Drink Black Tea Calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 690: Brother and sister working hard to make plans

Harry Potter did not expect that the words he said to the Black brothers and sisters in order to make them more vigilant would actually ignite the fighting spirit of the brothers and sisters.

As children who grew up in the mountains, they followed their friends in the village to catch bamboo rats in the mountains, fish in the river, help with farm work, and occasionally followed candidates preparing to take the college entrance examination into the mountains to hunt wild boars. Strong.

However, Alsace's first imaginative plan was immediately rejected by Professor Rodney. Although no one smokes in Hogwarts, fireplaces and candles are still everywhere. If he really wanted to pour carbon monoxide into the pipes like Arthas thought, he might blow up Hogwarts first.

When Rodney returned home that night, he sent an email to Zhang about this matter, which frightened Zhang. He didn't expect the two children to be so violent.

However, Mr. Zhang soon understood what the problem was. He was worried that the brothers and sisters would go into the secret passages that he had filled with carbon monoxide to prevent the Death Eaters from invading, so he told them about the physical traps in the secret passages. The two of them, it turns out that the two of them are now imitating each other.

The two brothers and sisters would not be knocked down by this small setback, and soon Jaina came up with a new method.

The next Sunday morning, Neville came to the greenhouse area as a routine to take care of the herbs inside.

When Neville walked to the greenhouse area, the corners of his mouth curved slightly, and then he carefully observed the breached defense lines around the greenhouse.

Neville inspected a vine that was limp on the ground. Under normal circumstances, if an animal touches the vine, it will immediately turn into a tentacle that loves to see. He looked up and looked not far ahead. There was a shallow shoe print on a small potato emerging from the soil. It was obvious that the person who walked by had cast a levitating spell on him. The cacti next to the greenhouse that shoot out sharp thorns when someone approaches are covered with dewdrops, just like the Fat House Happy Water that was just taken out of the refrigerator. It is obvious that they have been frozen just now.

"He's a veteran!" Neville thought. In the past two or three years, he had never encountered a student who could break through the first line of defense so cleanly.

So he cast a disillusionment spell on himself and walked towards the greenhouse area.

The intruders obviously did not conceal their presence. Not only did they hang a "Someone is inside" sign at the greenhouse door in accordance with relevant regulations, they also wrote their names in the visitor registration book hanging by the door. "Extracurricular Investigation".

Entering the greenhouse, Neville saw Alsace and Jaina in white coats, each holding a small notebook. They were discussing something and writing and drawing in the notebook, and they took it out from time to time. Read the book and compare it.

Neville listened behind them for a while and found that they were recording the poisonous herbs in the greenhouse, such as which herbs produced poisonous smoke after burning, which herbs were fine when in contact with the skin but poisonous when eaten, and which herbs were poisonous when eaten. Category.

Then the brother and sister were captured by Neville and taken back to the office.

In the office, Neville looked at the two siblings with a straight face. On the table were their notebooks, which recorded most of the poisonous plants in the greenhouse.

"Tell me, what do you two want to do?"

Because there had been conflicts between classmates at Hogwarts in the past few years, and someone had stolen poisonous herbs from the greenhouse and poisoned their enemies, Neville had to pay attention to this matter.

If the two of them mix several poisonous herbs to make a volatile compound poison, there might be a mass incident.

"Winter is coming. Let's take note of the location of the poisonous herbs first so as not to make a mistake when it gets dark." Alsace's excuse was in line with Zhang's usual style.

Neville glared at Alsace and said, "Didn't anyone tell you that non-toxic and harmless herbs are grown in special greenhouses, while poisonous and harmful herbs are grown in special greenhouses?"

Arthas was about to say "no", but he realized that Professor Longbottom had already said this during the first herbal medicine class.

So Neville continued: "If you don't want to be tied to a chair and watch all the equipment and potions in your warehouse be broken down or sold at low prices in the auction house, I advise you to tell the truth."

Zhang told Neville about this trick, and Neville didn't know if it would work, so he tried it first.

So Alsace gave up decisively.

Alsace said: "Mr. Potter came to see us yesterday and he told us about the snake."

Neville was stunned for a moment, and then secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't mean to attack other students, but he didn't intend to let the two of them go.

"So you are going to find some poisonous herbs to protect yourself?" Neville asked.

The brother and sister nodded.

"Twenty points from Slytherin." Neville immediately deducted ten points from each of them. "No matter what your motives are, you have violated the school rules prohibiting entering the poisonous herb greenhouse, and you will be punished. If you need For the herbs in the greenhouse, you can submit the application report to me or the principal. Of course, I cannot guarantee whether it will be approved."

Finally, the brother and sister left Neville's office with a large stack of Herbology exam papers.

The two of them sat dejectedly on the grass by the lake, constantly picking up small stones on the ground and throwing them into the lake.

"Alas... the poisoning plan failed." Sitting on the ground, Gianna held her bent legs with her left hand, her chin pressed on her knees, and her right hand was touching small stones on the grass beside her.

Her plan was to make two kinds of rat poison that rats loved, and use the opportunity of snakes to eat a lot before hibernation to let Nagini eat the poisoned rats. The mice who ate these two poisons separately were fine, but when the two drugs were combined in Nagini's body, they would produce severe toxicity.

However, this plan was not feasible now, because Neville strictly prohibited the two of them from approaching the greenhouse area outside of school hours.


Alsace threw a slightly larger stone obtained with the Flying Curse into the lake. At this time, a silver-white woman's head emerged from the lake.

There was no goddess in the water asking Arthas whether it was Frostmourne or Firejoy that fell into the water, and Moaning Myrtle looked at him with tears in her eyes, "Why are you stoning me!"

Myrtle's resentful eyes made Alsace's conscience severely condemned.

"I'm sorry, Myrtle." Arthas apologized quickly, "I didn't know you were underwater."

At this time, Myrtle began to howl and cry, "Yes, who would have thought that Funny Myrtle would be in the water? Who would have thought that she would be flushed into the toilet by Peeves and enter the bottom of the lake from the sewer. , were you stoned again?"

Alsace stood helpless on the shore looking at Myrtle crying in the water, and for a moment he didn't know how to comfort her.

After crying for a while, Myrtle got back into the water.

At this time, Jaina stood up and walked to Arthas' side.

"Did you hear something in Myrtle's words just now?" Jaina asked.

Alsace nodded and said, "Tell me what you think."

"The sewers of the castle are connected to the lake. We can make a fuss about this." Jaina said.

Then Alsace looked at his sister in horror and asked, "Are you trying to block the outlet of the sewer and drown Nagini with the water from the toilet?"

"Don't think of me so disgustingly!" Jaina glared at her brother with disgust.

At this time, Jaina squatted on the ground and drew a schematic diagram on the ground with her wand.




"This is the complex pipeline system under the castle." Jaina pointed to the circle under the castle. Then she pointed from left to right and said, "This is the sewer that leads to the bottom of the lake, and this is the lake water."

"We speculate that Nagini spent most of his time living in a secret room under the castle, and the passage leading to the secret room was connected to the pipeline system."

"If we figure out how to connect sewers and other pipes below the lake level, like this."


Jaina changed the diagram on the ground, and then continued: "This way the lake water can pour into the secret room under the castle, and we can drown Nagini while she is hibernating."

"But we don't know the direction of the pipes under the castle, and we can't get into the sewers," Alsace said.

"We can ask Peeves for help," Jaina said.

At this time, the brother and sister did not realize that a cat had already walked quietly behind them, and had been listening to them discuss the plan of filling the secret room with water for a long time.

Two hours later, the hopeless brother and sister left the principal's office holding a stack of transfiguration homework.

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