After solving the Karkaroff matter, Zhang Xu and Percy left the Pig Head Bar together.

As soon as he walked out of the door, he saw Ron and Neville with tears in their eyes, carrying a stretcher covered with white cloth from a house used as a medical point and walking towards the place where the victims were temporarily placed not far away. Behind them were Harley and three other girls.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xu was stunned for a moment. He turned around and looked at Percy beside him, and found that he was also looking at him with a surprised look on his face.

So Zhang Xu and Percy followed him in unison.

At the end of Hogsmeade's main road not far from the Hog's Head Bar, there were two rows of stretchers covered with white cloth neatly arranged on the ground.

A staff member with a gloomy face came over and asked Ron a few questions in a low voice. Then he pointed to one of the rows of stretchers on the ground and motioned to Ron to put the stretchers there.

In this section of the street, there was only the whirring sound of the north wind, and the sobs mixed with the sound of wind from time to time.

Ron and Neville gently placed the stretchers in their hands on the row of Auror victims, and another person from the Ministry of Magic came over with a notepad and a quill.

The staff member Zhang Xu and the others all knew each other. She was Gemma Farley, the prefect of the Snake Yard in the same class as Percy.

When Gemma Farley lifted the white cloth covering the victim's head, she shouted in surprise: "Canning!" At the same time, the notepad and quill in her hand fell to the ground with a "clack".

At this time, Zhang Xu and Percy also recognized the victim.

George Canning, a former Hogwarts Snake House student, also served as the Head Boy from 1992-1993. During the school year when the basilisk was infested, it was he, Zhang Xu, Percy and others who formed Hogwarts' first student self-defense force from scratch. During the final battle with the Basilisk, he also brilliantly directed the evacuation of students in the castle. In addition, it was because of his efforts that the students of the Snake Academy changed their attitude that "they would not die anyway, purebloods like themselves" and joined in the fight against the basilisk. After graduation, he joined the ranks of Aurors together with many classmates who participated in the Basilisk War.

"Bloodline is our honor, but it should not be a shackle for us to remain complacent. Going back three thousand years, which of our families dares to claim that their ancestor must be a wizard? (ignoring Zhang who raised his hand) What our bloodline should bring us It is the motivation that makes us work hard and always strive for the top, rather than becoming a reason for us to be arrogant."

This was a view that George Canning had always insisted on back then. It was his view that influenced many students in the Snake College and made them put aside their prejudices and join hands with students from other colleges to fight against the enemy.

It's just that the high-spirited student union president back then has now turned into a cold corpse, lying under a white cloth.

Percy walked over, patted Gemma Farley on the shoulder, and softly comforted the old classmate who was covering her face and crying.

Today, this sad scene is repeated here. The other staff responsible for registering identities and sorting out the remains just glanced here, sighed and then continued the work at hand.

Zhang Xu looked around and saw an acquaintance sitting on the stone steps in front of a house not far away, so he walked over and sat down next to him.

Rejecting the cigarettes offered by Bell, Zhang Xu took out two cans of beer, froze them and handed one to Bell.

The two of them bumped into each other, drank half a can of beer in one gulp, and then quietly looked at the victims in front of them.

Zhang Xu didn't know how many familiar people like George Canning would lie under the white cloth like the people in front of him now and in the future.

Sometimes the dead are just a number, but for some people, the appearance of the dead is like poaching a part of their lives from the living.

At this time, another person sat next to Zhang Xu.

Soon after, the smell of burning cigars drifted from the side.

"Is this the result you want?" Horatio Rodney asked Zhang Xu, pointing at the dead people in front of him with his cigar-holding finger.

"If it were us, there would be an artillery company to provide fire support today, two machine gun platoons to provide fire support on the flanks, and three infantry companies to encircle us in a roundabout way." Zhang Xu said calmly, "Dumbledore and I are formulating a plan Although it was not stated explicitly when planning, your firepower superiority has been taken into account. So I don't understand why you still use thin red line tactics even though you have ways to reduce casualties? Maybe let Sada If Mu comes to command, he is more optimistic than the current situation, at least he will still use artillery and air force."

Old Rodney on the side moved his throat a few times, trying to say something, but in the end it turned into a sigh.

Having said that, there is nothing more to say. Old Rodney was silent for a long time, finished smoking the cigar in his hand, then stood up and left.

Bell, who was sitting aside, said at this time: "It's not that we don't want to do some things, but that we can't."

Zhang Xu guessed half of the reason, but it was not something he could change.

So all Zhang Xu could do was sigh.

Not far away, Harley and the others found a few acquaintances under the white cloth. The hands and feet of the group had begun to tremble.

This is the reality they must face. Zhang Xu brought them here today to let them understand what the next battle will be like.

The era of disarming spells, petrification spells, and coma spells has passed. What they will face next will be a bloody and cruel world.

If Harley fails to survive this level, then Zhang Xu can only give her to the remaining dementors.

After drinking the beer in his hand, Zhang Xu stood up and walked outside Hogsmeade Village.

The bodies of the Death Eaters killed today have been collected, and they are all neatly arranged in the open space outside the village.

The Aurors of the Ministry of Magic and Percy's members of the "Rainbow Team" are recording the characteristics of the dead Death Eaters, and then passing them on to the International Auror Organization to determine the identities of these dark wizards from various European countries.

After walking around Hogsmeade, Zhang Xu took Harry and the others back to Hogwarts, and then returned to the Rockwell Hotel in Edinburgh where they had stayed before even eating dinner.

After returning to the room, Zhang Xu wrote a detailed report of today's experience, which was encrypted, packaged, and re-encrypted before being sent back to the country.

After finishing all this, Zhang Xu took a hot bath, lay on the bed and didn't want to move.

His head had been swelling and aching since the afternoon, and now he needed to eat before taking a nap to regain his energy.

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