Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 570: The rescue was successful and the hostages were not injured.

The time has come.

Phil, Gemma and Leo soared into the sky on their broomsticks, then swooped down to different parts of the house. Just when they were about to collide with the roof, a disintegrating curse hit the roof in front of them, and then they entered the room through the large hole in the roof and the roof fragments.

At the same time, Ron, who was already prepared, recited a spell and inserted the wand into the ground. Several lines of water vapor formed by the melted snow vaporized and emerged from the ground, rushing towards the house like the tentacles of an octopus. And went and surrounded the house.

The next moment, a circle of blue flames like the breath of a Swedish Brachysaurus suddenly appeared around the house. The magic traps arranged around the house were burned down by the flames coming out of the ground. For a while, various explosions and spells appeared in the blue flames, just like fireworks set off at a festival.

Although Alexander had already been reminded by Ron, he was still stunned for two seconds when he saw this scene. When he came to his senses, he immediately ordered two assault teams to take action immediately. When the assault team rushed around the flame circle, Ron controlled the magic spell to make the flames on the ground gradually shrink with the opponent's footsteps.

When the SAS commando team came to the house through the earth that exuded the smell of burning and heat, the sound of "cracking" magic battles could already be heard from the second floor.

Bullock took out a shock bomb he had on him and threw it into the house immediately after Grant used his gun to shatter the glass in the back door window.

After a loud noise, John kicked the door open and then stepped aside. Bullock and Grant were already squatting on both sides of the door, blocking the living room behind the door with crossfire.

At this moment, less than two meters away from the two of them, a black figure staggered up from the ground.

As a result, before he could stand up, with the sound of "ta da da" × 2 gunshots, the black figure was knocked to the ground by Bullock and Grant who fired at the same time with three bursts.

The special bullet hit Heiying's body, and a small explosion of fire suddenly appeared. When Heiying groaned and collapsed to the ground, there were already six Nutrient Express bottle-sized bullets on his body. of wounds.

Bullock and Grant immediately fired three more shots at the shadow that fell to the ground. When they confirmed that the shadow with as many holes as honeycomb coal was dead, they rushed into the living room under cover of John and another team member.

After clearing the living room, a group of people immediately launched an attack on the restaurant on the right.

On the second floor, Phil and three other Aurors attracted the attention of all the Death Eaters in the building from the very beginning. What they didn't expect was that most of the Death Eaters were gathered here. This allowed them to spread out at the beginning and make a big noise to attract the attention of the Death Eaters downstairs. The plan became a door-to-door delivery. For a time, they were divided and surrounded by the Death Eaters who had a numerical advantage.

In order to facilitate the cooperation between the two parties, the Aurors also brought portable walkie-talkies. Ron, who was far outside the house, heard from the radio station of the support team nearby that the Aurors were in bad condition, and the assault team on the first floor began to be The Death Eaters were entangled and unable to support the second floor for a while.


Just when he was about to rush over to support, a gunshot sounded not far from him.

Just now, the curtains and windows of a room on the second floor were blown open, and the situation inside the room was clear. Gemma was suppressed in the corner next to the window by three Death Eaters. The sniper who had been preparing for a long time quickly aimed at the Death Eater near the window who was attacking Gemma, then decisively pulled the trigger and shot him in the head.

After receiving the instruction, Gemma immediately squatted down. In the next second, a dense string of bullets swept through, and another Death Eater was eliminated by another gunner from the support team with a long point shot.

The remaining Death Eater turned around and wanted to run, but was hit in the leg by a spell from the crouching Gemma, and then fell to the ground.

Soon, there was an explosion on the radio,

Then Leo's voice shouted: "Hostage found! On the south side of the second floor."

Upon hearing the news, Ron couldn't help it and immediately jumped up from the ground and rushed towards the south side of the house.

At this time, the rescuers inside the house also increased their attack intensity. For a while, magic spells and bullets were flying inside the house, and the whole house became shaky.

With the addition of Ron, a new force, the stalemate suddenly became more favorable.

Ron used Transfiguration to create a staircase that led directly to the second-floor window, ran up and broke the window directly in.

At this time, Gemma and Leo had already met in the room. When Ron came in through the window, they were so nervous that they almost thought Ron was a Death Eater.

A fat, unconscious woman slept on the bed in the room. Judging by her appearance, she was Mrs. Weasley.

It's just that in this case, Ron couldn't tell whether the other party was true or false.

After a wave of Death Eater attacks were repelled, Ron blew a hole in the floor and the restaurant appeared underneath the hole.

"You take her away first." Ron said to Gemma and Leo, "I will come from behind."

After Ron finished speaking, he cast a stun spell on the person on the bed. If this person is a Death Eater in disguise, it will be difficult if he breaks out and hurts someone later. Ron understands this.

"No!" Leo retorted, "Take her away first, you shouldn't have come."

"If she is a Death Eater in disguise, you can subdue her." Ron walked to the door and shot a green light at the Death Eaters who wanted to get closer in the corridor outside the door.

The Death Eater thought it was Avada's Kedavra and was so frightened that he rolled away.

Gemma, Leo, and Phil, who had just come through the hole in the wall, were startled by the green light, and the way they looked at Ron changed.

"It's just a little trick, just a light," Ron explained.

Phil didn't argue anymore and immediately ordered: "Gemma, Leo, you take the hostages and leave first, and the others will cover."

"Are there any of us on the second floor?" Ron asked.

At this time, Leo and Gemma, who was holding the hostage, jumped to the first floor through the hole in the floor. Phil asked around on the walkie-talkie and replied: "It's just us."

After getting Phil's reply, Ron prepared, then turned around and drew a large semicircle in the air with his wand.

(╬ ̄俣)つ━?

Divine Edge·Includes fire damage·Powerful to produce miracles·Shadow

In fifth grade, when Ron and Harry studied Snape's potions textbook together, he learned the original version of Shadowless Blade from it. It's just that when improving, he didn't take the path of refined operation like Zhang did. Instead, he went further and further on the road of using his strength to create miracles. Recently, he even pointed out a skill tree with other attribute damage.

I saw that the curse did not fly forward, but spread rapidly outwards with Ron as the center of the circle like a wave of water. Soon, it cut a burning incision on the wall like a knife cutting through tofu. .

"Let's go, this place is about to collapse!" After Ron said that, he ignored the confused Phil and jumped into the hole in the floor and escaped.

Five minutes later, the group met outside the house with the rescued Mrs. Weasley. At this time, the second floor of the house had collapsed and the entire house was burning.

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