Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 607: Emergencies

? A night of silence.

When he went to work at the Ministry of Magic the next morning, Lao Ma was thinking about adding some wolfberry, red dates and longan to his coffee. As a person born in the 50s, my body is not as good as when I was younger.

In Hogsmeade, thousands of miles away from the Ministry of Magic in London, Zhang Xu, who had just gotten up, was sitting at the dining table, eating breakfast and flipping through the newspaper. Last night he proved to Fleur that it was impossible for him to have weird things happen with the four eldest sisters in such a short period of time, so he got up a little late this morning.

Today's "Daily Prophet" is still full of various soft business articles.

Zhang Xu noticed that in an inconspicuous corner of the newspaper, there was a small report about the recent suspected cash run at Gringotts. Rita Skeeter, who had changed into a vest, added a few words at the end of the report, which was enough for a wizard with enough brains to turn the "suspected run" into a real run. But these wizards only have this daylight time.

It seems that the Daily Prophet does not have the habit of quoting foreign news - especially from French media - or it is too late. There is no trace of the Veela reporter who has been quite famous in Hogsmeade in the newspapers these days. Report written.

After finishing breakfast, Zhang Xu put away the tableware, put down the newspaper, and came to the living room.

Tonight is Christmas Eve, and in the corner of the living room stands a Christmas tree that almost reaches the roof. This Christmas tree was cut by Zhang Xu in the Forbidden Forest after dinner last night. Gabrielle, who had already had breakfast, was standing under the Christmas tree, pouting and hanging various decorations on the tree.


Zhang Xu poked Gabri's angry little face, but Gabri turned her head away and ignored him.


Switching to the other side and poking again, Gabrielle continued to ignore him.


"Okay, I will be back soon tonight." Zhang Xu comforted Gabrielle while stroking her head.

Angry, Gabriel continued to ignore Zhang Xu. Zhang Xu had no choice but to scratch the back of his head and go back to the room upstairs.

In the room, Fleur was arranging a dark evening dress in front of the clothes rack.

"When are you leaving?" asked Fleur, who was carefully checking whether there were any wrinkles on her evening gown.

"I'm going to London at noon." Zhang Xu replied.

"Don't go past the fireplace later, lest you get your clothes dirty." Fleur said with satisfaction as she looked at the prepared evening dress.

"I'll use the door key to go there." Zhang Xu replied.

Furong didn't say "come back early tonight" to Zhang Xu because she knew Zhang Xu would definitely do so.

Regarding today's matter, Zhang Xu was also complaining about the arrangements between the two countries, and why the elder's visit to Britain was so coincidentally arranged at this time. Then Lafayette held a state banquet at Buckingham Palace on Christmas Eve, and Zhang was on the dinner list as a representative of local international students.

However, Zhang was relieved when he saw wizards such as Scrimgeour, Professor McGonagall, and Old Rodney on the list.

And, the most important thing is that Voldemort and the others are going to cause trouble in London tonight! If something unexpected happens, Mr. Zhang will be an important channel for communication between the two parties.

Just when Zhang Xu put on the evening dress with the help of Furong, his cell phone rang.

In the exhibition venue, compared with the scene some time ago, there were very few visitors today.

The staff at each booth gathered together nearby, eating melon seeds, eating snacks, and chatting about the interesting things they encountered during this period with the boss's tacit approval.

A group of bosses also gathered in the large conference room. They said it was a meeting but they were actually drinking tea and chatting. They discussed that since there were not many people today, how about we close the stalls early at noon, then have a big dinner on our own in the afternoon, and each company would put on a show in the evening. Let's have a party on the stage outside and let everyone enjoy themselves. After working so hard for so long, it would be nice for everyone to relax today.

Everyone has been mentally prepared for today's situation early in the morning. After all, the domestic situation is similar. In another month, the country will be in a similar situation where factories are shut down, stores are closed, and the stock market cannot trade.

At this time, a young girl hurriedly opened the door of the conference room, and then looked around anxiously, as if she was looking for someone.

"Boss Huang, your sister-in-law is here to see you!"

A boss who recognized the person shouted to Boss Huang who was concentrating on talking to others in the corner of the conference room.

In the conference room, there were several bosses named Huang, but only the one from the leather factory came with his sister-in-law.

"Why are you here?" Boss Huang asked as he walked to the gate.

The sister-in-law held his hand and walked out, while saying: "Brother-in-law, come quickly, there are suddenly many people at the booth!"

The bosses who were drinking tea and chatting in the conference room looked at each other in confusion. The number of guests who came to visit this morning was barely more than two digits. Why did their place suddenly become lively?

"There must be something fishy about this!" The bosses in the conference room thought at the same time.

So a group of bosses decided to walk out of the conference room and watch the excitement.

Sure enough, the tannery's booth was bustling with people, and those leather bags that used magic to expand the internal space became hot sellers.

Customers walked in quickly from the gate - or even trotted all the way - and then came to the tannery's booth. They bought one or several leather bags without asking for a price, and then left in a hurry after buying. , but didn’t even look at the products on other booths.

The staff at the venue were all confused and gathered on the roadside from the gate to the tannery stall to watch the excitement.

Just as everyone was talking about it, a new situation emerged. This time, a large number of customers flocked to the booth selling safes and security doors.

At this time, an exhibition staff member and Zhang Xu in formal attire came over.

"Everyone, come to the conference room and hold an emergency meeting." The staff member said to the bosses who were watching the excitement.

When walking to the conference room, Zhang Xu's parents found Zhang Xu.

"What's going on? Something big happened?" Zhang Xu's father asked his son.

Zhang Xu nodded, and then said: "Dad, Mom, I will announce at the conference later that I will mortgage my shares in the pharmaceutical factory. Please support me in this matter."

In the conference room, the exhibition staff said to the bosses: "The goblins from Gringotts came to us just now, hoping to exchange a small amount of pounds and a large amount of US dollars for the gold coins in everyone's hands."

Then the bosses present looked at Zhang Xu. When important matters were in doubt, they needed his advice from a local snake.

Zhang Xu cleared his throat and said, "I just received the latest news. Gringotts suffered a large-scale run on depositors an hour ago."

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