Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 341 The exam is over

The time has arrived in June, so much so that when Professor Flitwick announced the dates for the Ls and N.E.Ts exams, many students were unable to react. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā

In the evening, Zhang Xu took out the exam timetable and began to arrange the review plan for the last few days.

Since he only chose the minimum two elective courses, and one of them could be passed lying down, after all, he had been responsible for setting the questions in the past two years, so he had enough time to prepare for the final sprint of the ancient magic text class.

In the ancient magic text class a few days ago, Zhang Xu was kept by Professor Babuling after class.

Professor Babuling told Zhang Xu that she had very strict requirements for him. Unlike other students, Zhang Xu could only choose N.E.Ts courses in ancient magic texts in the next school year if he passed the ..Ls exam.

Zhang Xu was stunned for a while after hearing this question, and then nodded and promised that he would definitely get it in the Ls exam, otherwise he would not come to see her...

As soon as Zhang Xu finished speaking, Professor Babuling hit his head with the magic wand, "If you can't get it, of course you won't come to see me."

Zhang Xu is speechless, you have the final say on how beautiful you are.

Therefore, Zhang Xu, who originally planned to pass this course, could only improvise and strengthen it at the last moment.

Although the examiners for the ..Ls exam and the N.E..Ts exam can be seen at Hogwarts on time every year, the fish in the pond and the fish on the chopping board have different mentality when looking at the chef.

At this time, what the fish on the chopping board like most is to pull other fish into the water.

(°?°)\\\\(?ω?): "It will be your turn next year."

Zhang Xu patted Luna on the head and said.

(?ω?)/*\\\\(←?←): "Get out of here."

Zhang Qiu didn't follow Zhang Xu's example and slapped his claws off with a flick of his hand.

Ever since the invigilators came to Hogwarts, various rumors began to spread among the seventh- and fifth-year candidates. For example, a certain candidate claimed that their family had dinner with the leader of the examination authority and everything was settled. . ..

Zhang always sneered at such rumors.

Each and every one of these examiners are old youtiaos who don't know how to eat salt and oil.

Unless a certain candidate invites people to his home and lets the tenants of the home talk to the leaders, these old loaches will find ways to get rid of the things agreed on the dinner table.

"Do you know Professor Gsilda Marchbain?"

The night before the exam, Ron, who was struggling in the library, asked in surprise Zhang Xu, who was also resisting.

"We have dealt with each other several times before." Zhang Xu said while drawing on Hermione's ancient magic text class notes. "At that time, for the reform of the Muggle Studies class and the addition of mathematics classes to the exam, I and the wizard exam management We have communicated with professors in the bureau for some time. At that time, I invited Professor Marchiban to have dinner several times through Neville’s grandma. Professor Marchban is a very principled person.”


"Want to join... Ls...?!"

"With N.E..Ts exams?!"

"No loud talking in the library! Get out of here!"

A group of students who were shocked by some bad news were finally kicked out of the library by Mrs. Pince.

The same goes for the culprit Zhang. Among the people who should not be offended in the world, the librarian was the first, so Zhang was also driven away along with everyone.

When he came out of the library, Zhang Xu saw that it was getting late, so after returning Hermione's notebook to Ron, he went back to the dormitory to wash up and sleep, so as to have enough energy to take the exam tomorrow morning.

A night of silence.

Zhang Xu got up early in the morning, put on his sportswear and went for a run to the lake. After returning to the dormitory and taking a shower, he went to the cafeteria to have breakfast refreshed.

In previous years, Zhang Xu was still in the mood to watch the excitement of the candidates. For example, last year, he, Furong and Gabrielle watched Zhang Qiu, who was preparing for the exam, nervously sprinkle salt into the milk oatmeal porridge as sugar.

This year, Zhang Xu's interest became even stronger, and he kept laughing at the embarrassing classmates at the dinner table.

It's just that some people's tense nerves relaxed after being laughed at, while others became even more nervous and almost poured pumpkin juice into their noses when they wanted to drink pumpkin juice.

At half past nine, the first exam began, and all fifth-grade students were arranged to take the exam in the rearranged cafeteria.

