? The soup base made of spices such as licorice, star anise, grass fruit, cloves, cinnamon, sand ginger, ginger, etc. is boiling in the iron pot, and the steam and aroma coming out of the pot are dancing in the cold air. Strings of beef intestines, beef lungs, tripe, beef brisket, beef tendons, beef balls and pieces of radishes skewered with small bamboo skewers lie in the boiling soup, waiting for diners to choose.

Zhang Xu, who was holding long chopsticks, took a fancy to a bunch of beef clams and immediately stretched out his chopsticks to put them into his bowl.

Unexpectedly, another pair of chopsticks caught the bunch of beef leaves at the same time.

Zhang Xu raised his head and looked up along the chopsticks. Suddenly, he saw an exquisite face, with a pair of sapphire-like eyes looking at him at the same time.

"Ladies first." Zhang Xu said to the other party with a smile.

The other party smiled at Zhang Xu, and then put the beef louvers into his bowl.

At this moment, Zhang Xu's heart beat a few times faster than expected.

After realizing that something was wrong with him, he quickly turned his attention to the beef offal in the pot, while silently reciting the names of Furong and others.

When he read Gabriel's name, he was suddenly startled. He knew why he felt this way. The girl who looked about the same age as herself should be a Veela, and not a mixed-blood Veela like Fleur and Gabrielle, but a pure-blood Veela.

Zhang Xu, who was already prepared, looked at the other party again and found that the Veela had already paid and left.

The publicity work for the New Year's Market, which opened today, started early. In just a few days, readers and listeners were bombarded with a series of hard and soft advertisements from newspapers to radio stations. The density of their coverage even exceeded The quadrennial Quidditch World Cup. Add in France, Germany and Italy, among several other countries on the continent that jumped the queue, and it's no surprise that the news has spread beyond the UK.

After choosing the beef offal, he took out a bamboo stick to pay with the boss, and then scooped two spoons of hot sauce into the bowl. Zhang Xu took the bowl to the seat next to him and started eating breakfast.

Furong, Luna and Ginny went into the tent to buy things together. Zhang Xu found an excuse and left the team. Accompanying three girls to go shopping, Zhang felt that he did not have such a strong fighting ability.

Facts have proved that in the cold winter, eating something hot is a common wish of many people. Many of the customers who came to purchase were hit by the cold wind and decided to buy something to eat and warm themselves up first.

I don't feel cold here.

Probably just the Weird Sisters fans in front of the stage. They were sweating as they jumped up and down to the songs of the band on stage.

As time goes by, more and more customers come to shop.

All third-year students in Hogwarts and above came except those who were locked up. Even for the first- and second-year students, Professor McGonagall showed rare mercy and agreed that they could go to Hogsmeade accompanied by their parents. Those parents, all ordinary people, also organized by the "Muggle Parents' Mutual Aid Association", first gathered in Edinburgh, and then took the train to Hogsmeade early in the morning to reunite with their children.

Michael Owen and his mother saw Zhang Xu eating, so they came up to say hello to him. Since Mr. Irving is now focused on making money, he still stays in his office building in London, leading his team to desperately poach the goblins.

Not far away from him, Mr. and Mrs. Granger arrived. They walked with Mr. Weasley and seemed to be comforting Mr. Weasley.

Immediately afterwards, a wizard caught Zhang Xu's attention.

The wizard's face looked a little sallow, and his long chestnut hair hung casually on his shoulders, but his beard was carefully taken care of.

Judging from the appearance, he must have never seen this wizard before, but the way he walked and the expression on his face made Zhang Xu feel unusually familiar, reminding him of someone who shouldn't be here.

So he walked over, and when he came to the wizard's side, he asked in a low voice: "What are the principles of fertilizing sugar cane?"

"Reapply base fertilizer and top-dress fertilizer at the right time." The other party replied in the same low voice.

"Why are you here?" Zhang Xu asked in surprise, "Aren't you afraid of being recognized?"

"Can't I come to buy something?" Lucius Malfoy said in disguise, "I think you should tell him about that. As long as Scrimgeour doesn't want to become a sinner in Britain, then he can just I'll take it away."

"You are awesome." Zhang Xu said, and then he pointed at Lupine and Black in front, "If you are caught by these two, I'm afraid you won't even have a chance to see Scrimgeour."

"The superiors have agreed to a truce plan before Christmas." Lao Ma said, "At the same time, we will take action against Gringotts."

Zhang Xu frowned, and his intuition told him that what Lao Ma meant by "doing something" was not simple.

"Arrange a meeting for me and Scrimgeour later." Lao Ma continued, "Just the two of us."

Looking at the expression Zhang Xu looked at him, Lao Ma said: "Americans are not well-meaning, and so are you. The Gringotts system has collapsed. How can the new financial system be rebuilt in a short time? You are well prepared. But we’re not there yet! I don’t want the blood-sucking British wizard to change from a goblin to you and the Americans.”

"Hiss..." Zhang Xu took a breath, "From my standpoint, I think it's best to sell you now."

Then Lao Ma glared at Zhang Xu fiercely.

"That's okay." Zhang Xu nodded and said, "You can take a walk inside first, and we'll let you know after we make arrangements here."

Lao Ma nodded. For him, there were not many places where he could have a confidential conversation with Scrimgeour, because neither of them could trust the other person. The New Year's goods market is all the territory of neutral third parties, which is the least bad and acceptable choice for them.

"Hey, she's here too?" Lao Ma said suddenly.

"Who?" Zhang Xu asked while looking for suspicious people in the crowd.

"Mrs. Patil," the old horse replied.

"By the way." Zhang Xu suddenly remembered something, "You used my name to do business with Mrs. Petil and the others. How should this account be settled?"

"You know?" Lao Ma asked in surprise.

"How can I not know about such a big thing?" Zhang Xu replied angrily.

"That's what my son is responsible for. You go to him." Lao Ma said without hesitation.

At this moment, two people suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Xu and Lao Ma, blocking their way.

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