Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 515: After the fight, blow on the bottle

The first ones to come to support Zhang Xu were Ron and the others who had completed the air raid mission in the sky. They flew directly down from the sky and landed around Zhang Xu.

It's just that Ron's landing position was wrong, and Zhang's tail was split into an explosive head by a chain lightning strike. Fortunately, his tail was not very powerful, and he was protected by the Iron Armor Curse, so Ron recovered after shaking a few times.

"Is your magic restored?" Ron asked after knocking down a Death Eater with a stun spell.

"Barely." Zhang Xu replied, "As long as you don't use high-intensity magic, there will be no problem."

"Who is that person?" Ron asked, pointing to the little man who was flying away the Death Eaters, "Where did you find such a powerful girl?"

"Uh...she is an Italian Auror. She is related to a professor in the school. She may be a relative of Professor Flitwick." Zhang Xu replied.

Now the Death Eaters were being attacked from both sides by Zhang Xu, Ron, and the students who rushed out of the school. In addition, they discovered that Snape was missing, and their morale quickly collapsed.

The remaining Death Eaters had no intention of fighting, and soon some began to flee.

Harry, who led the crowd in a counterattack, shot a curse at the last Death Eater on the scene. As a result, the Death Eater disapparated and disappeared at the last moment. The curse came from next to where the Death Eater originally stood. Flying towards Zhang.

The alert Zhang's heart was beating wildly, and he immediately jumped to the side, and rolled around to avoid Harry's curse.

Then the curse hit Ron on the back of the head.

"What a pity..." Harry said in a low voice, looking at Ron who was unconscious on the ground and Zhang who was hiding.

The battle at Hogwarts was over, and the Death Eaters who attacked Hogsmeade soon got the news and retreated.

The relieved students began to clean the scene, while those with cameras began to take pictures.

Such a big event happened. If we didn't take a photo and post it on WeChat as a souvenir, then the Death Eaters' trip would have been in vain.

And for publicity purposes, Harry and others needed to take some additional photos during the battle.

At the same time, the students found the incapacitated Death Eaters and tied them up. After Colin and the others took photos, they handed them over to the Ministry of Magic.

After finishing these things, the students were rushed back to the castle by Zhang Xu and the professors.

"Are you sure you will complete the next work yourself?" Professor McGonagall asked.

Looking at the Death Eater corpses on the ground, Zhang Xu sighed and said, "Let me do it. For others, I'm worried that they will leave an indelible psychological shadow."

In this battle, many Death Eaters were killed, and some of the corpses looked horrific.

The corpse poisoned by the spores of the giant spray mushroom was still intact. Those that had been smeared with corn butter and burned to death by flaming peas and blown to death by dust explosions now stank of burnt meat. Some of them were hit by several ice watermelons in a row. They were frozen into ice cubes and then smashed into pieces. And now they are thawed. There are also destroyed mushrooms and fried cherries that are evenly distributed around...

You can imagine the reaction of those students just now from the vomit on the ground.

If they were asked to collect the corpse again, they would probably have nightmares every day before using the Forgetting Curse and would not be able to sleep well.

Moreover, these corpses must be disposed of as soon as possible, otherwise they will turn into zombies later.

"Then is there anything we can do to help?" Professor Flitwick, standing on the other side of Zhang Xu, asked.

"Hmm..." Zhang Xu thought for a moment, and then said, "It would be great if we could find a suitable place to bury these... things. It would be best if they are at an appropriate distance from the school."

Professor Flitwick said he knew there was such a place, so he left the campus with Zhang Xu.

"Professor, is it okay to let the two of them make trouble there?" When he walked out of the school gate, Zhang Xu pointed at the two people who were arguing not far from the school gate.

At this time, Scarlet pointed at the little Italian man and said: "The chest is not big, but the tone is not small.


Then the two raised their wands and started fighting.

"It doesn't matter." Professor Flitwick shrank his head and dodged a magic spell flying from the other side, "Vivian is a good child, she will not do anything to harm others."

Zhang Xu said "Oh" and left with Professor Flitwick.

It's easy to get related in the European wizarding world. This little Italian's father is a distant relative of Professor Flitwick, and his mother is a relative from Scarlet's side. So genetically speaking, she has the body of the Flitwick family and the red pupils of the Scarlet family. Moreover, she and Mr. Si were best friends who made a fuss whenever they met when they were young.

"Are all the middle-aged women standing here taking good care of themselves?" Zhang Xu sighed with emotion.

About half a mile away from Hogwarts, there is a large overgrown wasteland, a hundred or two hundred meters away from the road where students take carriages to school, but Zhang Xu usually passes by without noticing it.

"It's pretty good here." Zhang Xu said to Professor Flitwick, "I'll dig a hole here first."

Digging a hole is a very simple matter. First, use magic to dig a deep hole on the ground that is as wide as a bowl and about ten feet deep, then put an appropriate amount of explosives into it, and finally detonate it.

After finding the pit, Zhang Xu went to the edge of the Forbidden Forest, chopped several trees into firewood and piled them aside.

Then he used magic to get the corpses of the Death Eaters, and arranged them in the pit layer by layer of wood.

Finally, it was set on fire.

Fortunately, the wind direction was good today, and the smoke was drifting towards Hogsmeade, which made the Auror who had just heard the explosion and came to find out what was going on extremely depressed.

While the fire was still burning, Zhang Xu found a large rock that had been blasted nearby. He sat on another rock and used Shenfeng·Mason Set·Wuying to cut it into a stone slab and began to carve words on it.

"what are you writing?"

A voice sounded behind Zhang Xu.

"I'm writing down the origins of these corpses clearly, and then burying them together with the corpses." Zhang Xu replied, "Otherwise, if someone digs up these corpses in the future, it might be rumored that Hogwarts is doing evil human experiments. rumors."

After a while, Zhang Xu finished carving the words on the slate and put the slate aside.

"Why are you here?" Zhang Xu asked.

"I...I just came to take a look." Under the light of the fire, it could be seen that Harry's face did not look good.

"What's there to see here?" Zhang Xu said as he took out a few bottles of beer and placed them on the ground, then threw one to Harry.

(°o°)o[]Blow the bottle for victory[]o(◎′_◎)

A place filled with the smell of burnt meat was not a good place for drinking. Harry looked at the beer in his hand, gritted his teeth and drank it all.

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