After everything was ready, the exam began. Zhang Xu picked up the test paper and started to browse through it.

The questions are not too difficult compared to previous exams. Most of the questions are about inferring spells and wand movements through their effects.

The magic spells involved in the test papers range from the levitation spell in the first grade to the coma spell in the fifth grade. Many of the magic spells have been tested for several years.

Zhang Xu, who was confident, picked up the feather pen and started writing. He finished the test paper half an hour before the end of the exam.

In the afternoon, students preparing for their practical exams gathered in the foyer to make final preparations.

It’s just that there were too many people struggling before the exam, and several students practicing magic almost hit Zhang Xu with their wands. In addition, the exam order is in alphabetical order by name, so in Hannah Ironclad Aibo When the trembling first person walked into the exam room, Zhang Xu simply asked Peeves to look after him, and then he ran to the green belt next to the castle gate to bask in the sun.

Zhang Xu walked into the room as the last batch of candidates, and the examiner assigned to him was March Ban.

"Do you need me to make it more difficult for you, Mr. Zhang?" Marchban said to Zhang Xu with a smile.

"I don't think it's necessary." Zhang Xu said honestly.

Marchban just smiled and said nothing else, then put a goblet on the table, and then said to Zhang Xu: "Try to make it move."

The examiner asked him to make it move. Naturally, Zhang Xu didn't just let the cup rotate a few times. He used a rolling pin to control the goblet and performed all the floor exercise moves he remembered.

When the goblet rested firmly on the table, Marchiban's face showed an expression of "You are sensible."

Although Zhang Xu said there is no need to increase the difficulty, candidates, don't guess what the examiner wants. He will never be vague when it is time to increase the burden on you.

Zhang Xu had to brace himself for the next curse examination and deal with the harsh examiner in front of him.

Fortunately, Zhang Xu performed normally this afternoon and used all the magic spells well without causing any problems for the opponent.

The first day of the exam ended like this, but the nervousness of the candidates was not relieved, and some candidates became even more nervous.

The next morning, Zhang Xu heard that someone had lit a large amount of Ningshen Grass in the dormitory to treat insomnia. As a result, all the house elves who came to do housework in the middle of the night were fainted. Fortunately, other house elves noticed something was wrong in the dormitory and reported it to Professor McGonagall in time, so that the candidates in the dormitory did not miss the exam the next day after being treated by Madam Pomfrey.

In the next two weeks, the examination process will be similar, with written examinations in the morning and practical examinations in the afternoon. Subjects with only written examinations will be arranged in the morning and afternoon of the same day.

In the practical examination, the examiners seemed to be happy to add more responsibilities to Zhang Xu, and Zhang Xu was able to complete it seriously.

In the practical examination of transfiguration, the examiner asked Zhang Xu to challenge the extra point of human transfiguration, so Zhang Xu transformed into a fist as big as a pressure cooker, and then turned into animals such as Garfield and Snoopy. At the end, Zhang Xu also showed off a talking Animagus.

In the practical test of Defense Against the Dark Arts, Zhang Xu performed a show of summoning three patron saints at once. However, for such patron saints summoned by trickery, he could only control them to perform simple actions such as punching and kicking. , too complicated actions are not enough. But no matter what, Zhang Xu still won this bonus item perfectly.

In the practical exam of Potions class, the examiner even took a sip of Zhang Xu's results on the spot, and then gave Zhang Xu a thumbs up.

Only in the practical examination of herbal medicine, the examiner gave Zhang Xu a free pass. Zhang Xu estimated that the examiners thought it was not a good idea to let him perform a live performance of making a bowl of mixed salad using herbs from the greenhouse.

When Zhang Xu and the candidates walked out of the History of Magic examination room happily, he saw Harry Potter not far away, standing blankly by the wall of the foyer, wondering what he was thinking.

Zhang Xu walked over, patted Harry on the shoulder, and asked, "What are you thinking about, Harry."

Then there was a loud shout in the foyer.

"No! This time Harry Potter was slapped to death by Zhang Xu!"

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