Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 606 Look, the pot is flying in the sky

? (°??°): “What do you mean?”

∫`o′?: "The ones who have the motive, strength and freedom to conquer Azkaban now are the professors at Hogwarts, not some guy who is only willing to do it if he sees money. As long as Sk If Lin Jie circumvents the loophole and leaks the information that the family members of important students in Azka's class are imprisoned, the professors at Hogwarts will take action."

(`??′): "Are you saying that someone leaked information to Scrimgeour, which led to the breach of Azkaban?"

?∫`?′?: "That's right! Otherwise there is no way to explain why Azkaban was attacked during the truce."

(〝▼??▼): “Then who do you think leaked this information? "

∫`Van′??: "It's Malfoy!"

?: "?^???^?(=^ェ^=)(ΦωΦ)?"

ヽ∫`⊿′?ノ: "Only he had the opportunity to learn this information, and then leaked it to Scrimgeour!"

?: "You are vicious and shameless slander! I only found out today that Mrs. Weasley was imprisoned in Azkaban."

∫??????: "Really? Don't forget, your son - Draco Malfoy - just left Azkaban a few days ago."

?: "You mean it was my son who leaked the news to Scrimgeour?"

∫`?′?: “Is there a second explanation?”

?: "Rumors are based on evidence! The day after Draco and the others came out, they went to complete the master's mission. After completing the mission, I sent them to the United States. I personally sent him to the plane. . So he couldn't have tipped off Scrimgeour."

?: "However, the person most likely to leak the news in this matter is you, Professor Snape. You also said that the person most likely to leak the information is the professor of Hogwarts, so you can quietly tell me It is not impossible for colleagues to pass on some news.”


∫`Д′?: "This is a frame-up brought about by your ignorance! My loyalty to my master can stand the test of history!"

∫`?′?: “On the contrary, it’s you, all your actions contain too many selfish thoughts,

It is natural to betray the master! "


?: "My loyalty to my master will remain forever and will never fade. Even if the Pennine Mountains disappear into the plains, even if the Thames dries up to the ground, even if the thunder rumbles in the cold winter, even if the snow falls in the scorching summer, , I will not reduce my loyalty even a little bit."

?: "You have been with Dumbledore for so long. Who can guarantee that you have not turned to him? Who can know whether he has offered a sufficient price - such as introducing women to you when you are single - to buy you?"

∫`⌒′?: "Hehehe, when it comes to bribery, for money, no one knows what you can do. Besides, the Malfoy family is short of money now, and the Weasley family is not short of money."

?: "Money can indeed buy many things, but not including my loyalty! And the master knows that I am not short of money now! It is you, because no one knows what you are praying for, so we all There’s no guarantee that you’ve gotten what you want from someone else and been bribed.”

∫`Ω′?: "What I want, the master knows very well, and this is enough! Everyone knows that your greed for money is comparable to that of a goblin, and no amount of money can satisfy your appetite! News from Azkaban I can get you a good price!”

?: "This news is enough for Hogwarts or the Weasley family to help you introduce a good match."


(╬◣??◢)ヅ┳┳: “That’s enough!”

(⊙_⊙)?(-??-): "Travers, you have always been in charge of Azkaban. Please tell me about this."

(′⊙ω⊙`)︴: "I don't know anything, Master! Everything in Azkaban was normal before this!"

( # `??′): “So according to what you said, it’s normal for the news to leak out and all the prisoners to be taken away?!”

((⊙﹏⊙)): "No...no! This is not normal!"

(╬????): "So, Travers, tell me why you didn't notice anything unusual."

∫一_一??⌒?: "I think he didn't notice anything abnormal on purpose?"

?⌒??: "Maybe this is a normal place for him."




( ̄?? ̄): "Lucius, Severus."

?: "Awaiting your orders at any time, my master."

∫?_??: "Awaiting your orders, Master."

(′??`): "You are all people I trust. However, I hope you two will not squander my trust in you. I don't want anything to go wrong with Gringotts."

▂▃▄▅ dividing line ▅▄▃▂

When the Malfoys returned home, they found an owl standing on top of the back of the sofa.

Lao Ma walked over and untied the parchment from the owl's leg and read it carefully.

There is only one line written on the parchment:

New York, sunny, -1℃, 60%/40%

"Draco and Mu Li have already settled in the United States." Lao Ma said to his wife.

Mrs. Ma nodded, with a sad expression on her face.

Lao Ma walked over and took his wife's hand, pulling her to sit on the sofa.

"I didn't leave Draco after Christmas. I was arbitrary in this matter." Lao Ma said to his wife, "But this is the last chance. In the following days, the British The situation may become increasingly chaotic. At that point, it will be difficult for him to get out of it. So I can only take this opportunity to send them away after they have completed the Dark Lord's punishment alive."


Narcissa, who was sitting on the sofa, sighed deeply. She could also see that the current situation was chaotic.

When the Dark Lord wanted to deal with Mu Li, her son's blatant disobedience almost scared her to death. At that time, Lucius personally went to beg the Dark Lord. In front of her sister Bellatrix, she begged her sister to help say something nice to Draco, which saved Draco and the others from death.

Draco and the others were released a few days ago, but the Dark Lord arranged an extremely dangerous task for them to atone for their sins.

In the end, when Draco was brought back by Mu Li who went on the mission with him, his body was covered with scars and there were multiple fractures.

Immediately afterwards, Lucius sent Draco away who had just received preliminary treatment at St. Mungo's Hospital.

Just today, news came that Azkaban had been captured, and Draco, who had just come out of it, became the primary target of suspicion.

It's just that no one was the villain to set this off in the first place, after all it wasn't a wise move to offend Lucius over a possibility, until Snape jumped out first.

What followed was a stage of blaming each other that made Narcissa frightened. If the Dark Lord had any doubts about Draco at this time, the Malfoy family would face disaster.

Fortunately, the blame finally fell on Travers' head, and Narcissa breathed a sigh of relief.

She had been prepared at that time. If the Dark Lord determined that Draco had done this, then she would stand up and take all the blame on herself, hoping that the de facto brother-in-law would spare her son. Life.

Lao Ma was also frightened by what happened today. Fortunately, in the past two years, he has been quite effective in doing things, and his loyalty is beyond reproach. In addition, he muddied the water with the second suspect Snape, so he did not let the Dark Lord do anything to him and himself. The son became suspicious and finally threw the blame away.

"I think we can't place all our expectations on Draco." Lao Ma said to his wife, who was still frightened by what happened today. "This is a bit dangerous."

"What do you mean?" Narcissa said with a frown.

"I mean...how about giving the Malfoy family another son?" Lao Ma said to his wife.


The next moment, Narcissa jumped up from the sofa. She pointed her wand at Lao Ma's head and shouted, "Did you have a child with another woman outside?!"


"Calm down! Calm down! Calm down, dear!" Lao Ma shouted hurriedly, "I mean, how about we have another one?"

After Lao Ma finished speaking, he put his hand into his pocket and touched the umbrella trademark on a carton.

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