Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 415: People are sitting at home while pots fall from the sky

After coming down from the observatory, Zhang Xu went directly to the cafeteria. It was already dinner time. If he didn't go, he wouldn't have anything to eat. Then he finally rushed to the cafeteria before the meal was over, and filled his stomach after devouring the meal.

At this time, the news that Ron caused a scene in the common room this morning after eating a cake mixed with a love potion had spread among the four colleges. However, everyone did not know the news about his second poisoning yet. He had not yet When he showed up, everyone just thought he was shy and hiding.

Ron ran to the common room early this morning and read a non-repeating sonnet for ten minutes in front of a girl who was so frightened that she turned pale.

Ron would probably have been able to talk until dinner time if Ginny hadn't caught him reading a poem she'd written to Harry and pushed her way through the wall of onlookers before knocking him down.

As for Harry and Neville, when they were discovered by their classmates in the dormitory next door not long after, they were still under the petrification spell and still tried to stop Ron.

In the end, Harry, who had finally lifted the petrification spell, released Ron, who was tied up and gagged, hanging upside down from the ceiling of the common room doing pendulum exercises, and took him to Slughorn.

After dinner, Zhang Xu returned to the dormitory, and then plunged into the sea of ​​questions in the study.

Now there are more than 120 days before the college entrance examination, and there is not much time left for him, so he needs to seize the time to review.

As for the extremely tempting thing of using a time converter to go to the future and buy a book of past college entrance exam questions, he gave up after struggling for five minutes because the risk was too great.

The college entrance examination is an all-round training for a student. It is the first opportunity for many people to take control of their own destiny and be responsible for their own future with their own actions. No one who is interested in taking a step forward in life will give up such a rare opportunity.

At 11:30 p.m., Zhang Xu checked the answer to the last question on the test paper and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that the answer was correct.

What he did tonight was the college entrance examination model math test paper that was just sent in. It seemed that his results were pretty good and reached the expected level.

After arranging the test papers and stationery on the table with a wave of his magic wand, Zhang Xu walked to the window sill with the tea vat and stretched out his hand to push open the window. The cold wind in the middle of the night in early spring made him shiver.

He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. The cold air penetrated into his lungs, waking up his somewhat groggy head.

A narrow waning moon hung on the horizon without any clouds. Without the interference of moonlight, the stars on the night sky occupied the entire stage.

The Winter Triangle is still hanging in the zenith, and in the Spring Triangle, the Five Emperors in Leo have climbed above the mountains to the east.

The tail of July is Leo, and the tail of Leo is the constellation 1, which is 36 light years away from the earth.

Zhang knows nothing about observing the sky at night. In his previous life, he had thought about learning some astronomical knowledge to use when picking up girls. However, in the city of the 21st century, he could not expect to see many stars at night. If he wanted to see stars, he could only go to the suburbs where there was no light pollution. But if a girl is willing to run to the suburbs with you in the middle of the night, she doesn't seem to need this knowledge.

After looking at the stars for a while and having random thoughts in his mind, Zhang Xu's originally tense mind began to relax.

After drinking the tea in the teapot, Zhang Xu felt a little hungry, so he planned to go to the kitchen to get some midnight snacks.

If Dobby is in such trouble today, we can't expect him to continue delivering food.

At the same time, Harry, Hermione and Hagrid walked out of the ward, leaving the ward to the Weasleys.

Walking in the corridor leading to the foyer, the topic of the three of them was naturally inseparable from Ron's poisoning.

"Another child has been seriously injured, and Dumbledore is very worried." Hagrid said worriedly.

"What can he do?" Hermione asked anxiously.

Although it is normal for students in Hogwarts to get injured for various reasons. For example, two girls with furry ears passing by them are holding up a boy with ivory in his mouth.

But this is nothing compared to a serious injury that almost cost him his life.

"Although he has all kinds of clever ideas filling his clever head, he doesn't know who sent the necklace or poisoned the wine. No matter how many ideas he has, it won't work." Hagrid said worriedly, "And the school board will definitely be dissatisfied with this matter. They think Hogwarts is a safe haven, but now this place is unsafe. They may move the students to a safer place."

"Where?" Harry asked in surprise.

"The student's home." Hagrid replied with a grimace.

"They are going to close the school?" Hermione shouted in surprise, "But it is not safe for students to go home now. There are news about Death Eater attacks in the newspapers every day."

"Keep your voice down!" Hagrid, who was startled by Hermione, said to Hermione in a rare stern voice, "But the school directors believe that their homes are safe, at least there will be no murders."

"This matter has put a lot of pressure on Dumbledore, so he may make some compromises in exchange for the support of the school board."

"What compromise?" Harry asked.

"Let Aurors enter Hogwarts secretly." Hagrid whispered to Harry and Hermione with difficulty in his loud voice, "You must not tell this matter, it will cause unnecessary trouble. .”

Harry and Hermione nodded quickly and promised not to tell anyone.

"Dumbledore is under a lot of pressure now. This is the first time I have seen him quarrel with two people twice in a week." Hagrid frowned and said, "Dumbledore looked very angry at that time. Well, this is the first time I see him and Bligh like this..."

The next moment, Hagrid suddenly realized what he was talking about, and closed his mouth nervously.

"Dumbledore and Black were quarreling?" Harry's eyes widened in surprise, as if they wouldn't stop until they were even bigger than his glasses.

