Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 657 Dancing under the pines and cypresses

In the UK, there is a group of ordinary people who are paying attention to the wizarding world all the time. They are the Muggle parents of some students at Hogwarts.

Now all these families have joined the "Muggle Parents Mutual Aid Association". Whenever there is any disturbance in the magical world, parents can get news from the mutual aid association's QQ group.

With the common background brought by their children and the convenient and fast way to chat online, these parents became familiar with each other in the chat group.

First, there are offline gatherings in various regions, and then there are personal connections between various industries. Parents in society are more able to discover the convenience brought by Internet groups. Later, two Hogwarts students from single-parent families even learned from the letters brought by owls during breakfast that they had changed from lovers to brother and sister.

For these parents, Hogsmeade is the second most familiar place in the wizarding world.

Thanks to the "Muggle Parents' Mutual Aid Association", almost all the members went to the Hogsmeade New Year's Market before Christmas last year under the organization of the mutual aid association. There, they discovered for the first time that wizards and ordinary people could live together so closely.

Hogsmeade also became their second place to come into contact with the wizarding world after Diagon Alley.

Although parents have heard about the war in the wizarding world and are extremely concerned about it, after the news that Hogsmeade was almost completely destroyed in one night spread in various chat groups of the mutual aid association, the parents immediately went crazy. .

With the help of several parents of opposition Conservative Party MPs, a joint letter signed by all parents was sent to Prime Minister Blair's desk at No. 10 Downing Street.

During Wednesday's Prime Minister's Questions in the House of Commons, some Conservative MPs attacked Blair over the incident.

Hogsmeade has been an integral part of my country since ancient times, and now the people there are being massacred, and you, as Prime Minister, still don't care.

Even many members of the ruling Labor Party have criticized this matter.

Immediately afterwards, more and more things about the wizarding world were revealed by Conservative MPs. From the collapse of Brockdale Bridge a few years ago to the recent zombie incident and the ordinary people killed by Death Eaters in the meantime, Conservative MPs have data that is so accurate that Blair is horrified.

If it were in the past, maybe the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic would come here and prepare to cast the Forgetting Curse on the Senators, and then get beaten up by Bell and the others. But now the Ministry of Magic cannot protect itself, and they no longer have the energy to take care of this matter.

For Conservative MPs, if the secrecy law enacted by a group of medieval antiques does not have the signature of the King of England, then it is just paper to wipe their own ass. How can a piece of waste paper be more important than kicking the current Prime Minister out and then taking office to form a cabinet himself?

During today's half-hour Prime Minister's Question Time, Conservative MPs spent nearly 20 minutes asking the Prime Minister questions about a war taking place in the wizarding world and involving ordinary people.

At this time, Blair's face was already extremely stinky, because every prime minister's question was broadcast live to the entire UK through the BBC. This means that outside the Palace of Westminster, countless ordinary British people have heard Conservative MPs questioning the Prime Minister about the destruction of Hogsmeade, which appeared many times in the popular fantasy "Dumbledore" , as well as a large number of evil incidents that have occurred in recent years that have not been followed or that the government has muddled through.

At this time, ordinary people were confused. Their first thought was that the congressman had drunk too much, and he actually used the plot in the House of Commons to attack the Prime Minister. If you don’t believe me, look at it, the Prime Minister’s face on TV looks so bad that he wants to hit someone.

After the congressman finished asking the question, the Prime Minister's voice came from the TV: "After the "26 bombing" incident in Hogsmeade, the British government attached great importance to it. I immediately gave important instructions and requested that all rescue forces be organized immediately. organize rescue work,

Further efforts should be made to resettle refugees and rebuild damaged areas to prevent the situation of the people of Hogsmeade from deteriorating further. Currently, the refugees in Hogsmeade are emotionally stable. "

At this time, the people in front of the TV all said, "I'll give it to you. I've heard before that Disney is going to make a movie of "The Legend of Dumbledore" and a cartoon of the fan comic "Tea Time at Hogwarts". Is it possible? Is this Disney asking the House of Commons and the Prime Minister to advertise? This is evil capitalism. Capitalists can sell the ropes to hang themselves for profit, so it is not impossible to insert advertisements in parliament. Alas, this great man takes jujube pills.

