Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 658: Contained in the Mouth of the Earth Bag


The title of this chapter is wrong again

It should be "The sound of thunder, returning to the wrong cave". Now this is the title originally used for the previous chapter.

As a result, the VIP chapter cannot be modified.

//The above complaints were added after the release and do not count as money.

?*??Gorgeous dividing line??*?

January 14, 1998 AD is a date that will surely appear on the examination papers of students all over the world for a long time.

On this day, Zhang Xu walked in St. James Park and shuttled among different people.

After a day of fermentation and the spread of gossip yesterday, people have heard about the existence of wizards and have a preliminary understanding of the world of magic.

The people who spread these gossips are not the "uncle party", but the real "parents party". They know better than the people in the Zhèng Fǔ department what the people are worried about and what they expect. Moreover, they are the group that most hopes that ordinary people and wizards can live in harmony. They cannot accept a future in which they are separated from their own flesh and blood.

"Mr. Zhang, can you come over here?"

A familiar voice suddenly sounded next to Zhang Xu. He turned around and found Mrs. Owen waving to him among a group of middle-aged women.

After the confusion last night, people have begun to calm down after deliberate public opinion guidance. This group of middle-aged women and many others simply spread out their mats and treated the place like an early spring outing.

After some introductions, Zhang Xu learned that these people were Mrs. Owen's relatives and their best friends.

At Mrs. Owen's request, Zhang Xu showed his hand. Zhang Xu snapped his fingers, and the stained areas on their trouser legs were immediately clean.

At this time, he was no longer afraid of revealing his identity as a wizard. In less than half an hour, it would be 11 o'clock GMT, and Lafayette would deliver an important speech at Buckingham Palace. At the same time, the domestic "Xinwen Lianbo" broadcast important news at the same time.

Following Lafayette's speech, Percy Weasley will address ordinary people across Britain as a wizard.

Well, Percy jumped ship again.

After seeing that the International Confederation of Wizards had become a leaky ship, he left the International Auror Organization without hesitation.

I don’t know when Percy hooked up with Old Rodney and gained his trust. Then, under the introduction of Old Rodney, he showed his face several times in front of Lafayette, and then he was appreciated by Lafayette.

When Zhang Xu met Percy in London last night and heard the news from him, Zhang had to give him a thumbs up. Although this guy's job after graduation cannot last long, every time he changes jobs, he can stay at the forefront of the times. This judgment and action ability completely surpass other peers.

Zhang Xu left Hogwarts and came to London at this time, mainly to watch the excitement. To be precise, it is to collect the British people's reaction to this matter.

Not long after leaving Mrs. Owen and the others, Zhang Xu was stopped by two reporters from the BBC.

"I don't know whether the next era will be a good era or a bad era, but it will definitely be an era full of changes and countless hopes." Zhang Xu said to the camera lens, "Perhaps, this will be a new one The Beginning of the Industrial Revolution.”

"So what kind of people do you think those magic wizards are?" asked the female reporter holding the microphone.

At this time, Zhang Xu did not know that his interview was being broadcast live, and many TV stations around the world were also broadcasting the BBC interview at this moment. I saw him reaching out and pointing at the microphone in the female reporter's hand.

That microphone turned into a giant bouquet of roses in front of countless viewers around the world.

"Happy Holidays!" Zhang Xu said to the female reporter with a smile.

After being frightened and surprised, the female reporter hugged Zhang Xu in return and kissed him on the face.

At this time, in front of a TV thousands of miles away, Furong, who was watching TV with her classmates, took out a notebook and wrote down a line of words on it.

It was ten minutes before eleven o'clock. At this time, the people gathered in St. James Park suddenly let out a burst of exclamations. At the same time, a five-hundred-meter-long water wall rose from the Zhōng Yāng lake in the park. , it didn’t stop until it reached nearly twenty high.

The female reporter and her colleague carrying the camera turned the camera to the wall of water. They were stunned by this miraculous sight that they had never seen before.

The female reporter quickly reacted. She pulled Zhang Xu in front of the camera and asked, "Sir, do you know what is going on?"

Zhang Xu was the first wizard she met. After she saw such an unscientific thing happening, she immediately subconsciously asked him for help.

Fortunately, she caught Zhang Xu. If it were another wizard, he might not be able to answer.

