Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 496: The zombies are coming? !

Zhang Xu's attempt to be lazy was ruthlessly broken. He had just slept for less than two hours when he returned to the dormitory in Yingyuan, and then he was woken up.

"Uh, why is it you?" Zhang Xu yawned and looked at the person standing on the bed and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I heard that you can't use magic now, right?" Harley asked with concern.

"Huh?" Zhang Xu sat up from the bed and asked in surprise, "Why don't you say 'meow' anymore?"

"After the efforts of several of us last night, I have cracked your magic!" Harley said proudly.

"Tsk..." Zhang Xu smacked his lips, "This won't be cute at all."

"Next, I'm going to make you very cute." Harley raised her wand and said to Zhang Xu, "It's time for revenge."

"Are you sure?" Zhang Xu also raised the wand placed on the bedside, "Maybe I can use one or two magic spells. If you are my enemy, you might get pregnant."

"Abnormal!" Harley subconsciously covered her chest with her left hand.

Zhang Xu saw Harley's movements, and then licked his lips deliberately.

Harley subconsciously took a step back.

"Childish Harley, you have to do whatever you can to fight." Zhang Xu said to Harley.


Harley: Expelliarmus!

Before Harry finished reciting the spell, Zhang Xu already knew what the other person was thinking. He let go of the hand holding the wand, and at the same time picked up the quilt covering himself and threw it towards Harry.

The working principle of the disarming spell is a bit confusing. As long as the person being hit subjectively treats the object in his hand as a weapon of his own, then the object will fly towards the person who cast the spell.

Zhang Xu took advantage of this feature of the Disarming Curse to turn his quilt into a weapon. After being hit by the Disarming Curse, the entire quilt flew towards Harley.

Just when Harley was about to use the magic spell to open Zhang Xu's quilt, a bolt of lightning flew from the gap under the quilt and hit Harley's calf. Then Harley felt like she had been hit by an electric mosquito swatter, and her whole body was covered with lightning. Shivering.

In just a short time, Zhang Xu's quilt rolled up Harry.

(⌒?⌒)つ━? ?▔(:з[▓▓▓]

"You know nothing about power."

Zhang Xu said while poking Harry, who was rolled into a sushi roll, with his wand.

"You guys, come in." Zhang Xu shouted to the door of the dormitory.

The next second, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Neville walked in laughing and playing.

Among them, Ginny took a camera and took a lot of pictures of Harry who was squirming violently on the ground.

Then Ginny put away the camera dejectedly, took out two gold coins from her pocket, and handed them to Hermione and Neville respectively. Also paying was Ron.

"I said, are you betting on us?" Zhang Xu immediately understood what they were doing.

"They think Harry can hang you up and beat you while you can't use powerful magic." Neville said while putting away the gold coins.

"But we don't think so." Hermione also smiled and put away the gold coins she won.

As for the two losers, they have already gone to settle accounts with Harry.

"I said, you won money thanks to me, why don't you express your gratitude to me?" Zhang Xu said, looking at Hermione and Neville.

"You are so rich, don't you care about our little money?" Neville said.

Zhang Xu looked at Neville and suddenly said with a smile: "Neville, I have a bottle of drink here, you can take a sip."

Neville looked at Zhang Xu, who had a sly smile on his face, and then at the Harry roll on the ground. Then he immediately turned around and ran out of Zhang Xu's dormitory, as if he would have turned into Neville just a second later.

Zhang Xu put on his robe, tidied up, and asked the dejected Ha Li and others, "Why do you come here to bully me in such a free time?"

"Something happened in the Forbidden Forest." Hermione replied, "We just found zombies in the Forbidden Forest."

"You are sure it is a zombie,

Rather than the Inferi we've seen before or something else? Zhang Xu asked in surprise with his eyes widened.

"We found infected swallow-tailed dogs and deer in the Forbidden Forest, as well as gnawed unicorns." Hermione replied, "More importantly, we found the remains of some mutated corpses. "

"Tell me more about it." Zhang Xu made two chairs in front of the desk and asked Hermione to sit down.

Hermione sat down and said, "Percy just asked Professor McGonagall to contact the centaurs tribe and learned about the place where the centaurs discarded the corpses of Death Eaters."

"Later, Percy, Professor Lupin, Professor Black and Moody went to the Forbidden Forest together. They found the place where the Death Eater corpses were discarded, but no intact corpses were found there."

"And they developed the remains of a unicorn not far away."

"Later we and Neville went to the defense line on the edge of the Forbidden Forest and found the remains of some humans, swallowtail dogs and deer that had been destroyed by peas and watermelons."

"You didn't have close contact with the wreckage, did you?" Zhang Xu asked nervously.

"Uh..." Hermione was stunned for a moment.

Seeing the expression on Hermione's face, Zhang Xu immediately stood up and ran out of the dormitory.

In the Hogwarts cafeteria, an emergency meeting was being held.

"Do we have to do this?" Blake asked Zhang Xu with a dark face.

"Those five idiots must be quarantined and observed for a period of time." Zhang Xu replied in an unquestionable tone, "At the same time, find a way to notify Snape and let him know that Harry may be infected."

"Why tell Snotlout?" Blake's face became more and more aligned with his last name.

"If Harry is really infected, Snape is her only hope." Zhang Xu said, "Because she is Lily's child."

Everyone just tacitly understood Snape's issue. Now that Zhang Xu had brought it up in the Hogwarts circle, there was no reaction except for Lupine and Black being a little uncomfortable.

"Is the matter really that serious this time?" Professor McGonagall asked with a cold face. If something happened to Harley, it would be a big deal.

"Before Snape sends the news back, no one can be too careful," Zhang Xu said. "Although the types of zombies are different, some basic characteristics are the same."

"First of all, animals other than Death Eaters are infected, which shows that this mutation is cross-species contagious. However, we currently do not know the infection route and mutation conditions, so we cannot completely rule out that the five of them were infected. Possibility of infection."

"Secondly, the discovery of eaten unicorns in the Forbidden Forest shows that the effect of unicorn blood has no purifying effect on this mutation."

"The only good news at the moment is that this mutation is most likely controllable. Because it is impossible for Death Eaters to know who will die in Hogsmeade and the Forbidden Forest, and all intact corpses have mutated. From It can be inferred from this that all the Death Eaters who participated in the war yesterday had mutated 'seeds' buried in their bodies, and the opportunity for the 'seed' to explode is death or time. No matter from which point of view, if the Death Eaters do not want to self-destruct If so, then they must have a way to suppress or eliminate the 'seed' in the still-living Death Eaters."

After Zhang Xu finished speaking, the cafeteria fell into silence.

Although some people think Zhang Xu is a bit alarmist, they don't dare to gamble.

In the magical world, the more evil things happen, the higher the chance of them happening.

"I will contact Snape now." The first person to break the silence was Lupine. His reason told him that this matter must be treated with caution.

With Lu Ping setting an example, others began to express their belief in Zhang Xu's words.

Then Professor McGonagall began to arrange for people to burn the wreckage near the school, and then organized people to clear the Forbidden Forest. At the same time, he did not forget to notify the Ministry of Magic so that they could also be more vigilant.

"I hope this mutation will not spread on a large scale." Scarlet sighed as he walked out of the cafeteria with Zhang Xu.

"If that were the case, I would have taken you away as soon as there were signs." Zhang Xu replied.

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