"Why were they quarreling?" Harry asked anxiously.

For Harry, Dumbledore and Black are the top two people who can give him the care of an elder. If there was a conflict between the two, it would be very uncomfortable for him to be caught in the middle.

Although Hagrid was reluctant to say it, he still reluctantly told the matter after Harry's repeated questioning.

"The necklace was discussed during the meeting that day, and Black thought it was done by a student." Hagrid said to Harry.

"It's Malfoy!" Harry said decisively, "I've always suspected him."

Next Harry noticed something strange about Hagrid's expression.

"It's not Malfoy," Hagrid said. "It's someone else."

"Huh?" Harry was confused this time. He never thought there was another suspect.

"The person Blake suspected was Zhang Xu." Hagrid said in a low voice.

At this time, Harry and the others had already reached the foyer. The foyer was quiet at midnight, which made Hagrid's voice reach the ears of Zhang Xu who was on the stairs and was about to turn and walk down the hall.

Zhang Xu almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood. At this moment, Scarlet, who was standing next to him, tugged on his sleeve and gave him a funny face.

"Please be lenient if you confess." Scarlet said to Zhang Xu using voice transmission.

Then Zhang Xu didn't want to talk to her and rolled his eyes at her.

"No, no, no, it can't be Zhang." Harry and Hermione denied at the same time.

Hearing that Harry and Hermione trusted him so much, Zhang Xu felt better.

"If Zhang wanted to do this, he wouldn't have to go through such a big detour." Hermione said, "He has too many ways to kill someone without others knowing."

Zhang Xu: "..."

I'm really touched that you trust me so much, Zhang Xu thought.

Then Harry said: "It can't be Zhang, Blake must have made a mistake somewhere."

"Black has always thought that he was a dark wizard, and he had colluded with the Malfoy family before," Hagrid said, "and he is also a Parseltongue."

"I am also a Parselmouth, why don't I see anyone suspecting that I am a dark wizard?" Harry said angrily, "He and Malfoy's family are just doing business. The canned basilisk I gave you for Christmas is Malfoy. He was raised by the basilisk cub that the Fu family sold to him."

Hagrid was expelled because of Voldemort and the Basilisk. It was impossible to say that he was not angry.

He couldn't afford to offend Voldemort, so he could only vent his anger on the basilisk. Every time he ate a can, he thought the meat in the can was that of the thousand-year-old basilisk.

Although the canned ones are not as delicious as the fresh ones.

At this time, Hermione said with some uncertainty: "Is there any conflict between Black and Zhang? I found that Black has been hostile to him."

"You don't know?" Hagrid asked in surprise, "I thought you all knew."

Hermione shook her head. She had never been very interested in gossip.

"It's because of Professor Scarlet," Hagrid said to Hermione.

At this time, the two parties who were eavesdropping began to take out their wands.

"What does this have to do with it?" Hermione asked, "Didn't Zhang's father save Professor Scarlet many years ago?"

"Hehe... Anyone who knows the inside story knows that this is an excuse, and no one tells it." Hagrid suddenly smiled and said, "Think about the two of them in normal times. Ghosts often see them coming alone at night. In the other party's dormitory, would you still think that their relationship is simple?"

Hermione and Harry thought for a moment, then shook their heads together and said, "No."

"Is what others said true?" Hermione said in disbelief. "I thought those girls were talking nonsense, so I never paid attention."

"Maybe the girls have a point." Harry said thoughtfully, "I have also heard that there is something strange between the two of them."

Then Harry continued: "I also heard that Zhang likes older women, and I think Professor Scarlet is also in line with this."

After seeing the topic shift from Dumbledore's quarrel with others to gossip news, Hagrid took the opportunity to say goodbye to Harry and Hermione: "It's already very late. You should go back to the common room quickly."

After Hagrid finished speaking, he turned around and strode out of the castle gate, as if he was running away from something.

It was at this moment that Harry suddenly remembered that Hagrid had not told him the details of the quarrel between Dumbledore and Black, and who the other person who quarreled with Dumbledore was.

Harry chased him out of the castle gate and found that Hagrid had run away.

Harry thought about going to Hagrid's hut to ask him about the matter after Quidditch practice tomorrow, and then turned around and returned to the castle.

As a result, as soon as he walked through the door, he heard a voice saying: "Miss Granger, you are still wandering in the castle so late. I think Gryffindor will be deducted ten points for this."

Harry was stunned for a moment, and then he saw Scarlet standing in front of Hermione, turning her head and saying to him: "Our 'savior' Mr. Potter left the castle in the middle of the night and went somewhere. You will lose yourself because of this." thirty marks."

After Scarlet finished speaking, the scoring hourglass placed on the wall of the foyer made a clattering sound.

The next day, Sunday, Harry arrived at Hagrid's hut after a very unpleasant Quidditch practice.

After knocking on the door for nearly ten minutes, the door of the hut opened.

Harry saw Hagrid standing behind the door, leaning on a small tree-like stick as a crutch. He looked very weak, and his legs were still shaking.

Harry asked nervously, "What's wrong with you, Hagrid?"

"It's okay." Hagrid turned sideways with difficulty and let Harry into the room. Then he slowly walked to the chair next to the table and sat down on the chair next to the table with crutches and trembling legs. Then he said, "I just I started feeling sick to my stomach this morning.”

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