Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Volume seventy-third volume is all guests

Breeding basilisks is not that simple.

Units and individuals that domesticate and breed special animals (that is, magical animals) must submit a written application to the special animal administrative department of the county-level government where they are located, and fill out the "National Special Animal Domestication and Breeding License Application Form". If it is necessary to domesticate and breed dangerous special animals such as basilisks, the forestry administrative departments of the governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall report to the Ministry of Forestry for approval. Units and individuals that have been approved to domesticate and breed special animals shall have their "National Special Animal Domestication and Breeding License" issued by the competent forestry administrative departments of the governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government.

Units and individuals who want to apply for the "National Special Animal Domestication and Breeding License" must have a fixed place and necessary facilities suitable for domestication and breeding of special animals; they must have the funds, personnel and skills commensurate with the type and quantity of domestication and breeding of special animals; These three conditions are guaranteed for the source of feed for domesticating and breeding special animals.

However, Zhang Xu's family owns a pharmaceutical factory and cooperates with many special animal farms. It is not impossible to cooperate with them in breeding.

The whole family chatted and found that breeding basilisks was difficult, but it was not too difficult.

The basilisk is still alive and kicking after living in the secret room of Hogwarts for so long. If it wants to breed, it needs to build a cellar.

There is no problem technically. The basilisk has stayed in the secret room for so many years without illness or disaster, so it is estimated that it will not be afraid of getting sick.

As for the basilisk's feed, it's even simpler. Roosters don't eat hens, and chickens eat ducks. If you use bait to attract mice, it will save costs. Feeding is even easier, just use the transformation technique to get a native or stone man to enter with the feed.

If the basilisk grows to about five meters in ten years, and the taste of the meat can be one-tenth of that of the thousand-year-old basilisk, it will be able to make a steady profit without losing money. Venom, basilisk guts, etc. are considered to be profit deposits.

If everything goes well, after more than ten years, it is estimated that it will be promoted on the seventh set of CCTV.

The big problem now is the source of the basilisk.

On the second day of the family banquet, Zhang Xu, who was so excited by the whole family, embarked on the road to the north.

Students from Hogwarts and Beauxbatons had arrived in the capital a few days ago.

When Zhang Xu finished his exams, the students from the two schools formed a mixed team and divided into four teams to visit various schools, research institutes and factories in the capital.

Ron Weasley has been in a state of confusion these days.

Although Ron had heard his father talk about his visit to Huaxia before, and the letter from his second brother who was a Quidditch coach in Huaxia also said a lot about Huaxia, but this was not as shocking as being in person.

The experience of flying is different from using Floo powder and riding a broomstick. With the roar of jet engines flying above the clouds, the vast sea of ​​clouds and the arc-shaped horizon are in the distance, and the buildings on the ground become bigger than nails. Gai was still young, and it was the first time that such a scene appeared in the wizard's eyes.

A magical map located in front of the cabin shows their real-time location. As time passed, after more than three hours, they left the finger-sized Great Britain Island and flew to the North American continent, which is a hundred times the size of the Great Britain Island.

The personal experience brought by the height and distance made Ron and other pure-blood wizards feel the shock of Muggle technology for the first time.

This is the first time for many young wizards to raise their perspective from the island of Great Britain to the whole world.

Harry was more confused than Ron, and now he hadn't recovered from the confusion after learning that his mother and Snape were childhood sweethearts.

Along the way, the young wizards from the wizarding family kept asking the Muggle-born young wizards near their seats about the plane. Some young wizards who used to brag that they almost hit the plane while riding a broomstick were also arrested. Lao Di turned it out, and then laughed.

After ten hours of flying,

The passenger plane arrived at the Capital Airport, and the somewhat tired guests on the passenger plane got off the plane one after another under the leadership of the team leader professors, and left the airport through the VIP channel under the leadership of the reception staff.

"Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Professor Sprout, and Professor Snape, welcome to Huaxia. You have worked hard all the way. I am Du Jingqing who is in charge of the reception of this exchange event. This is mine. Colleague Ji Pengju. If you have any needs, you can contact us." In the airport passage, a staff member in professional attire said to Professor McGonagall and others.

Led by the reception staff, the Hogwarts group got on the bus in a parking lot outside the airport. Then the bus turned invisible, and then flew away with a "biu".

The flying bus is flying about ten meters above the road, so there is no need to worry about knocking down various wires, street lights, and overpasses.

In China, many flying car accidents were caused by flying around in violation of regulations, and ended up hitting high-voltage cables.

The convoy passed through the capital city, and the historic buildings, modern buildings and various factories along the way made the young wizards feel very novel.

In the end, the convoy stopped in front of a big hotel in the western suburbs of the capital, which was the foothold of the little wizards from Europe for the next period of time.

In the hotel lobby, the students from Hogwarts met the students from Beauxbatons who had arrived less than half an hour before them.

In the spacious lobby, students from the two schools are separated on both sides. Fortunately, the relationship between the two schools has always been good, so there is no tense atmosphere.

In the far east, they meet another group of wizards who are obviously from the west, and both of them are very curious about each other.

At this moment, a man stepped out from the crowd of Beauxbatons.

Hogwarts students shouted in their hearts at the same time, "Beauty!"

"Hello, Miss Granger, Mr. Potter, and Mr. Weasley." Fleur came over and greeted several people who met in Diagon Alley a year ago.

"Hello, Miss Delacour." Harry and the others also greeted Fleur.

It's easy to talk when someone on both sides starts the conversation. There are also many wizards in Britain and France who are married and travel frequently. Many wizards have found their relatives or friends in the opposite crowd.

Then the two groups of people quickly chatted with each other, and the topic mainly focused on the basilisk incident at Hogwarts a while ago.

Here, Furong was entangled by Zhang Qiu, and kept asking her about the things between her and Zhang Xu.

After Zhang Xu's friends learned that this beautiful woman from France was Zhang Xu's girlfriend, they all came to say hello.

At this time, the professors from the two schools had completed the accommodation matters for a group of students in the lobby manager's office next to the lobby, and came out with their room cards to arrange the students' rooms.

According to the schedule, the students who settled down began to group into groups, and started to visit different places the next day.

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