Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 497 Let’s go have a meal

After walking out of the cafeteria, Zhang Xu came to the kitchen, where there was a pot of mouth-watering mutton medicinal stew.

This was stewed by Zhang Xu before he went to the dormitory to sleep. Although it was a little earlier than expected, the mutton stew that had been stewed for more than two hours was considered ready to eat.

He knows his own affairs, and Zhang Xu has a clear understanding of his current physical condition. After the wholesale sale of the Cruciatus Curse last year, he still has some untapped skills. He had not fully recovered from the exhaustion of preparing for the college entrance examination, and then yesterday he cast two spells that required precise control. His spirit was drained, and the old injury recurred. In the next few days, he could only use less magic, work less, take more medicine, and sleep more.

After eating a pot of mutton stew with bread, Zhang Xu went to the prefect's bathroom and took a comfortable bath. Then he returned to the dormitory and hung a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door. I used a bunch of spells to seal the door, then got into bed and fell asleep.

There may have been a knock on the door during this period, but it didn't matter to Zhang Xu who was snoring.

What Zhang didn't know was that when he was snoring in bed, No. 10 Downing Street panicked.

In the magical world, zombies, the contagious walking dead, are very difficult to produce, so they are difficult to produce on a large scale in a short time. The Ministry of Magic has always eliminated only a very small number of zombies that have not yet matured, or some zombies that have failed to be created.

When the Ministry of Magic received news from Hogwarts that the corpses of the Death Eaters last night had turned into zombies instead of inferi, the Aurors who were sent to the Forbidden Forest to investigate came to a definite answer. After that, Scrimgeour and the others began to panic.

Even more panicked was No. 10 Downing Street, who got the news.

Since the release of the American movie "Night of the Living Dead" in 1968 kicked off the zombie film and television genre, until the release of "Resident Evil" last year, in the past thirty years, the image of zombies has been in the hearts of many viewers and players. Leaves a shadow.

So when the Prime Minister was preparing to go home from work to have dinner with his family, when he received a report of a large-scale zombie appearance in Scotland, the Prime Minister was so frightened that his first reaction was to call the Avant-garde-class strategic nuclear submarine on duty deep in the Atlantic Ocean. Good preparation for trident cleaning.

"We must find out all the information about the zombies. It is best to capture one alive, and then we must make an assessment of the danger level as soon as possible."

This is the last instruction given by the Prime Minister before leaving get off work.

So all the British departments immediately mobilized their best forces to form a team, and after having a dinner at Hogwarts, they entered the Forbidden Forest.

?Dividing line?

"So you just came back from the Forbidden Forest?" Zhang Xu, who had woken up energetically, met Lu Ping and the others who were haggard and still stained with grass clippings and dew at the door of the cafeteria.

Lupine nodded listlessly. It seemed that he was very busy last night.

"Did you find anything?" Zhang Xu asked eagerly.

"Two zombies were captured alive, as well as several infected animals." Lupine said after sitting down at the long table. "They were all taken away by government soldiers."

"That's good." Zhang Xu sat down next to Lu Ping, ignoring Black who was sitting on the other side of Lu Ping. "Muggles are better than wizards in dealing with infectious dangerous substances. They can ensure that they will not cause any harm." Proliferation. After all, biological weapons studied by Muggles are more terrifying than dark magic, and the British government has a biosafety level 4 laboratory."

Although Lu Ping didn't know what a biosafety level 4 laboratory was, he could tell from Zhang Xu's relieved expression that in Zhang Xu's opinion this was the best choice.

"We also discovered last night that in addition to being bitten by zombies, animals that eat zombie corpses will also turn into zombies." Lupine said while eating breakfast.

Zhang Xu covered his face, and then said one word: "Crow!"

Lupine paused as he reached for the sandwich on the table.

Then the whole person shivered.

Crows eat carrion, so if they eat the corpses of zombies...

The zombies flying all over the sky and spreading everywhere are terrifying no matter how you think about them.

"We can only inform Hagrid to let Yeqi block the sky in the Forbidden Forest." Lu Ping said.

Zhang Xu nodded, he could only rely on the Thestrals, he couldn't let people fly in the sky on a broom all day long.

"What are your plans next?" Zhang Xu asked nervously.

This is related to whether he should get a typewriter and take it with him.

"Let's wait for the results of the government's research before we make the next step," Lu Ping said.

Zhang Xu curled his lips, but he also knew that this was a normal step. If he made a random decision, the consequences of civil chaos might be even more serious.

"Is there any news from Snape?" Zhang Xu finally asked.

Lupine was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

Zhang Xu returned to the long table in Yingyuan and sat next to Scarlet who was lying on the table.


He poked Scarlet in the cheek to wake her up.

"It's only been an all-nighter, why are you so tired?" Zhang Xu asked after taking a piece of cake.

"I'm tired." Scarlet continued to lie on the table and said.

( ̄ω ̄)つ??(′□`*)

Zhang Xu tore off a piece of the cake that was big enough for the other party to eat in one bite, and then stuffed it into her mouth.

Zhang Xu's behavior caused serious discomfort to everyone in the cafeteria, and coughs broke out all over the place.

Therefore, Zhang Xu was rushed to duty outside the castle after breakfast. Although he couldn't use too much magic, early warning was still enough.

So Zhang Xu found a seat under the tall nuts beside the flowerbed on the lawn outside the castle. After sitting comfortably, he took out a complete set of "" that he bought during his trip to Japan to pass the time.

When Zhang Xu turned over the page "Coach, I want to play basketball", Lu Ping came to him.

"Snape has news," Lu Ping said to Zhang Xu, "He wants you to meet with him alone."

Zhang Xu frowned, closed the comic and asked, "Where is the time and place?"

"The time is today, and the location is his home." Lupine then asked, "Do you need us to go together?"

"No need." Zhang Xu shook his head and said, "Under the current circumstances, he can still be trusted. If others go, it may cause trouble."

Lu Ping didn't say much. He knew that with Zhang Xu's character, he would not put himself in danger.

In the afternoon, Zhang Xu left Hogwarts with a basket of fruits and a meal.

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