Drunk House

Chapter 704: Disposal (second update)

 The king of Nanchu was speechless.

He was surprised by Su Rong's treatment of the Queen of Nanchu, but now that she said this, he felt that it was something his daughter could do.

He was both proud and sighing in his heart. He did not see how she grew up with his own eyes and missed her growth for many years. But there is no doubt that she grew up very well. She is his daughter of Chu Rong and will become Nan Chu in the future. The most beloved king.

 He sighed in his heart, "Since it's up to you, you have the final say."

 One day, he will definitely thank Xie Yuan again for teaching his daughter so well.

Su Ronxiao said, “Father, let’s have a meal!”

 The King of Nanchu nodded.

After the father and daughter had lunch, the King of Nanchu asked, "What about King Liu'an?"

"The execution is ready. Anyone from King Liu'an's lineage who is involved in treason, including the newborn children, will be beheaded. King Liu'an will be executed in Lingchi, and the female family members will be exiled." Su Rong said.

The King of Nanchu was shocked and said, "I thought you would be more tolerant to King Liu'an."

"I will never forget that if I arrived at the Death Valley of Wanren Mountain a little later, you and Zhou Gu's lives would have been lost." Su Rong said: "The bloodline of Liu'an King has been cut off, and the whole family is cut off. It is not a pity to die. .”

The King of Nanchu recalled that being forced into the Valley of Death almost made him think that all of them had no chance of survival. He nodded, "As a king, you should be benevolent when you are responsible, and you should not be too benevolent if you are not benevolent. You can accept and let go, Be kind but not soft, this is the way to be a king."

“My father gave me an imperial edict, I will give it directly! I won’t go see people I don’t need to see.” Su Rong looked at the King of Nanchu.

The King of Nanchu nodded and ordered people to get the imperial edict. After the blank imperial edict was brought, Su Rong wrote it in his own handwriting. After writing it, he stamped it with her royal seal. The King of Nanchu took out the jade seal and stamped it with the royal decree.

 “Fengling.” Su Rong called out.

“Sister.” Fengling heard the sound and came over.

Since entering the Nanchu Palace, Fengling has behaved himself and no longer dines with Su Rong, but with the secret guards.

"Take the imperial edict and go to the heavenly prison to settle the matter with King Liu'an. It's better to choose a different day than to hit the sun. Let's do it today! Pull everyone out and behead them." Su Rong handed him the imperial edict.

 “Okay.” Fengling took the imperial edict.

The King of Nanchu ordered, "Li He, you go with Fengling."

 Li Heying said, “Yes, Your Majesty.”

In the heavenly prison, the family of King Liu'an and everyone involved with him have been imprisoned for two or three months since they were escorted back to the capital by the King of Southern Chu.

Since the person who committed the crime belonged to the clan, three meals a day were not harsh according to the clan's treatment.

 King Liu'an knew that the king had not ordered what to do with him, but was waiting for Su Rong to return to the capital and leave it to her to deal with. He thought that Su Rong had not even killed Zhang Yun, Zhang Mao and others. His surname was Chu. Even if she returned to Beijing and she wanted to stabilize the government, she would not kill her. At most, he would sentence his whole family to exile.

 So, he was not too afraid.

 But his son, Chu Chu, the eldest son and legitimate son, was not so optimistic. He felt that Su Rong would definitely not spare their family. He and his father were afraid that they would both die. But his child, son Chu Zhi, is still young and should survive.

 So, when he heard the jailer talking about the princess returning to the royal capital, he hugged his son and whispered to him about the funeral arrangements.

King Liu'an was angry, "Chu'er, why are you talking to Brother Zhi about this? Your Majesty is kind, your daughter is kind-hearted, our surname is Chu, we can't die." Chu Chu shook his head, "Father, I hope it will be as you think!"

  King Liu'an was very sure, "I won't die."

 He really felt that Su Rong would not kill him, at least, not his son.

Therefore, when Fengling and Li He came to Tianlao with the imperial edict and read out the imperial edict to execute King Liu'an, behead his family and all the men involved, and exile their female relatives, King Liu'an was horrified. He changed drastically. He looked at the imperial edict in Fengling's hand in disbelief and murmured, "No, this is impossible. Why is it so important..."

 He shouted, “I want to see the king!”

“You can’t see it.” Fengling blocked his way.

 “Your Majesty, I want to see your Majesty.” King Liuan said again.

Fengling shook her head, "You can't even see her."

 King Liuan knelt down and begged for mercy, "Please, please, let me see the king and the princess. I have something to say."

Chu Chu's face was equally pale. He did not expect that this imperial edict would not even spare his children, who were several years old.

Fengling said expressionlessly, "It's too late."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand behind him, "Take away everyone who comes and **** them to the vegetable market. All men will be beheaded immediately."

Following his order, some guards came in, opened the cell door, and in groups of two, they took the people who were yelling and crying for their fathers and mothers, and forcibly dragged them out of the prison.

"I want to see the king! I want to see the king!" King Liuan kept shouting, almost breaking his voice.

Fengling heard this and ignored it. After taking all the men out, she left the heartbroken female relatives, who were crying and frightened, in the prison, waiting for someone to send them away into exile, so she took them to the vegetable market.

Because Su Rong's order was sudden and there was no Qiuhou interrogation and execution. It was very straightforward and did not allow time for people to intercede. Therefore, no one knew that on this day, Liu'an Wang's family and his family were executed.

However, so many people were taken out of the prison, crying for their fathers and mothers all the way, and were escorted to the vegetable market. They still made a lot of noises, alarming the people walking on the street, as well as the well-informed courtiers' mansions.

Like Su Rong, Fei Ling acted swiftly and neatly. Therefore, after escorting the people to the vegetable market, they did not choose any auspicious time. With a wave of their hands, the executioner raised his knife and dropped his head, one by one.

King Liuan was left at the end by Fengling, because he was Lingchi, and he was allowed to see with his own eyes the consequences of the evil he had done, and to see him shed blood and tears, there was no pity for him at all.

If he and his sister had not climbed down the cliff with the secret guards that day in the Death Valley of Wanren Mountain and rescued them in time, his brother-in-law and the king would have died in the hands of this man. Because of his ambition to fight for the throne, he united with the Nangong family to deal with the king and the princess who were from the same lineage. He deserved to die because everyone he implicated, including his little grandson, were all sins committed by him.

In less than an hour, everyone involved in the Liu'an King case was punished, and blood flowed like a river.

Fengling watched the execution with her own eyes and said to Li He: "Eunuch Li, let's go. Shall we go back to the palace to resume our duties?"

 Li He's face was also a little pale. How long had it been since he had seen so much blood? For a moment, he really couldn't bear it. He thought that it was not just him. From today on, everyone in the clan who is alive will remember today and the fate of King Liu'an. From now on, as long as the princess is alive, I will never dare to rebel and seize power again.

 It is precisely because of his surname Chu that the punishment is more severe.

Today, the princess will let everyone see clearly that if anyone thinks that she is kind-hearted and soft-hearted when she lets the queen go, they are totally wrong.

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