Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Volume seventy-second, home

In the first few days when Zhang Xu returned to China this summer, the time was very tight.

After the plane landed at the Capital Airport early in the morning, Zhang Xu drove directly to the compound for a meeting.

This meeting was similar to last year's, except that this time Zhang Xu didn't have many reports, but more about the students of the European School of Magic who arrived in a few days.

After the meeting in the afternoon, Zhang Xu came to the orthopedic inpatient department of the Capital People's Hospital and asked the nurses about Qian Hengduo's bed number.

"Mr. Qian, what's wrong with you, why are you injured so badly?"

Zhang Xu carried a bag of fruit and put it on the bedside table next to Mr. Qian's bed. Mr. Qian lying on the bed was covered with bandages, like a mummy.

"Can you not tell me?" said the mummy on the hospital bed.

"I have a bottle of Veritaserum here, do you want to try the taste?" Zhang Xu took out a bottle containing the potion from his pocket.

"Fuck you!" the mummy said angrily.

"Then you can confess." Zhang Xu said while putting the bottle on the bedside table.

"Didn't I find a girlfriend? A while ago, she said that her parents were away on a business trip, and she was the only one at home for half a month, so I went to live with her. You are also an old driver, and you know how young people play. A lot."

"Damn it, how did you play? You have broken bones in several places, and there are even pieces of skin and flesh wounds. You are shaking M!"

"Oh..." The mummy lying on the bed sighed and looked at the sky outside the window, "Her father came back early that day, and when her father walked in, we happened to be... playing bondage... Her father thought I was using rape , so they beat me up. Her father was a transferred cadre who had served on the front lines in the Southwest, and he was particularly harsh... At that time, my girlfriend had a gag in her mouth... You know... speechless..."

Then the nurses in the hospital drove Zhang Xu out of the ward, who couldn't stop laughing.

After leaving the hospital, Zhang Xu didn't take the plane again this time, but took the alchemist's route and went home through the teleportation array.

Unlike Europe's use of Portkeys and Floo Powder for long-distance movement, Huaxia's use of teleportation arrays, the core technologies of the two sides are not much different, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Zhang Xu first took a bus to a building near the Capital Railway Station. The first to third floors of the building were supermarkets and restaurants, and only alchemists could go up to the fourth floor and above.

In the ticket office on the fourth floor, Zhang Xu bought a transport ticket to Yongcheng where Zhang returned home.

After sitting in the waiting area for more than half an hour, according to the information on the ticket, I came to the fourth transmission hall on the seventh floor ten minutes before the transmission.

A very complicated formation is depicted on the floor of the teleportation hall, and a little bit of light drifts across the formation in a certain order.

Zhang Xu checked the tickets with more than 20 passengers who were transported together, and then entered the transmission hall after putting on soft-soled shoe covers to protect the formation on the ground.

There were three rows of seats similar to those on a luxury bus in the transmission hall. Zhang Xu took his seat according to the seat number on the ticket, put his feet on the pedals, and fastened his seat belt.

When the time was up, the teleportation array in the teleportation hall started, and Zhang Xu felt that his body was suddenly empty, and he fell down together with the seat.

After the feeling of falling lasted for two or three minutes, the seat under Zhang Xu shook as if it had fallen to the ground, and it was time to stop.

Walking out of the teleportation building in Yongcheng, Zhang Xu looked at his watch, it was already past five o'clock in the afternoon. Without waiting for the bus, I hailed a motorcycle on the side of the road and went home.

After having a meal with his family, Zhang Xu went to bed early.

Early the next morning, Zhang Xu rode his bicycle to take the junior high school exam.

Fortunately, the time can be staggered this time, otherwise Zhang Xu will be in trouble.

This year, there will be nine subjects in the exam, a total of three days. In addition to the morning and afternoon, I also arrange to take one exam in the evening self-study time.

Sitting in the examination room and watching the invigilator distribute the test papers, Zhang Xu seemed like a lifetime away.

Taking exams in two schools with obviously different painting styles in a short period of time made him a little dazed.

The second day after the exam is the weekend. This year Huaxia began to implement weekends, two years earlier than Zhang Xu's previous life.

On this day, Zhang Xu came to the house of his grandparents, and at the same time Zhang Xu's grandparents, uncles, uncles, cousins, cousins ​​and other relatives also arrived, and the whole family was neatly organized.

After Zhang Xu went to study in the UK, every time he came back, he had to reunite at home.

On the rooftop, Zhang Xu chatted with his cousins.

Zhang Xu's cousin is named Zhou Si, who was named because he was born on a Thursday. He has no interest in the magic world. A few years ago, after graduating from university, he found a loan from his relatives to open a clothing factory. After trying several products in the first two years, he now specializes in the production of women's underwear. As a result, the factory's business has become more and more prosperous in the past two years, and its products are exported overseas.

Zhang Xu's cousin is named Zhou Shanshan, and she knew she was born on Wednesday. She is currently studying for a Ph.D. in botany, mainly researching vegetable cultivation on coral islands and reefs. Because she often runs to the South China Sea, she is now tanned by the sun on the sea.

Now Zhou Si is complaining that the product development of his factory has encountered a new bottleneck, the product structure is beginning to age, and the profit growth of the factory has begun to slow down.

"Cousin, do you still remember the spell you taught me?" Zhang Xu sat next to Zhou Rui and muttered.

"Well, why? You used that spell to harm the little girl? Your school wears robes, don't you think you used that updraft on girls?" Zhou Si looked at Zhang Xu with disgust.

"No, I'm not, I don't." Zhang Xu shook his head and said, "Don't you think there is a market for a product that can avoid that kind of embarrassment?"

"What are you talking about?" Zhou Si asked.

Zhang Xu: "Safety pants."

Zhou Si: "It makes sense."

Regardless of his cousin who was thinking about new products, Zhang Xu approached his cousin.

"Cousin, isn't the seabed on Yongxing Island very beautiful? There are patches of coral and fish."

"Yeah, especially Qilianyu, the seabed is very beautiful. There is also Yongle Dragon Cave, which is the deepest ocean blue hole in the world."

"Then I'll go there to play for a few days later."

"There is military control over there now, how can it be so easy to go and play?"

"It's okay. The great-great-great-grandfather of Political Commissar Zhao on Yongxing Island is very familiar with me. He and I are on the same level. Commissar Zhao has to call me great-great-great-uncle grandpa."


The three of Zhang Xu and the others chatted for a while, and it was time for dinner.

The dining table is full of people, and the table is full of white-cut basilisks, braised basilisks, honey sauce basilisks, baked basilisks in soup, lobster stewed basilisks, fried basilisks, steamed basilisks in black bean sauce, pineapple Grunt basilisk, basilisk minced meat omelette, salt-baked basilisk and old pyramander bone broth.

For Zhang Xu, it was not difficult to keep some basilisk meat back for his family to taste.

The delicacy of the basilisk soon conquered Zhang Xu's family.

After drinking and eating, Zhang Xu's family sat around the hall drinking tea and chatting.

Mr. Zhang asked Zhang Xu: "Xiao Xu, can this basilisk be bred?"

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