Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 492: The Goddess Scattered 1 Flower

In a room in the Hog's Head pub, Zhang Xu gathered around a table with Scrimgeour, Neville's father Mr. Longbottom, Cedric and Percy Weasley.

These five people were studying attentively a piece of...or a bunch of silver-white metal objects placed on the table.

At this time, Cedric was explaining the origin of this metal object to Zhang Xu, who had just arrived.

"This morning, an observation post on the top of the mountain in the north was attacked by more than a dozen Death Eaters. At that time, the personnel in the observation post provided symbolic resistance and retreated after injuring several Death Eaters."

Cedric looked at Zhang Xu deeply, and then continued: "About half an hour later, a violent explosion occurred on the top of the mountain where the observation post was located. A large amount of gravel and soil were blown away, and then fell to the foot of the mountain. Within the confines of Hogsmeade."

"I planted the explosives." Zhang Xu decisively admitted. Everyone in the headquarters knew that he was there at the time. "Could it be that a falling rock damaged the house? Do you want to claim compensation from me?"

"Ahem..." Cedric coughed twice and said, "Actually, the house that was most seriously damaged was your house halfway up the mountain."

Then Percy, the tenant of the house, glanced at the stunned Zhang Xu and said, "If we didn't know that you were responsible for the explosion, we wouldn't have repaired the damaged house in a hurry just now."

"Back to the topic." Cedric continued, "After the battle just now, when the residents on the mountainside of Hogsmeade began to clean up the stones that fell from the mountain, they discovered this piece of metal that fell together with the gravel. .”

Zhang Xu got closer to the metal bump on the table and observed it carefully.

"This seems to have been a cylindrical object originally, but judging from its current appearance, it seems to have been hit hard." Zhang Xu said while observing.

"It fell from a height and got stuck on the stone pavement, and then was hit by other falling rocks. It was found under a large piece of gravel," Cedric said.

"Have you tried repairing it?" Zhang Xu asked.

"No spells will work on it," Cedric replied, "How about you try."

Zhang Xu didn't try it, and if others couldn't do it, he probably wouldn't be able to do it either.

"I think this turned out to be a metal arm." Zhang Xu finally concluded, "Look at the end that was originally inserted into the ground. The layout of these five severely twisted parts is consistent with the five fingers of a human hand. Continue This part down is much like the palm and wrist."

Several other people looked at each other and then nodded. They obviously agreed with Zhang Xu's view.

Scrimgeour asked: "So, do you know which Death Eater this metal arm belongs to?"

They knew that Zhang Xu had a lot of information about the Death Eaters, so they called him to help with the details.

Zhang Xu thought for a moment, and then a name popped out of his mouth: "Igor Karkarov."

"According to reliable intelligence, the mysterious man had formulated a plan to control Durmstrang and Beauxbatons before he fell from power sixteen years ago."

"The mysterious man plans to send Death Eaters with whitewashed identities into these two magic schools, and then wait for an opportunity to become the principals of these two schools. Ultimately, he will turn these two schools into a bridgehead for attacking the European continent."

"After the mysterious man disappeared, Karkaroff still faithfully implemented the plan, and finally he became the principal of Durmstrang."

"And over at Beauxbatons, because Nico Flamel was in charge, the Death Eaters sent there quickly disappeared from the world."

"In the summer of 1995, in order to prepare for the magic to restore the body, the mysterious man had to expose Karkaroff to capture Harry. Later, Karkaroff sacrificed his arm in this magical ceremony."

"After the mysterious man regained his body and strength, he gave Karkaroff a metal arm."

After Zhang Xu finished telling the information he knew, several people present fell into thinking again.

"So is there any evidence to prove that this metal arm belongs to Karkaroff?" Mr. Longbottom asked.

"We can look for blood or other debris at the connection." Percy said, pointing to the location where the stone had flattened it. "Then we can try Polyjuice Potion."

Everyone thought Percy's method was feasible, and after using many methods, they finally found some human body debris.

Not long after, a cup of polyjuice potion containing human body fragments was placed on the table, and then everyone unanimously turned their attention to Cedric, the lowest-ranking person in the room.

Cedric: Σ(?Д?;panic;?д?)

With the enthusiastic help of Zhang Xu and Percy, Cedric drank up the polyjuice potion in one gulp.

"It seems Karkaroff is right." Scrimgeour, who had been silent, looked at Cedric Karkaroff and said.

"Can you confirm that Karkaroff and the others are all dead?" Zhang Xu asked.

"Because the explosion may be violent, and the explosion site is located on the top of a mountain, the bodies are distributed over a wide area, so it is very difficult to search for the bodies of the deceased," Mr. Longbottom said.

Now Zhang was laughing wildly in his heart. When Karkaroff dragged him off the train like a dead dog, he wrote down this guy's name in a small black book. At present, it seems that Karkaroff took a plane and became a goddess. It is really a great revenge.

"As far as I can tell, it's almost as good as Karkaroff's death," Scrimgeour said.

"We already know that Karkaroff has a high status among the Death Eaters, and he probably served as the commander-in-chief of today's offensive operation. This would explain why he went to the top of the mountain. It was indeed an observation battlefield. A great place to conduct battles.”

"After the explosion, the attacking Death Eaters' command obviously lacked flexibility and coordination. They seemed to be acting according to a predetermined plan."

"Not long after the battle reached its peak, the Death Eaters were suddenly defeated. At that time, we thought they had some conspiracy."

"If Karkaroff, as the commander-in-chief of the Death Eaters, died in the explosion, then everything would make sense."

Scrimgeour became more and more excited as he talked, and it was obvious that he valued the achievement of killing Karkaroff and repelling the Death Eaters' attack today.

At this time, Zhang Xu suddenly said: "When you report the bombing that killed Karkaroff, just say it was Harry Potter who did it. Don't drag me into it."

"Why?" Scrimgeour looked at Zhang Xu with confusion, "Why don't you want this honor?"

"The material reward can be given to me, and the spiritual reward can be given directly to Harry Potter. It's time for him to shine in front of the public." Zhang Xu said, "I think the Ministry of Magic will launch a series of publicity campaigns next. , at this time, promoting Harry Potter is naturally more inspiring than promoting me."

Mr. Scrimgeour and Mr. Longbottom looked at Zhang Xu in disbelief. What kind of spirit is this kind of spirit of giving one's own achievements to friends for free?

Percy and Cedric on the side looked at Zhang Xu with amusement on their faces. They could responsibly tell the other two leaders that this was the spirit of passing the blame.


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