Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 508 Arrive at school safely

Zhang Xu stepped on the flying sword and left the train. When he arrived at the tunnel entrance, he did not find Voldemort's body. He only found some blood and skin residue at the top of the tunnel entrance, and found some blood stains on the withered grass that had been crushed by the railway.

So Zhang Xu happily packed all the precious materials dropped from Voldemort in special containers, not even leaving the dead grass stained with a drop of blood.

After defeating the boss and picking up materials, Zhang Xu rushed back to the train's captain's compartment, where his hotpot was still warm.

When Hermione returned to the carriage after receiving the news, Zhang Xu had just finished a box of small hot pot, and then he pointed to another box on the table and said to Hermione: "This box is for you, eat it while it's hot. , it’s getting cold.”

Hermione suddenly rushed towards Zhang Xu, hugged him, and kept saying in a trembling voice: "As long as it's okay, it's okay."

Not long after, the door of the carriage was pushed open, Ron walked in, and Hermione hurriedly jumped to the side.

Ron ignored what he just saw and just walked up to Zhang Xu. While patting and touching his body, he asked with concern: "Is there any injury? Does it hurt anywhere?"

"Stop!" Zhang Xu grabbed Ron's hand, "If you touch it again, be careful because I'll fill you with medicine and I'll touch you as much as you can. And I haven't settled the debt with you last night!"

Ron winced, then ran away with a silly smile.

The next people to arrive in the carriage were Ginny and Luna.

After giving Zhang Xu a hug, Ginny gave up her position to Luna, and then Luna hugged Zhang Xu and cried.

Zhang Xu, who was confused, finally calmed Luna down and asked her to sit on a chair nearby.

Next, more and more acquaintances came to the carriage, either giving Zhang Xu a warm hug, or holding his hand and saying a lot of thanks.

The kiss came from the Petil sisters. They came to Zhang Xu and kissed Zhang Xu's cheeks at the same time amidst the cheers of a group of people.

Two kitchen knives suddenly appeared in Zhang Xu's mind, and then exploded into countless photons like explosive seeds.

After driving away the rest of the gang on the grounds that the train might be attacked again, Zhang Xu asked Hermione sitting aside: "What is going on?"

"The conversation between you and the mysterious man can be heard by the whole train." Hermione said after wiping her eyes.

"What?!" Zhang Xu's eyes widened in fear. There were some words mentioned just now, such as the matter of the Elder Wand and Voldemort's mention of their previous cooperation. These contents can easily be used by those who are interested to make a fuss.

Zhang already thought about how a black dog barked at him after knowing these things. He considered whether to ask his friends in the embassy to buy a bottle of isoniazid for backup.

"Then your voices stopped when the train entered the tunnel," Hermione continued.

"We were very worried at the time. Not long after the train came out of the tunnel, someone climbed on the roof and found that you were all missing."

Zhang Xu estimated the time. Others were definitely not as skilled in climbing the train as he was. In addition to the time they had discussed in advance, he was already picking up materials at the entrance of the tunnel by the time they reached the roof.

"Everyone said you left You-Know-Who on the other side of the tunnel."

"You didn't come back after a while, and everyone was worried."

Zhang Xu wanted to know that the implicit "worry about being bad" actually meant "you were killed by Voldemort."

After Hermione finished speaking, Luna, who had been sitting next to Zhang Xu and hugging his arm tightly, kept nodding there.

Zhang Xu used Head Touch Kill on Luna.

Luna's mood stabilized.

"Why did the mysterious man leave?" Hermione asked curiously.

"I hid while the train was passing through the tunnel." Zhang Xu said vaguely.

It would be better not to reveal the fact that Voldemort hit his head on a rock for the time being, otherwise he would be in big trouble if he became angry.

Next, the train arrived at Hogsmeade train station without incident.

Before arriving at the station, Zhang Xu took the time to use his mobile phone to call Furong to report that he was safe. He also reported in detail all his activities in the past two days, especially the action to rescue the Patil sisters.

