Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 342 The school year is over

In the ward of the school doctor's office, Harry was lying quietly on the bed, and Zhang Xu, who had just sent Harry in, was sitting on the chair next to the door of the ward. ~~щww~suimеng~lā

At this time, Zhang Xu had already entered the "Why can't I control this hand gif" state.

Soon, Madam Pomfrey came to the ward and poured a bottle of medicine into Harry with ease. Harry slowly woke up. To Madam Pomfrey, it was as simple as giving medicine to a student who had a cold or a fever.

Professor McGonagall and Snape also arrived in the ward not long after.

Zhang Xu saw solemn expressions on the faces of the two professors, but he was not worried at all. The feeling is that Harry has had too many accidents and everything will be fine in the end, so no one needs to worry anymore.

Professor McGonagall saw that Harry was in good spirits after waking up, so he asked: "What did you see just now, Potter?"

Harry closed his eyes, thought for a moment and said, "I saw the Death Eaters having a meeting."

"Where is it, how many people are there, who do you know, and where do they sit?" Snape suddenly asked a series of questions.

Snape had now given up on Harry's further education in Occlumency.

These questions asked by Snape are important basis for identifying the authenticity of the "video" Harry saw.

Death Eaters are not Knights of the Round Table. Their seats during meetings are a reflection of their level of favor with Voldemort.

Moreover, some conflicted Death Eaters would not sit together. If in the "video" Lucius Malfoy and his aunt were sitting together and talking and laughing lovingly to each other, this "video" would definitely be fake.

Although Zhang Xu would not think that Voldemort would make such a mistake, what if Voldemort made a mistake one day.

After Harry told Snape the location of the Death Eaters he met in the "video", Snape nodded, and it looked like the real thing now.

Next, Harry reported to Professor McGonagall that he was in a rage with Voldemort who was on the line just now. Voldemort asked the Death Eaters at the meeting to never fail in their next actions and to grab things.

As for what they were trying to grab, before Harry could hear it, he was slapped by Zhang Xu and sent into the school doctor's office.

This man has been beaten to death many times, so he is used to it.

So Harry had no intention of complaining about Zhang Xu today.

It's just that Harry is constantly connected, can only resist once connected, and can faint even standing up if he resists. From Dumbledore to Zhang Xu, there is nothing good to do to help him.

Voldemort has also been unlucky recently, getting angry from time to time. You are still like this at such an old age. You don’t usually drink apocynum, Gynostemma pentaphylla, or ginkgo biloba to lower your blood pressure and blood lipids. Maybe you will have high blood pressure that day. In case of another sudden death or something, everyone will be relaxed. .

From the information revealed between the lines of what Harry said today, Zhang Xu's various speculations were not supported by enough evidence.

After Professor McGonagall informed Dumbledore of the matter, Old Deng had no idea. There were too many things that Voldemort wanted to grab. Many Death Eaters had been captured recently, and they were also among the suspected targets. So Lao Deng can only ask everyone to take precautions.

And plan for the worst-case scenario, that is, to ensure that Harry Potter cannot be snatched away by Death Eaters.

However, according to Murphy's Law, Zhang Xu believed that this incident must be attributed to Harry Potter.

Finally, after letting Harry lie down and have a good rest and drink more hot water, Zhang Xu left the ward.

During the week after taking the exam, Zhang Xu began to be busy with his own affairs.

The ruins of his villa in Hogsmeade had only now had time to be rebuilt.

Zhang Xu still has two years left in the UK, and a lot of things are expected to happen in these two years. It won't be surprising to be burned again by then, so there is no need to spend too much money on a house.

After asking his classmates to help introduce a wizarding construction company, Zhang Xu spent several days discussing the shape, interior decoration style and furniture style of the new house with them in the Three Broomsticks Bar. Then the cost was finally negotiated before the end of the semester, and the contract was finally signed.

After finishing all these things, the night before leaving school, Zhang Xu sat on the balcony of the classroom dormitory, blowing the evening breeze, drinking tea and eating snacks.

Looking back on his experiences this school year, Zhang Xu was unable to complain.

Umbridge was taken away after causing trouble, and what Percy did after he came basically achieved his goal.

The only professor who was expelled was Hagrid, and he was given a chance to learn how to be a professor.

Percy didn't have much trouble with the students, and in the end his fourth and fifth brothers graduated normally.

Firenze did not come to Hogwarts to teach, so he was not kicked out of the centaurs tribe. He still lived happily in the big forest with his companions.

Dumbledore benefited from Draco Malfoy's "stepping up" and was not fired, just suspended.

The Battle of the Department of Mysteries didn't happen, so some people didn't die in the battle that didn't happen.

Voldemort gained new cannon fodder, and the anti-Voldemort forces also received national-level support.


For ordinary students, this school year is considered a harmonious one. All dangers come from newspapers. The only moment when they experience it personally is when they visit the ruins of Professor Zhang's villa.

When Zhang Xu came to his senses, he was already on the train back to London.

In the carriage closest to the front of the train, only Zhang Xu and Percy were sitting in it.

Seeing Zhang Xu sitting opposite looking at him like he was looking at rare animals, Percy felt like a piece of pork belly being put on the chopping board.

"Just say what you want," said Percy who couldn't stand it.

"I was wondering if you would be the first person to break the curse of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts." Zhang Xu said to Percy.

Percy's face suddenly fell. When he held this position, he would be lying if he said he didn't feel any pressure. Among the colleagues he knew, Lu Ping was the only one who started well and ended well. Moreover, the guy sitting across from him beat up three Defense Against the Dark Arts professors and sent one to Azkaban. Lupine, who survived a good death, also started a new life under the deception of this guy. .

At this moment, Percy suddenly had the idea that the curse might be related to him.

But Percy just shook his head and said, "Do you think Mr. Fudge will support me in continuing to sit in this position?"

"I think Fudge was very kind by not tying you to rocks and sinking you into the Thames." Zhang Xu said, "I originally thought you would use more radical methods."

"Then you find a chance to beat him up?" Percy rolled his eyes at Zhang Xu, "It's not like I don't know what Fudge is planning, but Fudge can't let me do that for him."

"Then what are your plans in the future?" Zhang Xu asked.

"Isn't that very simple?" Percy replied matter-of-factly, "I will always support the Minister, whoever the Minister supports."

At this moment, a huge, harsh sound of metal friction sounded from the bottom of the train, and the Hogwarts Express train suddenly came to a sudden stop.

Percy, who was sitting opposite Zhang Xu, pounced towards Zhang Xu under the influence of inertia.

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