Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 491: Breaking the Curse

In a house specially used as a medical center for lacerations, all the original rooms were transformed into treatment rooms and operating rooms. Doctors were working intensively to treat the wounded.

In a room, a bloodless and unconscious Welsh lay on a hospital bed. While several doctors were transfusing blood for her, they were troubled by how to deal with the horrific wounds on her body.

When she was brought by the centaurs, her wound was covered with the hemostatic herbs used by the centaurs. But the effect of these herbs was limited, and the blood oozing from the wound dripped all the way. If she had been sent a little later, she would have died due to excessive moon loss.

However, even after arriving at the medical point, the doctors tried various methods such as healing spells and hemostatic drugs, but they still could not stop the bleeding from her wound.

Just as the doctors were discussing whether to use radical methods to treat her, the door to the room was pushed open, and a young man in a white coat ran in.

"I know which curse she is under, and I know the solution to this curse." Zhang Xu said before the doctors in the room spoke.

Just now, Zhang Xu was outside asking the centaurs who brought Wales about the situation when she was injured, and one of the centaurs happened to witness the whole process of her injury. After the horseman told her injury in detail, Zhang Xu felt confident.

Looking at the doubtful looks of the doctors in front of him, Zhang Xu explained: "This curse was invented by a former Hogwarts professor. He taught me the method of cursing and undoing it many years ago. It can be said that I am one of the only two people in the world who knows how to undo the curse."

"Are you sure?" one doctor asked.

"I just asked the witnesses present, and I am 90% sure that she can be cured." Zhang Xu replied seriously.

"Then come and try it." Another doctor said.

Zhang Xu came to the bedside, took out a wand suitable for delicate operations, pointed it at the deeply visible wound on Wales's body, and then recited the incantation to break the curse as if singing, while moving the top of the wand along the wound.

"It works!" The doctor on the side saw that the bleeding speed of the wound had slowed down greatly.

But Zhang Xu frowned, because the effect of breaking the curse was worse than he expected. It seemed that the curse had been improved later.

However, this did not trouble Zhang Xu, who immediately made some corresponding changes to the solution to the curse.

When the spell was cast for the second time, Wales's wound finally stopped bleeding. After Zhang Xu cast the spell for the third time, the wound began to heal slowly.

Because her wound was too deep, Zhang Xu had to cast spells many times, and it took more than half an hour to finally heal the entire wound.

Zhang Xu breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to the doctors who were also relieved: "The curse has been broken, but the wound has not healed very firmly yet, and she will still need ordinary treatment."

The attending doctor replied: "Leave the rest to us, but it's a pity that we can't remove the scar."

"Let's discuss this matter after she wakes up." Zhang Xu left the medical point after saying that.

After Zhang Xu walked out of the room, he found a chair next to the medical point and sat down, then rubbed his swollen temples.

He had just cast a very large spell in the morning, and just used a healing spell that required careful operation for half an hour, which caused Zhang Xu to consume a lot of energy in a short period of time. Now his head was swelling and aching.

At this moment, a figure appeared behind Zhang Xu, stretched out his small hands to help Zhang Xu massage his temples, and then massaged his entire head.

Soon, the soreness and swelling in Zhang Xu's head gradually disappeared.

"I never thought you could do this." Zhang Xu said to the person behind him.

"Dumbledore often had headaches before he left, so I learned this method of relieving headaches from Madam Pomfrey." Harley said while pressing Zhang Xu's head,

"I just saw you helping people treat meow, thank you for your hard work, meow."

"I'm sorry about Dumbledore." Zhang Xu said to Harley.

"It's none of your business, meow," Harley said while pressing the Fengfu point on the back of Zhang Xu's head, "This is his own choice, meow, you don't need to blame yourself, meow."

After a while, Harley first rubbed the back of Zhang Xu’s neck, which was a little stiff because he had been lowering his head to cast spells. Then suddenly he grabbed Zhang Xu’s neck from behind with both hands and said viciously: “Hurry up and think of a way to make me change. Come back, meow, or I will strangle you to death, meow.”

Zhang Xu almost died on the spot, not by strangulation, but by Meng.

"It's not that I don't think of a way, but that I really can't do it." Zhang Xu replied, "What you drank this time is the latest generation of transformation potion. The previous defect that would turn back when it touched hot water has been eliminated." It has been repaired, so you can only wait a few days for the medicine to wear off.”

Ha Li refused and continued to pinch Zhang Xu's neck and shake it violently.

"Then at least let me talk back to normal, cat." Harley said.

"It's normal for you to talk like this. How cute." Zhang Xu said, "If I didn't already have a girlfriend, it would be Neville's turn to bully you."

Just when Harley lost her mind and tightened her grip, a burst of light flashed from Zhang Xu's neck, and then Harley's hands were ejected.

"When you are operating in a war zone, remember to keep the Iron Armor Charm working at all times." Zhang Xu said to Harley while moving his neck, "Having said that, you are not going to use your own power to remove this curse I gave you. Meow curse? The last person who was under this curse took less than a day to get rid of the curse."

Seeing Harley's confused look, Zhang Xu had a headache. It seemed that the child had never thought about breaking the curse by himself.

According to the original plan, Zhang Xu only planned to let Harley meow during the two days of the wedding at the Burrow, and then let her recover after that. In her current state, except for a few insignificant spells that can be cast silently, her spells are completely unusable. Her combat power is now approximately equal to 0.5 geese.

It was only due to various accidents after the wedding that he met Harley again today.

"You should discuss it with Ron and the others when you go back tonight." Zhang Xu patted Harley on the head and left before she could react.

Just now, Zhang Xu saw Cedric waving to him after he walked out of the Pig's Head Bar, so he said goodbye to Harley and walked towards the Pig's Head Bar.

"There's something I want you to see." Cedric whispered to Zhang Xu, and then led him into the Pig Head Bar.

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