"I also heard from Mrs. Maxim about the Patil sisters." Fleur said on the other end of the phone, "Just rescue them. If they are willing, just bring them back. The old man asked me to If you bring a word, they can provide shelter to the two sisters."

"Brother, when did you say that?" Zhang Xu was excited. He felt that Mr. Zhao was going to do something big.

"This afternoon," Fleur said, "he called and told me that when you call back, let me tell you the news."

After half a minute, Fleur found that there was no response from the other party on the phone and asked hurriedly: "What's wrong? Are you still there?"

"Still." Zhang Xu replied, "I just suddenly thought of something, but I never grasped the key point."

"You can tell me and my brother tomorrow that since they are my classmates, please don't set the asylum conditions too high."

"Are you feeling distressed?" Furong asked with a smile, "Twin sisters, are you excited?"

"Stop making trouble, they are both poor homeless people." Zhang Xu said, "Do you think I am the kind of guy who takes advantage of others' danger?"

"Haha." A cold voice came from the other end of the phone, like the metallic sound of two hatchets colliding.

Since it was already late at night in China, Zhang Xu drove Furong to bed after chatting for a few words.

After hanging up the phone and putting the phone in the protective box, Zhang Xu asked Hermione, who has a superb memory, "Hermione, have you heard what Parvati said about the Patil family?"

He usually never talked about this aspect when chatting with Padma. The two of them were busy studying various magics.

Hermione thought for a moment and said, "Parvati rarely tells us about her family's situation. She only mentioned that their family is in a place called Lashistan in western India."

"That's right!" Zhang Xu suddenly realized, "It's Rajasthan."

"Yes, that's the name." Hermione asked curiously, "What happened there?"

Zhang Xu shook his head and said: "This matter is too deep, just pretend it never happened."

There was no way he could tell Hermione that next year, in 1998, a major event would happen in Rajasthan, India, that would shock the world. Moreover, the depth of this matter is not something that a little shrimp like him can participate in.

After the train arrived at the station, Zhang Xu opened the door and found that the person who greeted him was of high standard.

After letting Hermione take Luna away, Zhang Xu followed the cold-faced Professor McGonagall, Lupin, Moody, Scrimgeour and old Mr. Rodney and boarded the last carriage pulled by the Thestral.

On the carriage, Zhang Xu briefly told the story of his fight with Voldemort on the road, which made the five of them look confused, and then they exclaimed that it was a pity.

After finishing the topic, Scrimgeour asked: "Mr. Zhang, is the news that Death Eaters will attack Hogwarts tonight accurate?"

Zhang Xu nodded solemnly and said, "The spy is trustworthy and his status is enough to obtain such information."

"And the actions of the mysterious man today confirm the accuracy of this piece of information."

"First of all, he came alone and did not lead the Death Eaters, which means that other Death Eaters have more important tasks."

"Secondly, he must make sure to defeat me before the operation begins and become the master of the Elder Wand. Otherwise, if I am defeated during their operation, there will be a crowd of people at the scene and it may be difficult to find the Elder Wand after me. The successor."

"But why do you suggest that we make only limited preparations?" Scrimgeour asked again.

"This is to protect the inside line and prevent it from being exposed." Zhang Xu replied.

Voldemort was not a fool. If he found out that someone had arranged countermeasures for his actions in advance, he would soon think that there was a spy under his command.

Others present in the carriage may not care about the life and death of the insider. After all, the insider is not theirs, but it is impossible for Zhang Xu not to think about the line in his hands. There are still battles to be fought in the future, and we cannot lose them easily now.

Next it was time for the big bosses to discuss, and Zhang Xu didn’t want to get involved.

When the carriage stopped in front of the gate of Hogwarts, the bosses had already formulated a plan of action that would give Zhang Xu a toothache.

After seeing off the big guys, Zhang Xu walked towards Hogwarts Castle surrounded by a large group of classmates.

When they walked into the castle gate and came to the foyer, they saw Harry Potter walking down the stairs.

Zhang Xu smacked his lips and said to Harry, "What a pity. I should have known I would have brought a larger bottle here."

Then a group of people tried to persuade Harry to put away his wand and wait until everyone had finished eating to talk about anything else.

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