Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 572: The wand is thrust into the ground

When the giants hunted large beasts such as fire dragons, they would often surround the prey, and then continuously throw spears and boulders made of rough wood at the prey, first injuring the prey's wings and limbs to make the prey incapacitated. , and then let the prey continue to be injured and bleed, and finally the ferocious prey will be consumed to death. { щww{suimеng][lā}

Now Ron and his party were faced with being rounded up by giants as prey. The five giants threw big trees they found from the woods at them while slowly narrowing the encirclement.

Due to physical problems, ordinary wizards' spells have limited effect on giants. Even Aurors are at a disadvantage when facing them one-on-one.

According to the disposal plan formulated by the Auror Office, when they need to capture a giant, they need to dispatch at least ten Aurors at the same time to subdue the giant in a short time during the siege. If it were to deal with a half-giant hybrid giant like Hagrid, theoretically only half the number of Aurors would be needed.

However, there are only three Aurors present now, and the number of giants they face is two more than them. How can the giant face win?

Now Alexander is a little depressed. During today's operation, they chose the P5, which is easy to use indoors. As a result, this submachine gun with extremely high accuracy at short distances was unable to deal with the rough-skinned and fleshy giants in the distance.

Now they have only two L119a1 assault rifles and two L96a1 sniper rifles in the hands of the support team that can pose a fatal threat to the giant.

Now Alexander did not let the support team fire on the giants. He needed to wait for an opportunity, an opportunity to catch the giants off guard and eliminate them all in one attack.

Alexander was no stranger to fighting giants. As an officer, he knew some things much earlier than Bullock and the others. Last summer, an army company killed several troublemaking giants in Somerset, and he participated in the post-war analysis meeting afterwards.

As far as firearms are concerned, the best choice is the Type 2 Browning 127 caliber heavy machine gun. With a click of a shuttle, any giant will kneel down and sing the song of conquest. The 762-caliber assault rifle can only cause fatal damage to the giant when it directly hits the vital point. As for pistols and submachine guns that use pistol bullets, they need to be extremely dangerously close to be effective.

However, now they only have assault rifles and sniper rifles. Moreover, the giants kept throwing things at them and moving around, allowing them to protect themselves, but it was difficult to find opportunities to focus fire attacks on the giants.

The most regrettable thing is that the Jaguar helicopter that sent them here tonight is not equipped with weapons, otherwise these five giants would have finished it in minutes.

Luckily they still had Ron.

Ever since Hagrid brought his younger brother Grawp into the Forbidden Forest, the Harry trio had received the task of assisting Hagrid in taking care of this oversized naughty boy.

After going through some twists and turns, Ron finally understood why Zhang was unwilling to jump into this pit.

Facing a race whose bonus points are almost all for strength and physique, and whose intelligence is just a few symbolic points, it is really difficult to communicate with them.

In the early days of taking care of Grawp, Ron did not learn how to communicate with giants. Instead, he learned how to subdue a giant in practice.

Ron threw away the blue bottle he had just finished drinking, and inserted the wand into the ground while chanting a spell again.

Alexander and the others originally thought that the giants would be burned up by the flames coming out of the ground like the trap outside the house just now. However, there was no movement on the ground now, and no change could be seen on the snow between them and the giants.

Next, when the giant approached them again holding a big tree, one of the giant's feet suddenly slipped, and his whole body fell to the ground with a "bang", causing a splash of water.

"What is that?" Phil asked, turning his head to look at Ron, who was sitting on the ground, panting and continuing to take drugs.

Ron stretched out his hand and gestured and said: "The area with a radius of one hundred feet around us has turned into a ten-foot-deep swamp. If the giant comes, it can only walk slowly."

In order to prevent the angry Grawp from running around in the Forbidden Forest, Ron, Harry and Hermione came up with a way to use swamps to restrict his movements. There was nothing they could do about it. The three of them couldn't build a tall enough wall, so they had to learn from Fred and George how to turn it into a swamp.

Back then, the twin brothers turned a section of the corridor in Hogwarts into a swamp. Even Professor Flitwick was amazed by that spell. If this corridor was not located right in front of the door of Percy's dormitory, they would definitely have set up a swamp for the Lion House. Earn extra points.

The first giant fell down in the swamp and flopped several times before getting up from the muddy water that was half his height. Just as he stood there confused, two gunshots rang out, "Pop! Pah!", and the back of the giant's head exploded. Two sniper rifle bullets shot into the giant's eyes at the same time, and then the bullets rolled and turned his brain into a ball of paste. Finally, they broke through his skull and flew into the night sky with a piece of snow foam and brain matter.

As the giant's body fell into the swamp again, the remaining four giants roared loudly, and then rushed towards Ron and the others.

Although the muddy water up to their waists slowed their movements, it did not prevent them from rushing forward holding the big tree they used as a club.

The P5 bullets shot out blood on their bodies, but this did not stop them for a moment. Instead, it aroused their ferocity and rushed straight towards Ron and the others.

Just when all four giants jumped into the swamp, Ron, who had finished the second blue bottle, inserted his wand into the ground for the third time. Then everyone found that these giants were sinking deeper and deeper into the swamp. Soon, The mud in the swamp was up to their chests.

At this time Ron inserted the wand into the ground for the fourth time, lifting the swamp curse.

As a result, all four giants were stuck in the mud.

"The next step is up to you." After Ron said, his eyes went black, a wave of dizziness came to his mind, and he almost fainted.

Facing the giant whose lower body was trapped in the ground, it was easy for the Aurors and soldiers to deal with it.

First, the Aurors used magic spells to get rid of the big tree in the giant's hands, and at the same time attracted the giant's attention. Then the soldiers sneaked up from behind the giant, and then hit them on the back of the head.

In less than five minutes, all the giants were killed. But the group did not dare to relax, for fear that a second attack would suddenly come.

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