"This is the image magic invented by Albus Dumbledore. You can think of it as a water curtain movie." Zhang Xu replied, "The last time I saw it was at the Triwizard Meeting at Hogwarts a few years ago. During the competition."

At this time, at the BBC headquarters, the door to the director's room was pushed open violently, and the intruder shouted loudly: "Catherine has found a treasure! Inform her and ask her to try her best to invite the gentleman to come down and attend a meeting. Talk show! If he doesn’t come, let Catherine resign herself tomorrow!”

The staff in the directing room kept nodding, you are the boss and you have the final say.

The camera returned to St. James Park. The reporter named Catherine asked Zhang Xu: "Is that Albus Dumbledore?"

"Yes." Zhang Xu nodded.

"What kind of person is he?" Catherine continued.

"He is an old man who is wise and philanthropic, but also a bit naughty and stubborn." Zhang Xu replied.

The interview ended at this time, because it was already eleven o'clock, and Lafayette appeared on the water curtain movie.

When Lafayette said, "Magic, wizards and all kinds of magical creatures do exist in our world," the entire St. James Park suddenly boiled.

At the same time, thousands of miles away in the "News Network", the elder sat in his office and said the same words as he did every New Year's speech.

Less than a minute later, the leaders of most countries appeared on television in various countries and announced their willingness to work with the wizards to create a better future.

The cafeteria of Hogwarts was transformed into the way it used to be when movies were shown, and all the teachers and students in the school heard Lafayette's speech for the first time. Among the noisy students, Harry sighed quietly. If this day could come earlier, he might not have to live in the cupboard under the stairs for so many years.

In a house in Australia, Petunia was sitting on the sofa in front of the TV, covering her face and crying, with Vernon holding her beside her. Dudley, on the other hand, was giggling at something.

In Hogsmeade, Penelope Crevat walked to the open space not far from the settlement, took out a mobile phone and pressed the home phone number.

In Babaoshan, a dozen old comrades floating in the air were watching Mr. Zhao put incense on their graves, and they all disliked him for being stingy and not bringing him wine.

In a cemetery in the United States, someone placed a bouquet of flowers in front of a grave.

Disclosure is the first step to breaking down the invisible wall between two worlds.

Wizards can finally walk under the sun, and ordinary people hope that magical magic will bring changes to them.

Some of the patients in their beds were asked if they would like to try the medicines of the wizards to cure their illnesses. Some patients preparing for minor surgery were told that if they took a recovery potion made by wizards, they could have surgery today and go to work tomorrow.

Various car dealers immediately advertised that the magic can double the space of your gas tank and trunk.

A new poster posted in the supermarket is asking customers if they can buy tableware that flies back to the cupboard by itself.

Internet writers from all walks of life have received text messages on the site, and they will type on their own keyboards to make it easier for you to update 10,000 words per day. Order as soon as possible with group purchase discounts, and writers who have been perfect for three consecutive months will get it for free.

It's just that under this wave, there are winners and losers. Among the losers, Percy became the most depressed one.

Percy Weasley, the official voice of wizards before the British people, became a has-been internet celebrity in less than an hour, as the BBC launched a hastily produced talk show that attracted the interest of a global audience.

Compared to Mr. Weasley, who was speaking in official style there, he was humorous, knowledgeable, elegant, and most importantly, he was more handsome than Percy, more handsome than Mr. Weasley, and more handsome than Percy Weasley. The handsome Mr. Zhang became the object of worldwide attention.

At the beginning, when the BBC host Catherine asked Zhang Xu if he could go to the headquarters to participate in this talk show, Zhang followed the principle of making trouble, then make it big. After thinking for five seconds, he suggested that the BBC should move the matter to Big deal.

The boss of the BBC had long known Zhang Xu's identity from other channels, so he asked Catherine to catch him to make a news story. Now that Mr. Zhang is so smart and cooperating with them to make the news bigger, the boss of the BBC immediately arranged for his employees to make various preparations immediately after laughing three times.

The boss of the BBC even personally called to invite famous experts from various fields such as British history, politics, economy, military, education, science, etc. to come over as guests and asked them to think of any questions they wanted to ask immediately on the way. It was so easy to talk. After the wizard passed this village, there was no such shop. (To be continued)

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