Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 514 The Battle of Hogwarts (3)

While watching the peppers falling from the sky fall into the spore haze, Zhang Xu remembered that a necessary condition for a dust explosion is that the dust must be flammable.

But these fresh spores should contain water, so they shouldn’t burn...

Just when Zhang Xu was wondering, a large ball of fire lit up, and a few seconds later a deafening roar spread into the air.

The stunned Zhang Xu looked at the seemingly unscientific and magical scene in front of him, and decided to find a time to ask Neville how they did it. Otherwise, one day when I go to pick mushrooms to make soup base, it will accidentally turn into a bang-bang battle.

This loud noise became the signal for counterattack. Several corns, almost as big as Hagrid stood, flew into the air and then hit the crowd of Death Eaters on the campus.

After a loud noise, even the Death Eaters protected by the Iron Armor Curse were staggered by the shock wave.

In the air, students carrying baskets on their backs dumped the peppers, cherries and destruction mushrooms in the baskets to the Death Eaters outside the school.

Seeing the gate of the castle open and the people inside starting a counterattack, Yuri commented on the side: "The connection between firepower and counterattack was out of touch. The interval was too long and no effective coordination was formed. When they arrived at the front line At this time, many enemies who were knocked unconscious before have recovered."

"After all, they are just students and professors, not soldiers who have undergone infantry and artillery coordination, or scavengers who pick up shrapnel at the artillery range all year round." Zhang Xu said, "We cannot demand perfection from them."

"But at least they will hit the enemy lying down, which is not bad." Mrs. Adams also flew over to join the discussion.

"This is a standardized process." Zhang Xu shrugged, "We cannot afford casualties. Being conservative sometimes means safety."

Over the years, Zhang Xu has cultivated a spirit among the students at Hogwarts by selling the Iron Armor Curse amulet.

Each of the students below has complete equipment and potions. If they haven't encountered Avada's Kedavra, they can fight the Death Eaters one-on-one before the durability of the equipment and potions are exhausted. If they fight in groups, That's a big advantage.

Now that Hogwarts students have the right time and place, how could they not fight in groups?

When there is no threat, a transformation spell can build a slope or stairs to climb over a tall nut, or cast a spell on a Death Eater from above.

In less than ten minutes, all the Death Eaters in the campus had been cleared away, and the students and professors were preparing to charge outside the gate.

"It seems I'm going to help them." Zhang Xu said to the people around him, "When you use up the brooms and flying swords, just put them in the Forbidden Forest. When the time comes, I will use the Flying Curse to take them back."

Then he looked at the person standing on the other side of the broom and asked, "How about you share the broom with others first?"

"I'm going too, just to say hello."

Zhang was relieved. It turned out that this Italian was an acquaintance with someone at Hogwarts. Judging by his height and figure, there was a high probability that he was a relative of Professor Flitwick.

Given Zhang's relationship with Professor Flitwick, it's not surprising that his relatives know about him and are familiar with him.

"Are you a relative of a certain professor?" Zhang Xu asked tentatively.

"Did you see it?" The other party was a little surprised.

"Well, I should have thought of it earlier." Zhang Xu replied, "Then let's go there together."

The situation on the battlefield is not optimistic at this moment. The ammunition of the "Air Force" has been exhausted. Although the Death Eaters in front of the gate suffered heavy casualties, the Death Eaters in the rear have now experienced a little chaos after suffering a few Destruction Mushrooms. Reorganized by Snape.

The combat effectiveness of an organized team and an unorganized team are two different things, so Zhang Xu must now disrupt these organized Death Eaters again.

The best way to confuse the enemy is naturally to decapitate him.

Beat up Snape and then let him go.

The other Death Eaters naturally dispersed.

The Death Eaters were not a disciplined and well-organized team, they were little more than a plate of loose sand.

Zhang Xu didn't think he had the power to grab Snape's hair among millions of soldiers, so now he could only rely on sneak attacks to make a quick victory.

What spell is most useful for sneak attacks at night?

Of course it's the lighting technique. Except for Moody or Illidan, this spell can often work wonders when the lighting conditions are not good at night.

After Zhang Xu flew over the battlefield, he controlled the broom to dive while preparing spells.

(`Ω′)つ—?The light from Jinshan Mountain shines in all directions

The next moment, after hearing the solemn voice above their heads, the Death Eaters looked up into the night sky to find the source of the sound. They only felt a golden light countless times stronger than the sun appear in front of their eyes, and then their eyes darkened. Nothing can be seen.

At the same time, the Death Eaters who were dark wizards also felt that their magic power had been suppressed, and they were trembling as if they were encountering natural enemies. Their attempts to use magic spells to restore their eyesight failed.

Also blind was Snape. He just looked up and was struck.


Snape was just about to use Apparition to escape, but a sheep-changing spell fell from the sky, and he turned into a black goat that kept bleating on the spot.

"If you move again, I will hand you over to Aberforth Dumbledore, hehehehe."

After turning into a goat, Sneijah regained her sight and knew what she had been transformed from the look of her front hooves and her voice.

As for Aberforth's attitude toward sheep, Sneezy knew very well, so Zhang's intimidation against him was very useful.

After tying Sneezy to the broomstick and letting the broom fly back to Hogwarts with it, Zhang Xu began to attack the Death Eaters around him.

At this time, the little man who was rubbing his broom also came down. Zhang Xu patted the other person on the shoulder and said, "Dude, how about we compare who can kill more?"

The next moment, a 381mm long wand hit Zhang Xu's ribs.

"What did you call me?"

"Although your voice is a bit crisp, judging from your figure, you should be a man..."

Before Zhang Xu finished speaking, he rolled aside and rolled to the side, and then a magic spell hit a Death Eater behind him. The Death Eater was blown away to nowhere with a "boom".

After the interruption just now, the eyesight of some Death Eaters around began to recover. Now was no longer the time to play around.


Zhang Xu cast a frost halo, freezing the surrounding Death Eaters and friendly forces who were caught off guard and didn't dodge?

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