Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 404: Eating sheep

When Zhang Xu, Harry, and Slughorn collected all the materials marked on the map and returned to Hogwarts from the Forbidden Forest, it was just time for dinner.

Ever since they parted ways with Bell and his group, the atmosphere in the car had been wrong. Slughorn had a gloomy face and said nothing, Zhang Xu had been thinking about something, and Harry could only sit there quietly. Holding a map to guide the way.

After returning to the castle, Slughorn went directly upstairs, Harry went to the cafeteria to find his friends, and Zhang Xu turned to the cafeteria to deal with today's loot.

Slughorn only wanted the "sheep blood" of native sheep, while Zhang Xu accepted the remaining sheep.

After eating two sandwiches sent by the house elves to satisfy his stomach, Zhang Xu began to study the four sheep on the ground.

Since it is a mature fruit, it means that it can be planted, take root, grow, and bear fruit.

At the beginning, Zhang Xu didn't expect the meat of local sheep to be so delicious.

So when he was in the Forbidden Forest, he had been thinking about whether the cultivation of native sheep could be expanded and regularized.

Now the structure of the herbal medicine planting industry in my hometown has begun to age. Except for some specialty medicinal materials, some common medicinal materials no longer have much profit under the fierce competition in the market. Now the village is in urgent need of new varieties to adjust the industrial structure. .

The basilisk breeding industry is Zhang Xu's own industry, and he has no intention of handing it over to the clan.

The resort in the village is now a poverty alleviation project that promotes surrounding development. With the help and guidance of the government, the resort has promoted the construction of "one village, one quality" green food in the surrounding mountainous countryside. Currently, this poverty alleviation project is very effective. This means that most of the profits of the entire resort flow to the surrounding villages, and the village's dividends at the end of the year are at a level that can make everyone happy.

In Zhang Xu's previous life, he heard a buddy from Shandong in his university dormitory mention that his family introduced American ginseng from 8 seeds in the 1980s and became the first area in the country to successfully test the plant. Two years before he traveled, the income from American ginseng there was 80,000 to 90,000 yuan per acre. The next month ago, in October, when American ginseng is harvested every year, he received several kilograms of American ginseng from his buddy. So in the past two years, Zhang Xu began to search around Europe for economically valuable herbs that could be grown in his hometown, and if suitable, he would introduce them for trial planting.

Professor Sprout, who was invited after dinner, didn't quite understand Zhang Xu's approach of taking back whatever money he made and planting it, but she still readily agreed to help Zhang Xu conduct research on large-scale planting of native sheep. . Of course, all expenses were paid by Zhang Xu, and all final scientific research results were exclusively enjoyed by him.

The cooperation matters have been discussed.

After initialing the memorandum of cooperation, Professor Sprout and Zhang Xu began to study the fruits of native sheep.

As a fruit with the function of spreading seeds, it naturally has seeds inside. The first step tonight is to dissect these fruits like sheep and find the seeds inside.

When cotton matures, in addition to cellulose, there is also a small amount of fatty waxy substances, nitrogenous substances and pectin. These substances prevent cotton from absorbing rain and dew. These sheep-like fruits are similar. The wool on the outside also contains a large amount of waterproof fatty substances, which looks and feels greasy... Nap's hair.

As a plant, the fruit of native sheep has no internal organs except the bones. After being cut open, it is full of soft meat.

After skinning and shaving the meat, Zhang Xu and Professor Sprout discovered that the sheep's vertebrae were its seeds.

When the Harry trio came at around ten o'clock in the evening, Professor Sprout had already left with the seeds of four sheep-shaped fruits, while Zhang Xu was there processing the remaining mutton.

Seeing this for the first time, Ron and Hermione were in disbelief. Sometimes they touched the greasy fur, and sometimes they used their wands to poke the flesh, which was the same as mutton.

"I can't believe this is the fruit of a plant." Hermione sighed. "Although I have seen its introduction and pictures in books, this is the first time I have seen it in person."

"I thought Harry was joking." Ron said, looking at the lamb body that was split in half with no internal organs in the middle. "How does it taste?"

As soon as Ron finished speaking, Zhang Qiu took a steaming hot pot and placed it on the table nearby. After placing the sauce plate, Luna came over and took away the slices of meat that Zhang Xu had just cut.

"If you want to know the taste, prepare your own bowls and chopsticks." Zhang Xu said to Ron angrily. This guy just saw Zhang Qiu preparing the bottom of the pot and asked how it tasted.

Zhang Xu frozen a sheep and put it away, and then said to the students in the kitchen who were already staring at it: "If you want to eat, you can eat it yourself."

A group of students who couldn't wait for a long time started to take action as if they heard the starting gun.

Watching a group of people starting to divide the mutton and lighting up the stove, Zhang Xu said to Neville who was preparing barbecue picks: "Remember to give me two skewers when they are done, or I will stew your Laifu."

When Zhang Xu returned to his seat, the soup base in the copper pot was already boiling. Scallions, ginger slices, sunshine mushroom slices and walking mushroom slices were rolling up and down in the pot with boiling bubbles.

Just when Zhang Xu and the others were about to start eating, the kitchen suddenly became quiet, and the kitchen door was opened. Dumbledore took Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Professor Sprout, and The four Deans Nepe, Slughorn, Sinistra, Trelawney and all the other living professors at Hogwarts rushed in with a roar.

While the students were in a daze, Dumbledore walked to the table where the mutton was placed, held the last complete sheep in his hands, and then asked the students around him: "Do you mind if we take away a sheep?" ?”

The students around him didn't dare to say that they minded, so Dumbledore took it as their acquiescence. He smiled and said to the students around him, "Thank you, and I wish you all a happy meal." Then he left with the sheep.

Then Dumbledore and the professors set up a long table away from the students, and then started working on it themselves.

Zhang Xu looked at Hagrid who was cutting the mutton. It seemed that if the professors wanted to eat more tonight, they would have to use their real skills.

Due to the presence of professors, the students couldn't get excited anymore and everyone spoke much quieter. When everyone started eating, they finally knew why Professor Dumbledore brought all the living professors to snatch the sheep.

Because this mutton is so delicious.

Soon, there was no sound in the entire kitchen. Both professors and students were busy grabbing meat. Even Neville ignored Zhang Xu's threat to stew Laifu and didn't even give half of the grilled meat skewers. Zhang Xu sent them over, and the Harry trio, who originally had something to do with Zhang Xu, also planned to eat before they were full.

From the moment the first piece of meat jumped out of the plate and ran to Professor Flitwick's plate, the professor's table became a performance venue for silent spells and wandless spellcasting.

Two palm-high little men wearing armor common in the corridors of Hogwarts suddenly appeared on the dining table. They walked to the plate and each picked up a piece of meat with their swords. Then they turned around and ran towards Dumbledore's plate. .

Slughorn took out a crystal bottle and after pouring a small drop of Felixir into his mouth, he always got the best part.

Snape quietly cast a confusion spell on the plate of meat in front of him, making the professors next to him unaware of its presence.

I don’t know when Professor McGonagall was putting meat on the plate, but the fork in her hand suddenly became several times larger.

While the professors were showing off their talents, several professors expressed their calmness.

Hagrid thought about taking a trip to the Forbidden Forest tomorrow.

Professor Sprout secretly made up her mind that after the native sheep were successfully planted, she would keep one for herself and eat enough for herself.

As for Scarlet, if Zhang Xu’s secret stash of meat was less than half a sheep, her name would be written backwards.

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