Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 414 Percy: I’ve been feeling annoyed lately.

On the observatory, Zhang Xu leaned against the stone wall, listening to Percy talk endlessly about the things he encountered at work.

For Percy, this was a rare way to vent his inner stress.

When he was at Hogwarts, Percy was proud, and he also had the capital to be proud. Under the pressure of his two outstanding brothers, Bill and Charlie, he strictly demanded himself and allowed himself to grow into a person who was not inferior to his brothers. Serving as a Prefect and Head Boy during his time at Hogwarts was a testament to his efforts.

After graduation, the ambitious Percy took his pride to work in the Ministry of Magic. Then in less than three years, he made leaps and bounds year by year, until now he actually climbed to the position of Director of the Auror Office.

Zhang Xu was confused when he got the news. How could the leadership position of such a powerful department fall into the hands of such a young man? How could it be that a student who had graduated for two years became a senior leader of the Ministry of Public Security? It was not magic. It's not scientific either. You must know that the competition for this position was fierce at that time, and many veteran Aurors, including Neville's father Frank Longbottom, were popular candidates. At that time, this incident gave Zhang Xu the idea that Percy was the protagonist of this world.

Later, Zhang Xucai learned from Cedric's letter that Percy was able to land in this position not only by "always supporting the Minister of Magic, who is supported by the Minister of Magic", but also by being able to film a season of "Yes, Director!" 》A series of struggles and operations in it. At least from the fact that the members of the Order of the Phoenix among the Aurors did not object to this matter, we could tell that something was fishy.

After working hard for so many years, the fact that a young man suddenly became the leader made many Aurors feel unhappy, especially during this tense period. There may not be such a thing as being obedient, but there is still such a thing as staring at Percy and waiting for him to make a mistake.

In any powerful department, if you want to be a leader, it is impossible to convince your subordinates without excellent skills.

This shows that Percy is under a lot of pressure at work.

The overt and covert fights within the Auror office are never reported to the outside world, so the specific details of what happened in the office are unknown to outsiders. Zhang Xu only knows that Percy can film "Yes, Director!" "After the hard work in the second season, he finally gained a foothold in this position with his clever mind.

Zhang Xu was non-committal about Percy's choice. Even if Percy chose to sell tea eggs in Diagon Alley, he wouldn't say anything. Voldemort worked as a salesman after graduating. Who can guarantee that Percy, who sells tea eggs, will not achieve success in the future? A career.

At the observatory, Zhang Xu was listening, interjecting a word or two from time to time, and sometimes arguing with Percy on some issues.

As friends, it is our duty to share our happiness and troubles with each other and help each other solve some problems within our capabilities.

When it comes to friends, Zhang Xu feels that his behavior is quite similar to Slughorn's. Slughorn likes to stay behind the scenes and advise others, but he never comes to the front. Zhang Xu will not help you make up your mind. When you make up your mind, he can provide you with corresponding suggestions and help. For example, he does not object to Hermione's movement to liberate the house elves, and he will provide Hermione with theoretical knowledge when needed.

As a fairly qualified intelligence agent, he could read between the lines of what Percy said and analyze that the situation in Britain was already at a very dangerous edge.

The ordinary British people and wizards who had just enjoyed a stable life have returned to the days when the clouds of terrorist attacks covered the sky. Living in luxury is difficult, and the dissatisfaction of the people who have lived a stable life has accumulated to a very high level.

After Percy finished chatting about the work of the Ministry of Magic, he hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Now the Ministry of Magic in several countries is preparing to organize an international Auror organization. Do you know about this?"

"Oh?" Zhang Xu said in surprise, "I've never heard of this."

"This was proposed by the French Ministry of Magic not long ago, and I thought you would know it." Percy said, "Currently, the Ministry of Magic of six countries, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Italy and Ireland, has expressed interest in agreeing to serve as the chief minister. A group of member countries joined the organization. Because there are seven countries, the plan is now called the ‘Rainbow Plan’.”

Zhang Xu thought for a while and then said: "I guess the French Ministry of Magic is scared by the current situation in the UK, so it needs to make some arrangements in advance. Because next year the Muggle world in France will host the Football World Cup, and the wizarding world will host Quidditch. During the World Cup, if there is a large-scale dark wizard attack at that time, we will be in big trouble. You know, many of the top Muggle football players are worth millions of galleons."

"I guess this matter is related to a case before Christmas where Death Eaters attempted to attack a Muggle football player named Beckham." Percy said, "Several Death Eaters tried to break into that The player's home put a confusion spell on him, causing him to do some strange things while playing on the court. Our people were tracking one of the Death Eaters at the time, and we finally stopped them just as they were about to start."

"..." There were so many flaws that Zhang Xu didn't know where to start.

"Then what do you think of this organization?" Zhang Xu asked.

"Now that the general framework of this organization has been agreed upon, I may work in the General Secretariat of this organization on behalf of the British Ministry of Magic." Percy said.

Zhang Xu complained from the side: "Is your job cursed? Just like the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, you can only do each job for one year?"

"If you have the opportunity, naturally you should fight for it." Percy said, "This is a good opportunity."

"But don't you think your connections at the grassroots level are too thin?" Zhang Xu asked, "And the families at the top who are willing to support you are always hesitant to support you. Because you have always been very unstable at work. The time you stay in each place is too short. On the one hand, you cannot get to know your colleagues deeply. On the other hand, others cannot see your development direction, so they are worried about your future, so they always have doubts when investing in you. "

After listening to this, Percy put his hands on the crenellations of the stone wall, looking at the campus under the dusk and the setting sun, while thinking about what Zhang Xu had just said.

Zhang Xu was waiting for him to make a decision.

It has to be said that Percy has mostly had smooth sailings along the way when faced with career choices, which makes it easy for him to be distracted when making choices. He thinks that his steady rise to success is the norm, and he fails to see some differences behind the scenes. An ordinary place.

After a long time, Percy made a fist with his right hand and punched the crenel, seemingly making some kind of decision in his heart.

"I have decided that I still want to join the International Auror Organization, but instead of going to the General Secretariat, I will join the 'Rainbow Team' and work there for at least five years." Percy said firmly.

"What department is that?" Zhang Xu asked curiously.

"That is a joint strike force composed of multinational Aurors proposed by Mr. John Clark to deal with difficult dark wizards," Percy said.

"That's not bad." Zhang Xu nodded and said.

Just when Zhang Xu was about to continue speaking, the sound of beeping from Percy's body interrupted him.

Percy took out the communicator and looked at it, and then his face suddenly turned serious.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Xu was about to step aside to avoid suspicion, when Percy said: "There was an explosion at the funeral of the British government agent No. 1 that I had planned to attend on behalf of the Ministry of Magic. Almost all the British agents present at the funeral died. , only Johnny English escaped unscathed."

Zhang Xu was speechless. Can you tell him this kind of thing?

After Percy finished speaking, he hurriedly said goodbye and left. After he left, Zhang Xu also took out a communicator and sent the message.

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