee shop to returning to Hogwarts Castle, Professor McGonagall kept educating Zhang Xu, allowing Zhang Xu to learn many ways to criticize students.

A night of silence.

The next day, Sunday, Zhang Xu slept until lunch.

When Zhang Xu walked into the canteen, the originally chattering canteen suddenly became quiet.

A few seconds later, there was a louder discussion, and Zhang Xu could see from the eyes of the students looking at him that he was the focus of everyone's attention.

Inexplicably, Zhang Xu sat in his usual seat. As a result, the classmates around him kept winking at him. Several boys gave him a thumbs up and stopped talking, and several girls looked at him with expressions in their eyes. All are shining stars.

Zhang Xu, who was confused about the situation, could only ask for help from his relatives and friends, but he got help from his aunt again (→?→).

In the end, a kind person handed Zhang Xu a copy of the Daily Prophet, and then he understood the reason.

The headline on the front page of the "Daily Prophet" translated into Chinese is "Death Eaters attack Hogsmeade at night, Mr. Zhang heroically saves the United States", reporter: Rita Skeeter.


Start with a picture,

The content is entirely up to the editor. Just by looking at the title, Zhang Xu can tell what is written in this report.

At this point, there is no good solution. Now almost all wizards in Britain know that he protected four ladies and eliminated five dark wizards who escaped from Azkaban.

It is estimated that the bonus from the Ministry of Magic will come soon. After Rita Skeeter made this matter a big deal, the Ministry of Magic can no longer pretend to be blind.

However, the report did not mention that these dark wizards had joined the Death Eaters. Although they all had Death Eater-specific marks on their hands, the report did not mention it at all. It was probably Fudge who suppressed this matter.

After Zhang Xu gritted his teeth and read the report, he looked at Zhang Qiu with a flattering look. After signing a series of unequal treaties, Zhang Qiu promised not to tell Furong about this.

After eating and drinking, Zhang Xu came to the principal's office. Some things still had to be discussed with the principal. As a result, the stone statue guarding the door told him that the principal had not returned yet.

Zhang Xu went to the basement again and found that Snape was not in his office either.

Judging from the situation last night, Voldemort's side is probably in a mess now.

Fortunately, Rita Skeeter scribbled in the Daily Prophet, and Voldemort and the Death Eaters did not discover that there was a powerful external force hidden in Hogsmeade.

From the lines of the news reports, it can be seen that Zhang Xu single-handedly eliminated the six of them who were not weak Death Eaters, but whether Voldemort and the others believed it was another matter.

Rita Skeeter wrote what happened last night as a joke. If Voldemort and the others believed it, they would be happy.

After dinner time, Zhang Xu was called away by Dumbledore, who had just returned to Hogwarts.

When Zhang Xu came to the principal's office, Snape happened to be leaving.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Dumbledore handed Zhang Xu the report that Snape had just given him.

Zhang Xu took the report and read it carefully.

Snape reported on the recent movements of Voldemort and Death Eaters and some other information.

After absorbing a new group of Death Eaters (pao) and Death Eaters (hui), the Death Eaters have now split into three factions.

The first faction, the die-hard faction, is composed of Death Eaters who have just escaped from Azkaban. These Death Eaters regard themselves as the most loyal to Voldemort and believe that they can jail Voldemort better than those who make excuses. Death Eaters who were on the loose were more loyal.

The second faction, the Meritorious Faction, are the Death Eaters who were not imprisoned in Azkaban. This group of Death Eaters said that we had been carrying the reputation of traitors for more than ten years and finally found the boss, so We deserve the most credit.

The third faction, the new ones, are the dark wizards who followed the Azkaban prison break. These new Death Eaters have no qualifications and no merit. They are looked down upon by both diehard and meritorious factions. They only Can hug each other for warmth. And they are the group of people who are most anxious to show their value.

Although these Death Eaters behaved well in front of Voldemort, there were constant intrigues behind the scenes, and small conflicts broke out from time to time. And Voldemort turned a blind eye to these conflicts.

The die-hard faction and the meritorious faction look down on each other, and then they also despise the newbie faction.

However, there is one person among the Death Eaters who mediates between the diehard faction and the meritorious faction in the drama, reducing the conflict between the two factions. This person is Barty Crouch Jr.

From the perspective of the die-hards, Barty Crouch Jr. had been in prison with them back then. His ability to escape was his own, so they regarded him as one of their own.

The meritorious faction was reconnected by Barty Crouch Jr. after meeting Voldemort, and is the leader of the meritorious faction.

With a man like him here who has both sides, the die-hard faction and the meritorious faction didn't have many major conflicts for a while.

From the Death Eaters who returned from Azkaban, Voldemort learned that his ancestral ring had fallen into Zhang Xu's hands.

But Voldemort didn't respond at all, and just asked Snape to strengthen surveillance on Zhang Xu.

But now the friendly atmosphere between the die-hard faction, the meritorious faction and the newbie faction is all maintained by Zhang Xu.

Both the die-hard faction and the meritorious faction were defrauded of a large sum of money by Zhang Xu, who was their common enemy, while the new faction wanted to use Zhang Xu as a pledge to vent their anger on the elders.

So when discussing the issue of dealing with Zhang Xu, the three factions were in perfect harmony.

The ambush against Zhang Xu last night was strongly advocated by the new faction. Voldemort did not comment on it and let them decide what to do.

Barty Crouch Jr. acted with them to avenge his arrest.

As a result, during this operation, five new Death Eaters died on the spot, one veteran Death Eater disappeared, and Zhang Xu was safe and sound. This shocked the Death Eaters, but Voldemort expressed his emotional stability, leaving the Death Eaters confused.

Not only the Death Eaters were confused, but Zhang Xu also agreed.

Last night, Zhang Xu thought that Voldemort had mobilized a group of elites to ambush him, and he was ready to fight Snape head-on.

As a result, except for Barty Crouch Jr., the other Death Eaters were not too strong.

After reading the information in his hand, Zhang Xu told Dumbledore about the battle last night.

In addition, Zhang Xu also mentioned the coffee shop and the speculation about the identity behind the coffee shop, which made Dumbledore focus like never before.

Dumbledore naturally knew what the appearance of this coffee shop meant, which made him feel less nervous.

After telling Dumbledore what happened yesterday, Zhang Xu left.

Regarding that coffee shop, Zhang Xu believed that Dumbledore would make a good choice.

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