This cannot be blamed on Blair for following the Conservative MPs on this issue. He heard from the detailed data in the other party's questions that there must be powerful people behind them to support them. Since the other party did not hesitate to leak news about the magical world in order to oust you, then don't blame yourself for leaking secrets in order to keep your position.

The big news that broke out in the Prime Minister's Question in the British House of Commons today swept the entire world. The Prime Minister's Office was flooded with calls requesting interviews. Reporters from major Western media outlets rushed to the gate of No. 10 Downing Street, trying to compete with Hong Kong reporters for the first place in the queue.

Woolworth Building, New York, USA. Home of the Magical Congress of the United States of America. In the hall on the first floor, the American wizards watched in horror as the hands of the magic exposure level clock hanging above the hall slowly but surely slid to the highest level of "emergency".

On the top floor of the Magic Wing of the Woolworth Building, Samuel G. Kohaug, President of the Magical Congress of the United States of America, stood in front of the window of his office with a cigar in his mouth and said to New York outside the window: "This day has finally arrived."

Then he said to the secretary beside him: "Please help me contact Mr. Clinton in the White House. We need to have a serious talk."

On this day, similar things are happening in most countries.

As for ordinary people, the Internet, which has just emerged in the past two years, allows people to sit in front of a computer and discuss issues from the UK with people all over the world.

No matter what period of time, there is always no shortage of "uncle parties" on the Internet.

"My uncle is a surgeon who works in a private hospital in London. He said that many years ago he performed a pig tail removal operation on a little fat man. If there is really magic in this world, then the fat man's buttocks will have a long tail. It’s no wonder it comes out of a pig’s tail.”

"My uncle said he saw a car flying in the sky six years ago. Everyone in the family thought he had drunk too much, but now it seems like he didn't."

"My uncle was drunk one day and said that the panda in London Zoo was actually a human."

"My uncle called me just now and told me that my aunt is a wizard, and now my lovely cousin is studying at that Hogwarts."

"Upstairs, you are my brother from today on."

However, it was ordinary people’s own traditional media that detonated this incident.

The Sun published the news about Hogsmeade transferred from wizarding media such as the Daily Prophet on Thursday the next day.

As a newspaper famous for publishing gossip news and page 3 girls, "The Sun" has a huge readership among grassroots people.

The day after it started publishing news about the wizarding world, more than 100,000 people from all over the UK took to the streets of London. Some confused, angry, or excited people gathered at Buckingham Palace and No. 10 Downing Street. James' Park, demanding an explanation from the British government.

The International Federation of Wizards had exploded at this time. Faced with the situation that was gradually getting out of control, the president of the Federation, Babajide Akinbad, issued a stern warning to the two British ministries of magic, requiring them to properly handle this issue. .

However, neither Scrimgeour nor Malfoy paid him any attention. Scrimgeour said he was busy with disaster relief and had no time, but Malfoy simply couldn't find anyone.

Seeing that the situation was developing in an irreversible direction, Babajide Ajinbad immediately submitted his resignation to the International Federation of Wizards.

That night, Zhang Xuzheng, who had changed his clothes, walked with a man in a suit on the edge of St. James Park. From time to time, heated discussions could be heard from the crowd gathered in the park.

"Your job really doesn't last long." Zhang Xu said to the person next to him, "Have you decided to take this path?"

"The International Federation of Wizards is already a leaky ship. Not just me, many people have seen it. The International Auror Organization is now in chaos. I'd better withdraw in advance." Percy said, "And this The road is the one that suits me best.”

"Yes." Zhang Xu nodded and said, "It is indeed suitable for you, because you are a natural politician."

Then Zhang Xu asked again: "But this time you cooperate with them, aren't you afraid that your family will be sad?"

Percy took a while before replying: "I have convinced my mother before. All she cares about now is when I will find a girlfriend and get married."

"I have someone who can introduce you to this aspect." Zhang Xu said with a smirk, "What do you think of Ms. Lane who recently appeared in Hogsmeade? Her conditions are quite suitable for you. If you are interested, I can arrange a wonderful encounter for you."

Percy's face actually turned red because he remembered that Zhang Xu was good at fortune telling. But he quickly recovered and said: "Now is not the time to talk about this. My main job now is to make a good speech tomorrow."

"Yes." Zhang Xu sighed, "After tomorrow, the world will be different."

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