Looking at the person on the ground who looked exactly like his mother, Ron was extremely conflicted in his heart. WWW.SUIMENG.lā

Since they were not sure whether the other party was the hostage herself or a Death Eater pretending to be a hostage, the Aurors had to take some restrictive measures against her.

It's just that although Ron can understand what the Aurors are doing, and he believes that he would give the same order if he were the team leader, but seeing the Aurors pouring veritaserum into each other in front of him, and having such a trace of luck in his heart, he felt that He didn't feel good.

How to identify in a short period of time whether a person is disguised using polyjuice potion or other methods is a topic that Aurors have been studying for many years. Originally, Aurors had special Apparition Charms to use, but with the progress and development of the times, the Polyjuice Potion itself was constantly being improved, which made the previous Apparition Charms difficult to use. In some cases where the Appearance spell does not work, the simplest method of asking the other party some questions that only a few people know has become the most effective option. Especially when the hostages were kidnapped for a short time, the Death Eaters did not have much time to obtain Mrs. Weasley's memory.

After the Zhang family building was burned down many years ago, Death Eaters disguised themselves as Fleur in an attempt to deceive Zhang. As a result, because the Death Eaters did not understand the matter between Zhang and Furong, they were discovered by Zhang on the spot, and were almost beaten to death by Zhang.

The purpose of Ron's appearance here now is to determine the identity of the other party by asking some questions that only members of the Weasley family know when the Apparition Curse has expired.

Just when Ron asked "Why is Fred's left butt different from his right butt?" Alexander Pierce directed his men to set up a warning circle around the perimeter and asked the communications troops to use the radio to communicate with the headquarters.

"Hydra calls Wembley..."

Soon, the voice of a communications soldier from the Operations Command with the call sign "Wembley" came from the radio.

"Wembley received it, Hydra please speak..."

"The Hydra team's operation has been completed, no one was injured, and a total of five bugs were killed. The target has been safely taken out and is now being screened." Alexander Hui reported.

"Wembley understands, please ask Hydera to report the screening results in a timely manner."


The communications soldiers at the headquarters were stunned, why did this happen?

Then, a shout came from the loudspeaker in front of him,

Then there was a loud "boom" and then the station went silent.

"Hydra! Hydra! What happened, please answer! What happened, please answer!"

However, no matter how much the signal soldier shouted, there was no sound from the other end of the radio.


A large tree with a diameter almost as thick as Hagrid was broken in half, and then used as a throwing weapon and thrown towards Ron and the others from a small forest not far away with brute force.

Fortunately, Bullock, who was in charge of the alert, immediately noticed the big tree flying in the air and immediately reminded everyone to avoid it, otherwise there would definitely be casualties this time.

"Report the casualties!" Alexander's voice was full of surprise and nervousness.

At this time, all the snow and mud stirred up by the falling tree had fallen, and he realized that he was still holding the microphone and earphones of the radio station in his hands, and that the communications soldier carrying the radio on his back was running in a different direction than he was. The microphone and headphone signal cables were unplugged from the radio.

What he wrote just now made him confused. He had seen artillery shells, planes and people falling from the sky, but this was the first time he had seen such a big tree fall.

Fortunately, Phil used a magic spell to slow down the speed of the tree in an instant, and the soldiers, Aurors and Ron on the scene all avoided it.

"That Death Eater was smashed to death." Gemma shouted loudly.


Ron turned his head and looked around, and was surprised to find two legs sticking out from under the tree trunk that hit the ground, and these two legs were gradually getting longer.

At this time, Ron finally breathed a sigh of relief. The man just now could not answer any of the questions he asked. At that time, he and the Aurors knew that the other person was a Death Eater in disguise. The Death Eater who had been unable to move just now was crushed to death, and the effect of the Polyjuice Potion began to wear off.

"There's something moving in the woods at eight o'clock!" Grant suddenly shouted, "Oh my God! What is that?!"

Accompanied by dull "dong dong dong" footsteps, two twenty-foot-tall giants walked out of the woods.

In their hands, they all held a big tree that was almost as tall as them. The tree they just threw over could be said to be just a child.

A moment later, three more giants walked out of the woods, standing in front of Ron and the others like a wall.


Another big tree was thrown towards Ron and the others by the giant, but this time the wizards were prepared and raised their wands.

"Torn apart!" x3

"Wingardim Leviosa!"

Although the big tree flew through the air at high speed, because of its size, the wizards' spells easily hit it.

Ron's levitating spell hit the big tree first, and then the Aurors' spells smashed the tree to pieces.

According to the kinetic energy theorem, e?=?v2, so when the pieces of the big tree fall from the sky by inertia, the people underneath who have experienced a rain of wood are safe and sound.

As for where the lost kinetic energy went, no one knows.

Phil glanced at Ron in surprise. Ron's spell just came last, and it was not easy to do this.

It was just that the next four big trees flying over made Phil no longer have time to pay attention to Ron's curse. The other four had already run around them just now, and now the giants surrounded them. Facing four big trees flying from four directions, the wizards could only deal with them one on one.

The lesson of the splitting spell that caused the wood blocks to fall from the sky just now made the wizards change the spells. Expelling spells were shot out from the wands one by one, intercepting the big trees flying from the sky at a safe distance.

At this time, "click-click" gunfire sounded, and Alexander began to direct the soldiers to shoot at the impulsive giant.

"Change to normal bullets!"

After discovering that the wizard's bullets hitting the giant's body were ineffective, Alexander decisively gave the order to replace the bullets.

Giants are not human wizards. They have no magic power on their bodies, and they have no bonus at all when wizards hit them with bullets.

"Don't let them get close!" Phil said to the other two Aurors, and at the same time shot a petrifying spell at a giant.

It's just that the giant's huge body has naturally high magic resistance, so this petrification spell has little effect on the giant.

"Let me do it," Ron said. "I have experience dealing with giants."

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