Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 509 The last opening party

Michael Owen, who followed Hagrid and completed "Re-walking the Road to Founding the School and Revisiting the History of Revolution", felt 70% excited, 20% nervous and 10% uneasy, and walked out together with the classmates he had just met on the train. tunnel, and then suddenly saw a brightly lit castle appearing in front of him.

"This is Hogwarts Castle." Hagrid introduced the new students as he led them forward, pointing at the castle. "Everyone will spend seven years here together."

"Professor Hagrid, is that the basilisk?" Michael asked, pointing to the basilisk fountain in front of the castle that looked a bit eerie under the dark red light.

"That's right." Hagrid replied, "In order to deal with this big guy, the students at that time spent a lot of effort."

Hagrid noticed that many curious students were starting to walk towards the fountain. He hurriedly shouted: "Ladies and gentlemen, you can come and see them during the break, otherwise you will miss the sorting ceremony."

When Hagrid knocked on the castle door, the heavy door opened, but everyone found that there was no one behind the door.

If Professor Flitwick hadn't coughed and everyone noticed him in time, he might have been stepped on by the students who were rushing into the castle.

In a small room waiting for the sorting ceremony to begin, several young wizards with ordinary backgrounds asked Michael: "Michael, do you know what the sorting ceremony is like?"

Because Zhang Xu told Michael a lot about Hogwarts before, and when he was on the train, he kept showing off this little knowledge to several friends in the carriage who were also ordinary people, so now Everyone asked him about the sorting ceremony.

But Michael turned into a bitter face at this time. He said: "The content of the sorting ceremony is different every year. This year we should use magic to cook."

The friends around him all looked confused.

(=°ω°)ノ dividing line ヽ(?ω?.)ノ

"Okay, Michael, don't be angry. After all, it is a Hogwarts tradition to keep the sorting ceremony secret from the new students. Eat more for dinner later, you first-year students haven't gone to have midnight snack yet."

After the sorting ceremony, Zhang Xu smiled and said to Michael, who was sitting next to him and was a little depressed. This position originally belonged to his aunt, but now that the position was vacant after her aunt graduated, he called Michael, who was assigned to the Eagle Academy, over.

At this time, Professor McGonagall was giving her first principal's speech.

"Now, we must deploy according to the most severe situation and make the most adequate defense preparations."

"In the next work, we must first strengthen our ideological understanding. Each college must deeply implement the concept of "not afraid of mobilizing a large number of people, not afraid of 'wasting people and money', and not afraid of being on guard against all odds.' Each dean must take overall responsibility and personally handle it. The professors and prefects in charge have made concrete efforts to grasp the situation, resolutely overcome paralysis and carelessness, tighten the string of absolute safety, and minimize the impact of Death Eaters on Hogwarts."

"Secondly, we must implement work measures. We must strictly adhere to the bottom line of safety, comprehensively investigate various safety hazards, and focus on the castle's peripheral defense system, the transfer of junior students during wartime, and daily inspections."

"The third is to improve the response time..."

In the current complex and dangerous situation, the students did not find Professor McGonagall's speech lengthy, but listened attentively. If someone takes notes at this time, it will be the same as usual class.

Students who still choose to stay at Hogwarts under the current circumstances all know what kind of situation they will face next.

Professor McGonagall's speech soon ended, and then it was time to introduce the new team of Hogwarts professors.

After Professor McGonagall becomes the principal, the vice-principal needs to choose one of the four deans to serve. Slughorn of the Snake House is older than Professor McGonagall, Professor Sprout of the Badger House is not interested in this position, and Lupine, the new director of the Lion House, is not qualified enough, so Professor Flitwick of the Eagle House becomes appointed a new vice-chancellor.

After Professor McGonagall announced that Lupine would once again be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, the students who had attended his class burst into cheers.

When it was announced that Black had taken over as the Transfiguration professor, many senior students burst into cheerful laughter. Some of the students who almost saw him become a hotpot were still in Hogwarts.

In the end, Zhang was appointed to return to the world, which confused the freshmen and cheered the old students.

Michael wanted to congratulate Professor Zhang next to him, but when he saw Professor Zhang’s face as dark as the bottom of a pot, he asked cautiously: “Are you unhappy because of this appointment, Mr. Zhang?”

"Just call me Zhang." Zhang Xu said, "You have to know that correcting people's homework is a very hard job."

At this time, dinner appeared on the long table. Zhang Xu quickly filled himself a plate full of meat, then took two glasses of pumpkin juice and handed one of them to Luna.

Michael originally wanted to ask Zhang Xu something about Hogwarts, but when he saw Zhang Xu there in a state of confusion, he found that he couldn't get a word in.

After chatting with the freshmen sitting on the other side for a while, Michael suddenly found that the atmosphere in the cafeteria was gradually becoming strange.

First, when he was taking a piece of mutton chop, he saw a senior prefect sitting diagonally opposite holding something and looking at it. Then the prefect raised his head and looked at Zhang Xu, who was sweeping the steak, and then He also speeded up his meal.

Immediately afterwards, the prefect whispered a few words to the classmate sitting next to him. The classmate was stunned after hearing this, and finally speeded up his meal.

This scene continued to play out in the cafeteria. For a moment, the students eating in the cafeteria seemed to have pressed fast forward.

Taking advantage of Zhang Xu's opportunity to drink pumpkin juice after eating a piece of grilled ribs, Michael, who intuitively told himself that something was not right, asked: "What happened?"

"As long as you have enough to eat, you must follow the instructions later." Zhang Xu said to Michael.

Michael was about to ask again, but found that Zhang Xu had turned his head to the other side and was talking to the girl sitting next to him.

At this moment, a patron saint emitting silvery white light suddenly ran to Professor McGonagall's side.

The next moment, Professor McGonagall put down the tableware in her hand, and all the dinners on the long table in front of the students suddenly disappeared at the same time.

"All students from first to fourth years returned to the common room of their respective houses, and first-year students followed their prefects."

Professor McGonagall ordered after standing up from her seat.

Zhang Xu followed the evacuated students out of the cafeteria, and then came to the roof of the Astronomy Tower alone.

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