Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 436 Visitors from the Burrow

Today is another beautiful day, with bright sunshine bringing an uncomfortable temperature to the village of Ottery-St. Catchpole and the surrounding meadows, forests and mountains. ~~щww~suimеng~lā

The Burrow, nestled among the hills and groves to the south of the village, was currently busy.

At this time, Mrs. Weasley was like a commander on the battlefield, holding a stack of parchment filled with work to be completed and directing a group of people around.

Whenever someone completes a task, they will come back to her and receive a new task.

"Let me see your next task..." Weasley looked at the task list belonging to Ron and said, "After you finish cleaning the roof, come down and have lunch. Remember, you have to ride a broom up."

"Okay." After receiving the mission, Ron returned to his room, then flew out of the window on his broom, and then continued to cast cleaning spells on the roof of the Burrow.

"Are Fred and George still in the house?" Mrs. Weasley called from the doorway.

"They're out!" shouted Ginny, who was working in the kitchen.

When Mrs. Weasley heard this, she put a ? next to the item "Welcome guests" on the twins' task list.

During this time, Mrs. Weasley had been passionately involved in the preparations for her two sons' weddings.

Two sons got married at the same time, and the two brides came from two different countries, which made the preparation for the wedding very difficult.

First of all, the placement of the natal family has become a very troublesome issue.

Although the Burrow has recently been renovated and expanded, it still cannot meet the needs of guests.

Especially on Charlie's side, he invited all the members of the Chinese Quidditch national team he coached and several leaders, and on Tonya's side, he invited a group of relatives from Russia. Fortunately, the two of them said they had solved the accommodation problem for these people, otherwise Mrs. Weasley would have gone crazy.

Secondly, there was the issue of the wedding banquet menu. After the twin brothers asked Hermione to send an email to someone Zhang, and when someone replied to the email, this issue was no longer a problem. And when the time comes, they will also hire Dobby and Winky, and Black will ask Kreacher to help.

Just as Mrs. Weasley was taking stock of the remaining tasks for the day, there was a loud "bang" not far from the Burrow. The building was five stories high.

The tent, whose main body is made of black silk and decorated with silver, appears on the grass. Blake then began waving his wand to secure the tent in place.

This is the tent that the Weasley family borrowed from Black to house Bill's wife, Clemence Posey, and her relatives from France.

On the other side of the burrow, another huge tent was left in the open space.

It was finally lunch time, and people who had been busy all morning sat at the huge dining table, waiting for lunch to begin.

There was a pile of books at the end of the dining table, and the Harry trio were taking their time to flip through them. The other people at the table were already used to it and were busy with their own things.

Mrs. Weasley and Ginny brought today's lunch to the table, and then said to the three of them: "It's time to eat. If you want to know what the numbers mean, just ask Zhang when he comes. Yet?"

"The earlier we know what it means, the earlier we can prepare." Harry said, closing the book. "I don't think Dumbledore would send something meaningless."

"Then you can take a rest today, and there is no need to fight for a little time." Mrs. Weasley said while distributing lunch to everyone, "Fred and George went to greet Zhang and they haven't come back yet? They want to Missed lunch."

Just then, the sound of the door opening came from the other side of the door, and then the voice of Fred or George said: "It seems we are just in time for lunch."

After hearing the sound, Tonya stood up excitedly and ran towards the hall, almost tripping over the book on the ground when passing Hermione.

When Tonya ran to the foyer, she saw the twins leading Fleur, Gabrielle and Scarlet in.

"Delacul!" Tonya shouted excitedly, while opening her arms to greet him.

When Fleur saw her best friend who had lived in the same dormitory for seven years to greet her, she opened her hands and was ready to give her a hug.

However, Tonya turned around and bypassed Fleur, and picked up Gabrielle behind Fleur.

Write down this account in a small black book first, Fleur thought.

After a while of joking and greetings, everyone came to the restaurant.

"Welcome, Professor Scarlet, and the two Miss Delacours!" Mrs. Weasley said happily, "You are hungry. Come over for lunch quickly."

Scarlet, who was carrying a backpack that was huge enough to fit Gabrielle in, placed the backpack by the door of the restaurant, then sat down with Gabrielle, ignoring the look of expectation from someone in the restaurant.

Just after the three guests thanked Mrs. Weasley for the hospitality, the others suddenly realized that there were three of them missing.

"Miss Delacour, where is Zhang, why isn't he here?" Harry asked Fleur.

"Just think of him as a husky who will be gone as soon as he comes to Europe." Fleur replied somewhat depressedly.

Harry said with some disappointment: "I have something to hand over to him, and I also have some questions to ask him."

"Don't worry," Fleur said, "he will come back when he is crazy enough outside."

Harry noticed something was wrong in the atmosphere, so he stopped talking and began to concentrate on the bacon in front of him.

Others saw this and avoided this landmine while chatting.

After finishing lunch, Scarlet picked up the extra-large backpack she brought and went outside the Burrow with Tonya, Fleur, Gabrielle and others.

In the clearing prepared outside the Burrow, Scarlet placed the backpack in the center of the clearing, and then said to Gabri standing next to her: "The next step is your performance."

She was bothered by Gabri on the road, so she gave Gabri the chance to open her backpack.

Gabrielle walked up to the backpack with high spirits, waved her little hand holding the wand a few times, and then touched the backpack with the wand.

The next moment, the backpack suddenly opened on its own, and then continued to expand and grow, scaring Gabri to step back.

A minute later, a red tent appeared on the grass.

Tonya hugged Scarlet beside her and said to her happily: "Thank you, Aunt Scarlet!"

"Believe it or not, I'll put it away now."


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