Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 437 Lao Deng’s Relics

In front of the vault No. 2 underground in Gringotts, the manager on duty today and several security guards were standing guard outside, while Zhang Xu was doing inventory in the vault where he kept his private money. ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a

When Voldemort returned from the crucible two years ago, Zhang Xu got a large sum of extra money from a group of Death Eaters, and later gave half of it to Harry Potter as money for selling his blood.

After Zhang Xu took away Hufflepuff's gold cup, he never came back to the vault, so he didn't know exactly how much money or items were stored in it.

Especially later, he used the gold coins in this vault as a favor and allowed Dumbledore to borrow the money here to fund the operation of the Order of the Phoenix. As long as Lao Deng put the IOU in the vault, Lao Deng's character Zhang Xu Still trustworthy.

So only Zhang Xu and Dumbledore knew how to open this vault. When Zhang Xu heard Harry say that the dice Dumbledore left for him only threw the numbers two and three, he was sure that Dumbledore The things Lido left for himself are placed here.

It's just that this vault, which has never been taken care of, is really messy. I don't know what Dumbledore put here, so Zhang Xu simply asked the goblins of Gringotts to help him count it.

Several goblins in Gringotts who specialize in inventory work are busy in the vault at the moment. They are employees specially trained by Gringotts. Under the constraints of magic, they are not afraid of them revealing the secrets in the client's vault.

The first person to complete the work was the goblin who was responsible for counting the pile of IOUs written by Dumbledore. He listed the time, loan amount, remarks and total number of IOUs written by Dumbledore over the years on a piece of parchment.

Zhang Xu looked at the summary table of Dumbledore's loans compiled by the goblin and found that Old Deng started borrowing money in 1996. At the beginning, he did not borrow much, but as time went by, the amount of a single loan became higher and higher. , in the end the total amount of the loan had reached a very high figure. If Zhang Xu wanted to ask Lao Deng to repay the money, Lao Deng would probably have to go to a pawn shop first.

"Did he not plan to pay it back from the beginning, or did he think I wouldn't ask him to pay it back?" Zhang Xu looked at the list and muttered to himself, "And this matter must not be known to the outside world."

Zhang Xu can be sure that if this matter is leaked, a reporter's news the next day will be that he asked Voldemort to help Dumbledore collect debts. Dumbledore shouted to the Death Eaters, "I borrowed the money based on my ability. Why do you have to pay it back? You don’t need money, but you need your life!” Then his life was gone.

After reading the loan summary, Zhang Xu turned over to the next page. At this time, he unexpectedly found that this page only had two lines of text. The first line was "Repayment Summary", and the second line was Dumbledore's use of physical objects. Record of repayment of borrowed money.

“Go get this thing.

"Zhang Xu pointed at the repayment record and said to the goblin next to him.

After the goblin left, Zhang Xu began to study this strange repayment record.

He found the undated repayment note from the bottom of a stack of IOUs. The handwriting on it was Dumbledore's. Old Deng paid a box worth two hundred and thirty-three galleons to repay the money.

However, the repayment summary table stated that the repayment date was July. Zhang Xu calculated with his fingers that that day happened to be the night of Lao Deng's resurrection.

When the goblin came back with a half-meter-long black wooden box, Zhang Xu asked him, "How did you know the date?"

"The magic of the Gringotts vault will mark the storage time for each item entering the vault, and only goblins can see it," the goblin said.

Zhang Xu nodded, then hurriedly walked out of the vault with the black box, and asked the manager on duty who was guarding the door outside: "Who used this box to store it?"

The manager on duty glanced at the box in Zhang Xu's hand, then took out a record book, searched for a while and said: "The only person who entered the vault that day was the house elf from Hogwarts, and it had the voucher to enter the vault. .”

"Thank you." Zhang Xu said disappointedly.

Zhang Xu suddenly lost interest when he returned to the vault. After the goblins counted all the items and gold coins in the vault, he asked the goblins to go out first, and then he steeled himself to look for Dumbledore in the vault. Down the clues.

After carefully searching through the vault three times, Zhang Xu had to confirm that the only thing Dumbledore left for him, apart from the stack of IOUs, was the black wooden box.

It was an ordinary dark wooden box, tightly trapped by a thin rope.

Magic was applied to the rope, and Zhang Xu tried several methods agreed upon with Dumbledore before untying it.

After opening the box, Zhang Xu was stunned.

In addition to a Shuangfeiyan mechanical mouse without the mouse cord, there is also a magic wand.

The slightly magical mouse was his token for Dumbledore to enter the vault, and Dumbledore obviously gave it back.

What's even more terrible is the wand lying nearby. If Zhang Xu saw it correctly, this wand is the legendary Elder Wand that Dumbledore has been using.

Zhang Xu looked at the wand with a confused look on his face. He had wanted to borrow it several times to play with, but Dumbledore had never agreed. He couldn't understand what Old Deng was thinking.

Zhang Xu checked the box again. There was no information such as letters or notes in it, and there was no writing on the box. He even opened the mouse, but found nothing.

Looking at the Elder Wand in his hand, Zhang Xu felt that it was like a piece of roasted sweet potato that had just been taken out of the fire. Although it was very fragrant, it was also very hot to the touch.

Having said that, this guy should be Lao Deng's burial object, Zhang Xu thought.

Could it be that Lao Deng learned from his old friend that Voldemort was looking for the Elder Wand, so he handed the Elder Wand to himself. If Voldemort learned this news again...

Zhang Xu stopped thinking about it. If this happened, unless he handed over the Elder Wand honestly, Voldemort would definitely attack him, even if he had a pair of children in his hands. People like Voldemort who have never experienced the warmth of family are more likely to choose career between career and family.

Zhang Xu asked himself, if Voldemort threatened him with his life, or even the lives of his relatives and friends, would he hand over the Elder Wand?

Of course he would, Zhang Xu thought, let alone asking for the Elder Wand, even if Voldemort asked him to hand over Harry Potter, he would tie a bomb on Harry with tears in his eyes, and then take Harry away. Pack it up and send it over.

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