Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 689 Alsace’s plan

Halloween in 2008 was on a Saturday, and students who had eaten a lot of pumpkin products last night were playing outside the castle.

Early that morning, Gianna picked up Alsace from the school doctor's office, and then the two of them came to a small patch of grass by the lake, ready to start discussing how to divide the old man with glasses.

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At this time, they saw a huge toad jumping from the lake to the shore with a "croak" sound, and then bounding towards the greenhouse.

"Sister, go and kiss it, maybe it will turn into a prince." Alsace pointed at Leif and said to his sister.

Then Jaina pointed her magic wand at her brother and said, "Come on, let me turn you into a beautiful sheep first."

"No, no, no!" Alsace waved his hands and said, "It's too dangerous to turn into a handsome sheep here."

Finally, Gianna gave her brother a kick, "You are looking at things again."

After the fight, the brother and sister found a place to sit down, and Alsace took out the pair of glasses he got after clearing the level last night.

"How about we take turns wearing them?" Alsace asked. "He said you can't cut the glasses into two pairs of monocles."

"How long does each person wear it at a time?" Jaina asked. "A day or a year?"

Although Alsace had worked hard to get the glasses, this did not prevent him from sharing them with his sister, because his sister also met the conditions for using glasses.

Just when the two agreed to take turns wearing them for two weeks, someone came up behind them.

"Do you mind if I join your conversation?" the person said.

When they saw the person coming, they hurriedly stood up.

Harry stretched out his hand to press the two of them down and motioned them to sit down. Then he sat next to Jaina and said, "Don't be so nervous. I just have some small issues that I want to talk to Miss Black."

At this time, Alsace excitedly raised the glasses in his hand and said to Harry: "Mr. Potter, have you ever worn these glasses before? I saw your name after descending the hundredth floor last night."

A gust of cold wind blew by, and Harry couldn't help but shiver.

"It's starting to get cold. I just saw Leif going to the greenhouse to prepare for hibernation." Harry would not admit in front of the children that he remembered that night when he was cheated to death.

He continued: "It seems that you have also experienced that hellish prank. The fact that you can pass it shows that you are a very good wizard."

"I wore these glasses for several years when I was at Hogwarts. They helped me a lot, so please cherish this opportunity."

"You got these glasses after clearing the customs, right?" Alsace said.

Harry shook his head and said: "I was just a guinea pig at the time. The final reward was that Zhang lent me the Resurrection Stone. Have you seen that stone? If it hadn't been for that stone, I would have died in the battle that year. The gate of the castle is in front of me, and it allows me to see my parents for the last time in the afterlife."

After Harry's explanation, the brother and sister realized that the stone hanging on a certain little sister's chest was so precious.

Harry was relieved that Arthas spoke so nicely. He was also worried about what the two of them would think of him. After all, he had wanted to use them as bait a while ago, but he failed. After finishing this conversation, he returned to business.

"Miss Black, are you a Parseltongue?" Harry asked Jaina.

"Just call me Jaina, Mr. Potter." Jaina replied, "Yes, I am a Parseltongue."

Harry nodded and asked again: "So last night you felt someone or something calling you at the end of the corridor on the fourth floor, was it like someone talking next to you?"

Early this morning, Professor McGonagall told Harry what happened to Jaina last night, and Harry rushed to Hogwarts after receiving the news.

It was just that he found nothing after a careful search in the copy he had brushed sixteen years ago, so he came to learn about the situation from the person involved.

Because at this time he thought about the time he heard the basilisk talking in the pipes of the castle wall.

"It's not like the snake is talking." Jaina shook her head, "It's just a feeling that suddenly appeared in my heart. I can still tell the difference between the two."

Harry nodded when he heard this, then took out a few boxes of chocolate frogs from his pocket and distributed them to the two brothers and sisters, while also keeping one box for himself.

"Let's talk about some things while eating." Harry said to the two children, "I don't think these things should be hidden from you."

Alsace opened the chocolate frog's box and pulled out a card. He was stunned for a moment, then stretched out the card in front of Harry and asked, "Is it about our father?" The one he drew this time was his father.

Harry's face showed a true expression, and he asked: "How much do you know about Voldemort?"

"I think there are more than you think." Gianna said, holding up the card she drew in her hand. "He told us a lot about his father, what is recorded in the book and what is hidden behind history, and some Unconfirmed speculation.”

"Then what do you think of him?" Harry asked, he was very interested in how Zhang educated the brothers and sisters.

"As the Dark Lord, what he did was wrong," Arthas said.

"But as a father, we thank him for sending us away. Although he may have done it with some purpose, objectively his move allowed us to have a happy childhood. He allowed us I’m very lucky to have a father and a mother who raised us, and an elder brother who treats us as his own brothers and sisters.”

At this time, Harry was a little jealous of the brother and sister. They were both raised by others, but why was the gap so big?

Then he said to the brothers and sisters: "What I want to tell you is that Voldemort may not have been completely eliminated. He probably still has a Horcrux left in the world, which is the snake that often follows him."

Malfoy and the others knew something, but Harry wasn't sure whether the Black siblings also knew about it. After learning about the abnormal situation, he decided to reveal the matter to the brothers and sisters to prevent the other party from falling into Voldemort's trap when they were unprepared.

"Is it really her?" Jaina sighed.

Having said this, Arthas' mind had already realized what Harry was going to say next, and he asked: "Do you think Nagini, who was regarded as his father's Horcrux, has been living in the darkness of the castle, waiting for us to return?" Go to Hogwarts and seduce one of us there like last night?"

"I think so." Harry nodded, "If you find anything strange, please inform the principal as soon as possible, just like Jaina did last night. If the principal is not here, you can inform me directly. "

After giving some instructions to the brothers and sisters, Harry left. He believed that the two people who had been taught by Zhang would not be as impulsive as he was in the first year, and the two of them had some contacts left by Zhang inside and outside Hogwarts that they could use.

By the lake, the brother and sister were silent for a long time, and finally Alsace broke the silence.

"What do you think, sister?" Alsace asked.

"Let the two of us personally end our father's ambition. This is good for our father and for us." Jaina said as she threw a stone into the lake, "But this matter must be considered in the long term."

"Yes." Alsace nodded, "I have a plan, but I have to wait until winter before I take action."

"What do you want to do?" Jaina asked.

"Nagini is most likely living in the sewers or secret rooms of the castle like a basilisk." Alsace said, "What do you think we pour carbon monoxide into the pipes while she is hibernating?"

So, when the brother and sister asked Professor Rodney whether they could buy a large amount of carbon monoxide from the community, the two of them were kicked out of the office by Rodney, who at the same time put a large stack of test papers into their hands to prevent the two of them. Too little homework and too much thinking.

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