Drunk House

Chapter 453: Night Watch (1 more)

  Chapter 453 Night Detective (One more)

  Zhang Yun rode a fast horse and soon arrived at the Northern Hebei Army.

   As soon as he arrived on the front foot, Feng Ling on the back foot followed him with people.

  Feng Ling looked at the 200,000 soldiers in front of him, so naturally he couldn't break into the barracks of 200,000 soldiers and arrest or kill him.

  Ziye saw Feng Ling came back so soon, and his face was very ugly, he grabbed him, "No one was found?"

   "Found it." Feng Ling's face darkened.

  Zi Ye looked at him, "So you didn't catch him?"

  Feng Ling nodded.

   Zhou Gu heard Feng Ling's voice, opened the door, looked at him, "Come in and say."

  Feng Ling entered the house and said to the two of them: "Sister, brother-in-law, I was a step late when I found someone. Zhang Yun led them into the barracks of the Northern Hebei Army."

  Su Rong understands that after entering the barracks of the Northern Hebei Army, it is naturally difficult to kill people.

  She glanced at the sky, "Just half a day after the North Hebei Army arrived in Nanping City, Zhang Yun got the news and entered the barracks. It can be seen that his original hiding place is not far from Nanping City."

  Feng Ling nodded, "It's hidden in Deyin Temple. Deyin Temple is full of incense, which just covers up the sandalwood scent on his body. When I was looking for someone, I went around in circles, but I couldn't find it in the first place."

   "I don't blame you." Su Rong looked at Zhou Gu, "Do you think Zhang Yun's entry into the northern Hebei barracks can delay the siege that was delayed by Zhang Mao for a few days?"

   "I'm afraid it won't be delayed for a day." Zhou Gu's face was not very good, "Zhang Yun is different from Zhang Mao, he is really cruel."

   Su Rong inhaled, "Then what should I do?"

   "The top priority now, I can only take people to explore the barracks at night and kill Zhang Yun." Zhou Gu pondered, "As long as Zhang Yun is killed, he can last for a few more days. If Zhang Yun can't be killed, Nanping City can last for a day at most."

  Su Rong heard this and looked at Zhou Gu.

  Zhou Gu also looked at her, "Feng Ling stays to protect you, I will take Zi Ye and the dark guards with me."

  Su Rong didn't speak.

  Zhou Gu smiled at her, "What? Do you think I can't do it?"

  Su Rong wanted to say, "A barracks with 200,000 soldiers and horses. If you say you want to explore, you can kill Zhang Yun. If you want to kill Zhang Yun, you can kill Zhang Yun? Do you really think you are fighting like a diamond?" But she met his eyes, but she didn't say anything. She swallowed the words and said: "Let Feng Ling go too. It's very safe here. If you can kill him, you can kill him. If you can't kill him, quickly withdraw and come back safely."

  Zhou Gu readily agreed, "Okay."

  He was very happy. Su Rong didn't say a lot of words to dissuade him, because Su Rong also understood that this was the only way now. After all, they had no soldiers in their hands, so they couldn't do anything about the two hundred thousand soldiers. The only way to go was to assassinate one of them. Su Rong is the queen and daughter of Nanchu, the future king of Nanchu.

   Those who achieve great things should not be intimidated by their children's affection.

  He reached out to hug Su Rong's soft body, rubbed against her neck, and said with a smile, "Wait for me to come back."

  Su Rong nodded, unable to hug him back, he could only stretch out an arm and pat him, "Okay, I'll wait for you."

  Leaving some hidden guards for Su Rong, Zhou Gu took Zi Ye and Feng Ling and left this other courtyard.

  In the Northern Hebei Army, Zhang Cheng was surprised when he saw Zhang Yun, "Yun'er? Why are you here?"

  Zhang Yundao: "Second Uncle, why didn't you attack the city?"

  Zhang Chengzheng was struggling with this matter, "I was discussing with your fifth brother. Your elder brother was captured. Ning Chi tied him to the city wall and said that if we dared to attack the city, he would kill your elder brother."

  Zhang Yundao: "So, the second uncle is under threat?"

  Zhang Cheng sighed, "So what if you are not threatened? Do you really disregard your elder brother's life? If so, how will I explain to your father when I go back."

  Zhang Yun looked at him, "Second Uncle, what my father cares about the most, I think you should know that my father has worked hard for more than ten years, and my elder brother is willing to shed blood and sacrifice for his father's great cause. After all, since ancient times, there has been no dynasty without blood and bones. Our Zhang family has to take this road, and elder brother is just the beginning."

  Zhang Cheng was silent when he heard the words.

  Zhang Yundao: "Second Uncle, there are only 30,000 troops in Nanping City now, and we won't come when we can't miss it. If we continue to delay, there is no impenetrable wall. Once the reinforcements from the court come, we will no longer have the opportunity. Ruining my father's great career is not just a matter of my elder brother's life. It is the lives of countless people in our Zhang family."

  Zhang Cheng struggled, "But Maoer is different after all."

  "Isn't the difference between the elder brother because of being the first son and the elder brother? But the elder brother is gone, and there is still the seventh younger brother, who is also a descendant." Zhang Yundao: "Second uncle, do you think the great cause is more important to the father? Or a mere son?"

  Zhang Cheng naturally knew that for Zhang Ping, the great cause was more important, but he couldn't help thinking, if he really disregarded Zhang Mao's life today, then if he got into trouble for his elder brother in the future, would he follow in Zhang Mao's footsteps, and in exchange for the treatment of disregarding his life today?

  He couldn't help shivering, "Let me think about it."

   "Second Uncle, you can think about it. After all, it is the elder brother's life, but my nephew thinks that it should not be delayed for too long. At the latest, tomorrow morning, we must do it. If the reinforcements are dragged in, and the defeat is complete, Second Uncle, this blame is not something you can afford."

  Zhang Cheng nodded, "Those who have been marching for several days are all barren mountains and wild mountains, and the soldiers are also exhausted. Although we occupy a large number of people, we can't sacrifice too many soldiers. Let the soldiers rest for the night today, and tomorrow morning at the latest. If they can't think of a way to save your elder brother, they will attack the city."

  Zhang Yun nodded, "Second Uncle is right, so be it."

  The entire Nanping City was guarded by Ning Chi from top to bottom, inside and out. Zhang Cheng wanted to save Zhang Yun, so naturally he had no choice but to send many people out to try to enter the city, but they were all found and could not enter Nanping City.

   Zhang Yun saw that Zhang Cheng's embarrassing hair had turned gray, and said to him, "Second Uncle, give up!"

  Zhang Cheng waved his hand weakly at him, gritted his teeth, "Let's rest first, and attack the city early tomorrow morning."

  Zhang Yun nodded, walked out of Zhang Cheng's tent, showing a mocking smile. Although his second uncle, Zhang Cheng, has affection for his elder brother Zhang Mao, but not much, he just needs someone to decide this matter with him and bear some responsibilities, and he is the one who can afford it.

  Zhang Yun returned to his tent, took off his coat, and prepared to rest.

  Just about to lie down, when he heard the slight movement and the sound of the wind, he was startled, and immediately shouted, "Who?"

  As he shouted, a man came with a sword. This man didn't even cover his face. He was wearing a tight-fitting night suit, with a sword in both hands.

   "Zhou Gu?" Zhang Yun had never met Zhou Gu before, but he knew this face, and shouted while dodging, "Come here, there are assassins!"

  (end of this chapter)

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