Drunk House

Chapter 454: Smooth (Second update)

  Chapter 454 Smooth (Second Update)

  Zhang Yun's martial arts is also very outstanding, otherwise Zhang Ping would not have handed over the hidden pile to this son.

  But compared to Zhou Gu, his martial arts are still inferior. Therefore, when Zhou Gu attacked him, he was defenseless and frantically resisted. In panic, after shouting loudly, Zhou Gu stabbed him in the chest with a sword.

  Zhou Gu knew that he hadn't hit him fatally, he couldn't die with this strike, so he should make another strike, but if he made another strike, he wouldn't be able to go away.

   After all, this is a barracks of 200,000 soldiers and horses, and this is no joke.

  So, after Zhou Gu Yijian succeeded, he turned around and left without asking for his death.

  He left so quickly that he almost only had a face-to-face meeting with Zhang Yun before leaving his camp.

  Outside, the sound of people was disturbed.

  The entire barracks soon became agitated, because not only Zhang Yun was assassinated here, Zhang Cheng and the fifth son Zhang Xing were also assassinated.

  Zhou Gu, Feng Ling, and Zi Ye acted separately, found the main figures in the 200,000 soldiers and horses respectively, and assassinated them at the same time.

  The three of them negotiated, and with only one sword, no matter if they won or failed, they would withdraw in time.

  Thus, the three assassinated, and the hidden guards responded, and when they all fought face to face, they retreated decisively.

  The three of them took a lot of effort when they came, they found out the details of the barracks, and when they left, they also planned a route, retreated neatly, and with the help of the hidden guards, so it went smoothly.

   But even so, it was delayed for most of the night.

  The entire military camp was lit with torches, and the place where the main camp tent was located was the most chaotic.

  After the three of them successfully left the barracks, they didn't go back to the other courtyard immediately. Instead, they walked around the barren hills, cleaned up the tails that were chasing after them, and returned to the other village only when they were sure that there was no danger.

  Su Rong should eat and sleep. Although she was also worried about the three of them, she was not that worried.

  When it was almost dawn, she heard the sound of the door being pushed open from the outside, and she said "huh", "Zhou Gu?"

   Zhou Gu felt cold all over his body, and he said "hmm", apparently in a good mood, "Did it wake you up?"

  Su Rong opened his eyes, "It doesn't mean that I'm half asleep, I dare not fall into a deep sleep, and I've been waiting for you to come back. Is everything going well?"

Zhou Gu came to the window, touched the firestone, handed the lamp, and suddenly became bright. He turned to the bed and walked. After taking a few steps, he stopped and said to her: "Success, Zhang Yunwu is good, he was not fatal, Zhang Cheng just rested in the camp, and he was very fatal. He should not be fatal. The most smooth, killing Zhang Ping's five sons Zhang Xing. "

  Su Rong nodded, no blood could be seen from his black night clothes, but he smelled a strong smell of blood, and asked again: "Are you injured?"

   "My shoulder was injured, but it wasn't serious. Feng Ling injured his arm, so it shouldn't be too serious. Ziye's injury was more serious. His retreat was not smooth, and the hidden guards got in. He was also seriously injured, but it wasn't fatal. Don't worry!" Zhou Gu said.

  Su Rong breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

  Zhou Gu raised his hand and sniffed his sleeve in disgust, "You go on sleeping, I'll go take a shower."

   "Hurry up and bandage it." Su Rong emphasized.

   "Okay." Zhou Gu nodded, turned around and left the room again.

  Zhou Gu took a shower quickly, the wound was not serious, and after a simple bandage, he returned to the room refreshed.

  He went to bed skillfully and naturally, lifted the quilt and got into the bed, and then, as usual, hugged Su Rongxuxu sideways in his arms, sharing the excitement of tonight with her, "The two hundred thousand soldiers and horses raised by Zhang Ping are fat and strong, and they are very vigilant. Thorn, it won't be so smooth."

  Su Rongxiao, "That's right, you all dare to break into the barracks with 200,000 soldiers and horses, and it's indeed the courage of the skilled people."

  Even if Zhang Cheng and Zhang Yun meet again, it is hard to imagine, how dare Zhou Gu? That is a barracks with 200,000 soldiers and horses, you know, but if you are not careful, your life will stay there, it is almost like sending you to your door.

   "The assassins were armed with 200,000 soldiers and were defenseless." Zhou Gudao: "However, Zhang Cheng was quite surprising. He was very cautious. Even Zhang Yun's tent was not guarded, but he left guards in the tent."

  "Maybe Zhang Cheng was guarding against Zhang Yun. Unexpectedly, he really hit him sideways and prevented Feng Ling." Su Rong guessed, "After all, he originally commanded 200,000 soldiers and horses, but Zhang Yun entered the barracks and Zhang Mao was arrested. Therefore, Zhang Cheng should not be sure whether Zhang Yun will take the opportunity to attack him. You know, if you kill him and then Zhang Xing, once the two die, the 200,000 soldiers and horses will be under the command of Zhang Yun alone."

   "Perhaps it is true." Zhou Gu also felt that this guess was reasonable, "It seems that Zhang Yun really made Zhang Cheng afraid. He is a character in the Zhang family."

   "Of course, otherwise I would have almost died at his hands. He has no blood to fight, he didn't touch a single sleeve, and he had the courage to live in the same inn with me. In the end, I suffered a big loss and was almost killed by him secretly luring Nangong Yu." Su Rong seldom suffers such a big loss. This calculation is a lesson for her.

   "Unfortunately, I couldn't kill him today." Zhou Gudao: "His martial arts are about the same as mine. If I hadn't been unprepared, I couldn't even kill him with a sword in a short face-to-face meeting today."

   "It's not bad, seriously injured him with a sword, and he won't be able to move for at least a few days." Su Rong took his hand, "Hurry up and sleep, the barracks with 200,000 soldiers and horses should still be in chaos, but I guess it won't be too long. At noon tomorrow at the most, Zhang Yun and Zhang Cheng will order to search the mountain."

  Zhou Gu nodded, "I think so, but don't be afraid, there is a secret passage in Ningchi's Zhuangzi, let's get in and hide."

  Su Rong was surprised, "What kind of secret passage is he doing in such a village halfway up the mountain?"

  Zhou Gudao: "According to him, it is used to hide his wealth accumulated over the years."

  Su Rong understands, Ning Chi lost his mother's protection since he was a child, and Nanping Hou's step-wife is a powerful one.

   Now it is considered cheap for her and Zhou Gu, not to mention, having this secret hiding place is really reassuring, and there is no need to hide and toss.

  Therefore, Su Rong closed her eyes with peace of mind, "You are tired too, go to bed quickly."

  Zhou Gu was indeed tired, but he still had one thing to do, so after Su Rong closed his eyes, he leaned over and kissed her. After kissing for a long time, he was satisfied, "Sleep."

  Su Rong: "..."

   Monthly pass, okay?



  (end of this chapter)

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