Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 409: Distracted thoughts, go play with it!


When you've just been embarrassed, it's not a good feeling to be stared at by an acquaintance with a funny expression on your face, especially if you can't beat the other person at this time.

"If you have anything to say, just say it." Zhang Xu couldn't stand the look in the other person's eyes.

"Did you really cut yourself into pieces?" Scarlet asked with an exaggerated expression of surprise, "I heard that I almost put your left leg and right leg on backwards at the beginning. Already?"

"Are you here to see my joke?" Zhang Xu asked angrily.

"Yes." Scarlet nodded and replied, "Here, let me check if there are any missing parts."

"Believe it or not, I'll beat you up." Zhang Xu said viciously.

The other party didn't reply, but stretched out his hands to check Zhang Xu's head like checking whether the watermelon was ripe.

Zhang Xu suddenly stretched out his hand, hit her on the head, and then said: "You are playing with fire, do you know?"

The man who was hit on the head rubbed his head with his hands and said at the same time: "When it comes to playing with fire, I can't compare to you."

"Hand over all the photos you took at the London Zoo!" Zhang Xu said as he stretched out his hand again and prepared to kill him with another head-knock.

As a result, the other party entered a defensive state with his head held in his hands. While resisting Zhang Xu's hammer, he said: "It's useless. I have already sent the electronic version."


More than half a year later, a computer virus called "Panda Lights Candle" spread like a tsunami on the Internet around the world.

However, the vast majority of infected computer users found that, except for a naive cartoon giant panda popping up on the screen and lighting a candle when the virus struck, the programs in the computer were not damaged at all. So some people simply regard this cute virus as a desktop pet, and even refuse to upgrade their anti-virus software because of this. Only a very small number of infected users found that all pictures and video files with folder names or file names related to London, zoos, and pandas were deleted.

The creator of the virus was called to the principal's office by Dumbledore the moment he walked out of the school doctor's office.

In the past two days, Zhang Xu had become accustomed to people who couldn't be beaten and those who couldn't be beaten looking at him with funny faces, so he could ignore the expression on Dumbledore's face.

The reason why Lao Deng came to him was very simple.

Mainly just for fun +1.

Secondly, Zhang Xu cut himself into eight pieces in the Apparition class, which caused the students present to have psychological resistance to Apparition, so Vicky Tycross asked Dumbledore to find a way to solve this problem. question.

"I thought you could learn this magic easily." Dumbledore said with a smile, "After all, others have led you to use Apparition so many times, so there is no reason why it could fail?"

Zhang Xu sat on the sofa and frowned. He had been asked this question many times. He shrugged and said, "Because I have seen someone being disturbed by magic during Apparition before, and it was shattered on the ground. "

"I thought about that scene at the last minute that day, so I hesitated."

"Similarly, your performance that day frightened the students present, which also left a psychological shadow on them." Dumbledore said.

"Your performance over the years has made you synonymous with 'excellence' in the minds of many students."

Hearing this, Zhang Xu nodded shamelessly.

Dumbledore continued: "However, your failure has caused many students, including those in the lower grades, to lose confidence in learning to disapparate. What do you think we should do?"

"I don't know." Zhang Xu shook his head and said, "We can't use the Forgetting Curse on everyone to make them forget about this."

"I think the best way to solve the problem is to let the person who caused the problem solve it." Dumbledore looked at Zhang Xu and said.

"You don't mean to get rid of the person who has the problem, right?" Zhang Xu asked in horror.

"Although this method is very tempting, I think there is a better way." Dumbledore said, "You just need to set a positive example for everyone in the next class."

Dumbledore's so-called positive example is to ask Zhang Xu to improve his performance in the next Apparition training class and not to tear himself into pieces again.

In the next few days, Zhang Xu took some time out of the sea of ​​questions every day to practice the first two steps of apparation.

Dumbledore would not open the back door for him to practice the third step alone.

A few days later, after Zhang Xu worked hard, he made great progress in the second Apparition class. He only divided himself into four parts that day.

Using the geometric sequence, it can be calculated that he will successfully master the magic of apparation in the last class in February. If the arithmetic sequence is used to calculate, Mr. Zhang will be disappointed in the next class.

"Can't you just let your distracting thoughts play with you?" Scarlet, who was sitting beside the hospital bed, looked at Zhang Xu who was lying on the bed and staring straight at the familiar ceiling. "Think about that night." The four beauties fighting alongside you are fine, so why don't you think about that Death Eater scattered all over the place?"

"How about I ask Dobby to give you extracurricular tutoring?" Scarlet continued, "You know the house elves' apparation skills are very advanced. I think Dobby doesn't mind earning a tuition fee. "

Zhang Xu sighed deeply, and after a while he said: "It's useless. The magic of house elves and the magic of wizards are very different. The difference between them is just like CDMA and GSM."

"Maybe you can get along with a house elf?" Scarlet said.

Zhang Xu withdrew his gaze from the ceiling, then glanced sideways at Scarlet and said, "You might as well just say that I'm not a human being."

"Don't worry about the details." Scarlet said with a wave of his hand.

Then she cast a soundproof magic, and then said to Zhang Xu: "By the way, have you noticed that the atmosphere in Hogwarts is a little strange recently?"

"In all these years, I have never felt that anything happened in this school was right." Zhang Xu said, "From the year I arrived at Hogwarts to last year, there was no year where a lot of unusual things happened. , which school year is as peaceful as this school year."

"That's right." Scarlet said, "When I was still in school, there weren't so many things happening in school."

Then she changed the subject and said, "Then why are you preparing to run away?"

"You should also be prepared to run away." Zhang Xu said seriously, "In the past few years, you have helped him matchmaking outside and are worthy of Lao Deng. The person you want to avenge is the one who is still running around now except Lao Deng. There must be no one else in the Ma family."

"What do you know?" Scarlet also stopped joking, "The situation has been too calm recently. The actions of the Death Eaters are deliberately attracting attention after muddying the water. It's obvious. It shows that he is ready to attack the east and the west."

"Old Deng wants to play a big game." Zhang Xu closed his eyes after finishing speaking.

At this moment, Madam Pomfrey came to chase people away.

Everyone must abide by the time set by her when visiting the school doctor's ward, otherwise even Dumbledore will have no room to resist in front of her.

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