Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 403: Fragrant roasted lamb leg

As a veteran among wizards, Slughorn quickly discovered that Bell, Simon and Kevin were different from other wizards. ◢自◢梦◢小◢.lā

"Who are you?" Slughorn, who noticed something was wrong with the other party's identity, took two short steps forward and stood between Harry and Zhang Xu, vaguely protecting Harry by his side. While he was wary of Bear Grylls and the others, he was also wary of Zhang Xu.

At that moment, Slughorn thought this was a trap set by Zhang Xu.

He himself had been hiding from Voldemort for a long time before he was hired back to teach at Hogwarts, and Harry beside him was the person Voldemort wanted to get rid of quickly. Now they met several wizards with suspicious identities far away from Hogwarts and away from the crowd, which made him nervous.

Bell took out a roll of parchment and threw it to Slughorn, and replied: "We are Mr. Dumbledore's guests."

Slughorn dubiously used his wand to levitate the parchment and then unfolded it. He first checked that there was no jinx on the parchment before he began to read the content on it.

Curious, Harry also stretched his head to look at the parchment. He saw familiar writing on it saying that the person holding the parchment was a guest invited by Dumbledore to travel to the Forbidden Forest.

After repeatedly confirming that Dumbledore's signature at the end of the parchment was not a forgery, Slughorn breathed a sigh of relief.

When Slughorn rerolled the parchment, he found that Zhang Xu had sat in front of the campfire and studied the roasted leg of lamb.

Zhang Xu did not take the dagger handed over by Bell, but used Shenfeng, Table Knife, and Wuying to cut a thin slice from the roasted part of the lamb leg.

Zhang Xu's move won applause from Bell and the others.

( ̄▽)??:“umm!!!”

Zhang Xu, who finished eating the meat slices, expressed his heartfelt praise for it.

When you first bite into it, your teeth feel the tenderness of the meat, but the moment you bite off the meat, you can feel the crispness from the fruit. In addition to the taste of mutton, the taste buds also sensed a hint of sweetness from plants.

When Harry and Slughorn walked up to Zhang Xu, what they saw was Zhang Xu's face, which looked like he was deeply intoxicated after taking drugs.

At this time, Bell handed a marching pot next to him to Slughorn and said, "Professor, Mr. Zhang said you need this, so just take it."

Slughorn took the marching pot,

After opening it, they found that it was filled with bright red liquid, which was exactly the target of their trip - the juice of the native sheep fruit.

Slughorn said to Bell, "Thank you, sir."

Then he took out a thumb-sized crystal bottle and handed it to Bell, saying, "As a thank you, please accept this bottle of my special white essence, which has special effects on wound healing."

Bell thanked Slughorn and accepted the gift.

Then Slughorn pulled Harry, who was eager to try the roasted leg of lamb, and began to put the juice from the marching pot into the crystal bottle he had prepared earlier.

After the teacher and students filled the pot with every drop of juice left, Zhang Xu handed two plates of sliced ​​roast lamb legs in front of them.

"Let's have lunch first and then go to the next place." Zhang Xu said to the two of them.

Slughorn thought for a moment and nodded in agreement. Since the other party has Dumbledore's endorsement and seems to be familiar with Zhang Xu, he can be trusted.

Several people sitting around the campfire eating a delicious lunch reported their names under Zhang Xu's guidance.

As a result, the famous Harry Potter aroused great curiosity in the Wilderness Family.

Next, Harry chatted with Simon and Kevin, and Slughorn approached Bell who was sitting next to him. Zhang took the opportunity to eat more while they were chatting.

"Mr. Grylls, what do you do?" Slughorn asked, he was a little confused about the other person's background.

"I'm a member of the Royal Airborne Service," Bell replied.

Slughorn stared at Bell with wide eyes, then turned to look at Simon and Kevin who were chatting with Harry, and finally glanced at Zhang Xu who was eating fiercely. He realized that the world was changing a bit quickly. .

"You are 'betrayers'!" Slughorn shouted in surprise.

Slughorn's shout alerted Harry and the three of them. Harry looked at him in confusion, not understanding what the professor meant. Simon and Kevin's eyes changed when they looked at Slughorn. Gotta be disgusted.

"We did not betray anyone." Bell said seriously, "We live on this land, and we defend this land and the people living on this land, instead of hiding and doing nothing."

"You have betrayed the International Statute of Secrecy promulgated by the International Confederation of Wizards," Slughorn said.

"Times have changed..." Bell said, "Hide yourself and cannot see the development of the times. What awaits the wizard is to continue to fall behind in self-isolation, and what will eventually come is death."

"At that time, you may have to live under the rule of Mr. Zhang and others."

"Your Ministry of Magic now has no way to stop them from breaking into the British wizard's manor on British soil and seizing British wizards, even if the manor is protected by magic set up by the mysterious man himself."

"Then the Ministry of Magic will not be able to prevent them from taking more actions in the future."

Zhang Xu, who was picking his teeth, looked confused. He didn't know why he was shot while lying down.

"We have always advocated mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, non-aggression, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence," Zhang Xu said immediately.

"However, the premise is that the government agrees to the requests you have made." Bell turned to Zhang Xu and said.

"The demands we made are not excessive, and they are all based on the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence." Zhang Xu learned something during the Christmas vacation, so he had the confidence to say so.

"Those excessive demands were made by the French and Russians," Zhang Xu added.

"I think we should almost go to the next place." Seeing that the atmosphere was starting to get a little uncomfortable, Harry hurriedly changed the subject.

"Harry, you and the professor go to the car and wait for me. I'll be back in a moment." Zhang Xu said to Harry.

Slughorn, who knew the other party's identity, immediately stood up and turned to leave. Harry hesitated for a moment, said goodbye to Bell and the others, and then left.

When the two of them left, Zhang Xu and Bell stared at each other, but no one said anything.

When Harry and the others disappeared deep into the woods, Bell said to Zhang Xu with his right hand: "I hope the decision of the officials sitting in the office will not affect our friendship."

"I believe nothing will happen that will affect our friendship." Zhang Xu shook hands with Bell and said.

Regardless of whether the two sides are sincere or fake, now is not the time for the two sides to fall out. Therefore, in the minds of ordinary people, officials who always sit in their offices and give random orders have become the best example.

After finishing going down the steps, Zhang Xu asked, "Have you ever met a centaur?"

"We met once and their attitude was very bad, but after seeing the written certificate issued by Mr. Dumbledore, they stopped stopping us." Bell replied.

"To be honest, the centaurs are a bit glassy. Anything they think is offensive to them will make them furious. When I communicate with them, I always think twice before speaking." Zhang Xu said.

"Then let's avoid them," Bell said. "We almost got into trouble during that meeting."

"Don't get too close to the horse tribe. In fact, their life is not easy either." Zhang Xu said.

"And don't go any further once you reach the place where the electronic equipment is interfered with. There are now a lot of defensive magics set up around Hogwarts."

After reminding them of some precautions in the Forbidden Forest, Zhang Xu also turned and left.

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