Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 410 Britain is in trouble

In the third class of the 1997 Apparition training class held in the Hogwarts cafeteria, when Vicki Tycross announced the start of free practice, the students present turned to where Zhang Xu was standing, and the four deans Chang Ye stood around Zhang Xu in unison.

Because someone might have to be carried to the school doctor's office in a very short time later, the door to the cafeteria was not closed during class today.

Therefore, a group of strong onlookers waiting outside the canteen to watch the excitement also put away their snacks at this time, and all looked quietly at Zhang Xu, who was standing not far from the door.

Even Dobby, who was pulling a cart to sell snacks, pushed the half-empty snack cart to the corner, then stretched out his big head from the door and looked at Zhang Xu with his big watery eyes.

Under such strong onlookers, Zhang Xu felt the huge pressure on his body. It seemed that if he didn't divide himself into two parts properly, he would be very sorry for the people watching.

When the phantom appears and the body separates, the power of space magic will protect the separated parts in a very short period of time. This is also the reason why Zhang is not cool. But if the various parts of the body are not connected in a very short period of time, when the magic power disappears, it will become the scene of a horror movie.

After suffering two failures and then being rescued, Zhang Xu was no longer afraid of being cut into pieces by Apparition on another level. If you can’t die anyway, then try a few more times.

After taking a deep breath, Zhang Xu first used a mechanical mind on himself to adjust his somewhat fluctuating emotions. If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't use other magic while apparating, he wouldn't have to break himself into pieces.

When he felt that his mind was as still as water and there were no distracting thoughts, Zhang Xu first deactivated his mechanized mind, and then followed the three "Ds" that should be paid attention to when using Apparition, took off, and emptied himself while spinning in circles.

The feeling of pulling caused by moving in space appeared in Zhang Xu's body again. At this moment, the picture of himself appearing safely in the wooden circle appeared in his mind.

The next moment, huge cheers erupted from inside and outside the cafeteria, and the sound even shook the candles floating in the sky above the cafeteria, causing them to rise and fall like a boat on the sea.

The four deans, who were always ready to carry out rescue operations, breathed a sigh of relief, and even Vicky Tycross also clapped.

After Zhang Xu saw himself appearing in the wooden circle with all his beard and tail, the boulder weighing on his heart finally fell to the ground.

The surrounding students started their own exercises after being noisy for a few minutes, and the noisy students who were watching from outside the door also began to leave.

In the following exercises, Zhang Xu discovered that learning to apparate is like learning to ride a bicycle. There is a piece of paper between you and you can't. It's easy to pierce it. So after he succeeded once, he found that it would not be much difficult to use this magic again.

In the following time, Zhang Xu simply made two circles on the ground, and then "biu" and "biu" between the two circles.

When today's classes were over, Vicky Tycross was able to leave Hogwarts with a smile. As a teacher in an extracurricular training class, he still faces great employment pressure. If there is a situation where no one in the training can pass, he is not far away from losing his job.

After this little episode,

Then Hogwarts returned to its normal routine.

But outside Hogwarts, the situation is getting increasingly tense, so much so that the Hogsmeade week that students have been looking forward to has been cancelled.

Nearly half of the daily "Daily Prophet" is devoted to reporting bad news, while the other half is devoted to reporting on the advanced deeds of Aurors in their fight against Death Eaters.

The letters home brought by the owls showed that the current situation is not as good as the newspapers said.

The Ministry of Magic told readers through the Daily Prophet that although the current security situation is not good, under the leadership of the Minister of Magic Scrimgeour and the selfless efforts of relevant departments, the situation has not become worse...

In the media of ordinary British people, the Times, the Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mail all began to report that an unknown terrorist organization began to attack civilian targets on a large scale. From Wales to Scotland, British people seem to have returned to an era dominated by the terrorist attacks of the Irish Republican Army.

The IRA, which was innocently shot this time, is now at the end of its negotiations with the British government. In order to preserve this hard-won result, they have to frequently issue statements stating that they have nothing to do with the recent frequent terrorist attacks. . In order to concentrate its efforts on solving the island's problems, the British government also began to make some concessions.

Voldemort's actions objectively made the British government's attitude towards wizards worse and worse, and there were even some extreme voices in the government. Fortunately, these voices did not last long and were suppressed by the Prime Minister.

Faced with this situation, Dumbledore couldn't help but feel a headache. This kind of war-torn security war was not something he was familiar with. What he was familiar with were small-scale beheading operations like "taking the head of an admiral out of a million soldiers."

Everything he has been doing, whether he is founding the Order of the Phoenix, cultivating Harry Potter, or contacting various forces in the wizarding world to stand on his side, the premise of all actions is to kill Voldemort.

But now, with Voldemort hiding in the dark and a large number of Death Eaters spreading everywhere, he was a little helpless in the hit-and-run style.

In the end, Percy Weasley proposed an action plan at a regular three-party meeting in which each party was responsible for what they were good at. The security war will be resolved through consultation between the Ministry of Magic and the British government. Dumbledore, you and your Order of the Phoenix will just wait until Voldemort is found to take charge of kings and generals.

Zhang Xu closed Percy's letter. He said in the letter that Dumbledore neither supported nor opposed the plan, but when Old Deng heard about his plan, his face seemed not very good for a moment.

Zhang Xu reminded in his reply to Percy that old revolutionaries will inevitably be uncomfortable when encountering new problems, but their experience and abilities cannot be ignored because of this. In the communication process, we still need to pay attention to methods and methods. We must not let the older generation think that they are being underestimated or let the older generation feel cold.

Just when Zhang Xu went to the owl room to send the letter, he heard a noise coming from the top of the stairs, and the sound became louder and louder. When the panicked footsteps got closer and closer, he stood aside at the corner of the stairs. There are often rash students running up the stairs in the castle, and it's not a good thing to be hit by them.

Soon, Zhang Xu saw Harry running down the stairs with the unconscious Ron on his back. Ron, who was climbing on Harry's back, vomited a mouthful of black blood as he passed by.

Not long after Harry ran over, Slughorn, who was as fat as a ball, also ran down. His pale face and profuse sweating were either due to exhaustion from running or other reasons.

Zhang Xulu was stunned for a while before he thought that today was Ron's birthday. In the "plot", this unlucky child was poisoned twice because of eating the wrong things.

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