Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 595 Visiting the Exhibition [(-1)2]

"Hello, sir. I am Diana, a reporter from Reuters. Can I interview you?"

Among the two people who stopped Zhang Xu and Lao Ma, the reporter who planned to interview Lao Ma was the same Veela who had just snatched a bunch of beef louvers from Zhang Xu at the beef offal stall. Behind her, there was a Chinese man with a camera preparing to take photos of the interviewee.

"No, farewell." After Lao Ma finished speaking, he turned and left, leaving Zhang Xu and the two reporters in the cold wind.

The Veela reporter didn't seem to be shocked by Lao Ma's cold attitude. She turned around, looked at Zhang Xu with a bright smile, and repeated the question just now.

Only then did Zhang Xu take a closer look at the two people in front of him.

This Veela is not short, slightly taller than Fleur. Although she is wearing a thick down jacket, it cannot hide her tall and well-proportioned figure. A strand of golden hair peeked out from under her winter hat. On her delicate face, you can vaguely see a shadow similar to that of Fleur. She holds an interview book in her right hand. On the glove of her left hand holding the pen, you can see a ridge on her ring finger, which should be a ring.

Could it be a relative from Furong's family? Zhang Xu thought. The possibility of this situation is very high, because he is quite famous among the relatives of Furong family. It would not be surprising if the other party is a relative of Furong family and knows him and comes to interview him.

What surprised Zhang Xu was the photographer standing behind the Veela. The other person seemed a little older than me, and I always felt as if I had seen him somewhere before, but I just couldn't remember it. Maybe I had met the other person's elder. On his left hand holding the camera, traces of the ring on his ring finger can also be seen under the glove.

It seems that this reporter is still a husband and wife team.

Since the other party may be a distant relative, you can't just leave like Lao Ma without giving the other party any favors.

"Okay." Zhang Xu nodded and replied.

"What do you think of the Christmas shopping carnival being held today?" Diana asked.

Zhang Xu organized his language and then replied: "Whether it is a wizard or an ordinary person, human development and progress is like the Thames River rolling forward. Although the world economy has had some ups and downs in recent times, various countries are moving toward openness and integration. Nothing has changed. The industrial chain, value chain, and supply chain continue to extend and expand. They not only drive the global flow of production factors, but also deepen the economic exchanges between countries around the world and create a lot of wealth for all countries. In the magical world Here, mutual cooperation and complementary advantages between countries are also objective requirements for the development of productive forces, and also represent the direction of the evolution of production relations. In this process, the magical world of each country is the same as the world of ordinary people.

Gradually form a community of interests, a community of responsibilities, and a community of destiny. No matter whether the future is sunny or rainy, working together for mutual benefit and win-win results is the only right choice. This is not only dictated by economic laws, but also in line with the historical logic of the development of human society. "

"In the future, I hope that such events can be held every year to strengthen, deepen, and accelerate economic exchanges between countries, push the world economy onto the track of recovery and growth, and lead the world economy to move forward on the right track."

The conversation lasted two minutes before stopping, and Diana recorded several pages in her notebook. During this period, the photographer behind her took several photos of Zhang Xu.

Next, Diana asked Zhang Xu about the local situation. At this point, Zhang Xu restated what Scrimgeour said this morning in his own words.

After answering this question, Diana thanked Zhang Xu for accepting the interview, then said goodbye and left. After the two of them left, Zhang Xu saw them interviewing other guests outside, and the next interviewee they caught was Scarlet.

After calling the relevant person to report that the minister of the southern Ministry of Magic wanted to borrow a place to have a secret meeting with the minister of the northern Ministry of Magic, Zhang Xu had nothing else to do, so he walked to the exhibition tent.

The entire New Year market is divided into several parts: clothing, food, housing, transportation, medicine, books, daily necessities and alchemy. As a bridgehead to open up the European market, domestic merchants have tried their best. Many products have been improved to meet the needs of local customers. The bosses rushed to the airport and called the factory to immediately start producing new products in small batches. After the exhibition was settled, the first batch of products had already left the factory and was on its way to the airport.

At first, Zhang thought that there was nothing interesting about this exhibition for him, but after he took two steps inside, he realized that he was very wrong.

In the few years since he went abroad, many domestic fields have made great progress in innovation. Many products that were high-end just a few years ago can now be industrially produced.

In 1991, the robe Zhang Xu wore, which could be heated, cooled, rainproof, windproof, dust-removal and other functions by inserting a card, was still a high-end handmade product made from textiles to clothing.

However, in the past few years, with breakthroughs in spinning, weaving, and printing and dyeing technologies, the process of mixing magic materials with cotton fibers or chemical fibers multiple times on a draw frame and then spinning them into yarn has become more and more common on looms. The process of weaving yarns with different functions into cloth according to specific rules has matured and been widely promoted, bringing the production of cloth with various special effects into the era of mechanization, which has greatly lowered the threshold for manufacturing magic clothing.

On this basis, various types of clothing and clothing imbued with commonly used spells entered the era of mass production.

In front of the booth of Yongcheng Cotton Textile Printing and Dyeing Factory, Zhang Xu saw Mrs. Mojin, the proprietress of Mrs. Mojin's Robe Store, bargaining with the sales manager, and the owner of Fengya Wizard Clothing Store was having a meeting with the factory director after they entered the booth. inside the room.

Walking inside is the ready-to-wear area. Compared to the raw material manufacturers, which don’t have many customers, the booths selling ready-made garments are already crowded with people.

From top hats that cannot be blown off in strong winds, to thin stockings that can be worn even at minus 30 degrees Celsius, to Grindelwald's (?) coats and Tina Goldstein's same coats that are rainproof and dustproof. (?) Leather jackets, Nagini's same style (?) long skirts and other European retro-style clothing have attracted countless customers from all over Europe to snap up.

Zhang also saw a disguised Minister of Magic asking the waiter to pack him a windbreaker, a skirt and a dozen stockings.

Looking at the various suits and clothing, Zhang was thinking about giving Voldemort a set of decent clothes for Christmas this year. He wears a rag bag all day long. Not only is he himself devalued, but his enemies are also devalued. Look at the first-generation Dark Lord. Although he is bald, very old, and has more noses than the second-generation, his clothing matching does not fall below the "excellent" line. This is called kingly style.

After walking a few more steps, Zhang Xu was stopped by a female staff member.

"Sir, please stay. There is the women's area ahead." The staff said to Zhang Xu, "The men's area is on your left."

Zhang Xu was stunned. He was just thinking about something and didn't notice that the women's underwear area was in front of him. So he took out his exhibition staff badge and hung it up, and walked in under the suspicious eyes of the female staff member.

Thirty seconds later, Zhang was thrown out by several female professors from Hogwarts.

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