Drunk House

Chapter 705: Minglu (1st update)

On the second day after Su Rong returned to the capital, he spared the Queen of Nanchu, but violently executed King Liuan and everyone involved in the case, which shocked the whole court of Nanchu.

Even Ye Xiang was shocked.

After listening to the report, Ye Xiang confirmed again and again, "The princess killed everyone? How old are the children?"

The person who reported the matter replied, "I'll kill all the men, but not a single one of them. The female relatives in the prison have sent people to diagnose their pulses. As long as they are diagnosed as pregnant, they will still have abortions and then be exiled." "

Ye Xiang took a breath and thought that Su Rongjue was ruthless enough. She was holding the throne firmly in her hands and telling everyone named Chu that no one should care about her. The fate of King An.

He waved his hand, "Okay, I know the truth, you can go!"

After the person who reported the complaint went down, Ye Xiang thought for a moment and felt that there was nothing wrong with such a princess. The current king had always been too kind and careless, and had fostered the ambitions of the clan and the Nangong family, which led to him. He almost ended up playing with his family, but it was the princess who saved his family's lives.

When he thought about it, his mentality quickly calmed down. Just die, otherwise it would be too cheap for King Liu'an to only be sentenced to exile for such a huge crime of treason. It will not serve as a warning to all clans with the surname Chu.

Those who did not follow King Liu'an in his rebellion, or who waited and did not take action at the time, probably will not dare to take action again in the future, and they are just being fooled.

When Fengling and Li He returned to the palace to receive orders, they went to bathe and change clothes first, and burned incense to remove the bad luck, before going to see Su Rong and the King of Nanchu.

Su Rong did not leave after lunch. Instead, he played chess with the King of Nan Chu to eat while waiting for Fengling to come back.

After taking a bath, Fengling felt relaxed and said to Su Rong: "Sister, it has been executed. King Liu'an stayed until the end and was cut into pieces by a thousand cuts."

Su Rong nodded, "Okay, let's go and have a rest!"

Fengling shook her head, "I'm not sleepy or tired."

Su Rong handed the chess piece to him, "That's just right. You come and play chess with my father while I go and rest."

Fengling said "Huh?", took the chess piece, and looked at the King of Southern Chu.

King Nan Chu smiled angrily and waved his hand, "Okay, let her go. Fengling, come and stay with me. It's noon today and I don't want to sleep."

He had just executed King Liu'an, and he couldn't sleep. Although King Liu'an died unjustly, he still couldn't help but think of when he was young, they were brothers, playmates, and people who grew up together.

Fei Ling nodded and sat down, "Okay, listen to your Majesty." Li He was thinking to the side, Mr. Feng has such a stable mentality. He is worthy of being the princess's secret guard. He has experienced countless swords and swords and witnessed big and **** scenes. people.

Su Rong was not prepared to imitate Zhou Gu. On the second day after arriving in the royal capital, she found work and got busy. After she had dealt with the two matters of the Queen and King Liu'an, she really planned to go back and rest. I can rest for half a day today, and I will go to the morning court with the King of Nanchu tomorrow. It is not certain whether I can find time to rest for a day and a half in a short period of time.

 That’s why she didn’t care about the inside and outside of the capital, the government and the public, because she suddenly severely punished King Liu’an, which shocked the world. After lying on the bed, he quickly fell into sleep.

After Ye Guixue returned to the capital, he naturally had no time to spare. There were countless things waiting for him, so he went to work at the Ministry of Personnel early in the morning. After being busy for a long time, he heard Su Rong's order. With the attitude of getting things done on the same day, leaving no room for relaxation, Lei Lei dealt with King Liuan with a heavy hand, and he did not feel surprised at all.

If the princess was really a kind-hearted and soft-handed person who could be bullied, she would not attack back and beat the Wei Dynasty, beg for mercy, negotiate for peace, and cede territory to pay compensation.

 But he can be stable, but others cannot. After the incident happened, the entire staff was shocked, not because they were heartbroken about the fate of King Liu'an's family, but because they were terrified, fearing that they would be implicated. Therefore, they all rushed to Ye Guixue to find out what was going on. Even the official minister could not sit still and came to find Ye Guixue with his hands behind his back. He wanted to hear from Ye Guixue whether the princess wanted to clean up the imperial court and keep the king of An. It's just an appetizer, and people like them will also face a major purge.

Ye Guixue shook her head at everyone, "The princess doesn't like to be sloppy and undecided. The first thing she did when she returned to the capital was to deal with Prince Liu'an, not because she wanted to clean the court, but because she felt that Prince Liu'an This case has been delayed by the king for long enough. There is no need to keep it any longer. Deal with it early and save your worries. You don’t have to worry. The princess is not killing innocent people indiscriminately. As long as she is not involved in treason and does not endanger the imperial court, she will not If you are disloyal to your Majesty, please just do your work with peace of mind. The princess will know right from wrong, rewards and punishments, and will not treat good ministers and generals badly."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this, "That's good, it scared us to death."

After everyone left, the Minister of Libu looked at Ye Guixue and said, "Guixue, you haven't finished what you said, haven't you?"

Ye Guixue looked at the old minister of the Ministry of Personnel and smiled, "I can't hide it from you, my lord. The princess's move was firstly to frighten the king, and secondly to avenge the king and Mr. Zhou. At first, King Liu'an almost killed the king and Mr. Zhou. If they were put to death, if the princess hadn't rescued them in time, they would never have survived. Not to mention King Lingchi of Liu'an, even if he was tortured for ten years, his life would be worse than death. This is the fate he deserves."

The Minister of Civil Affairs nodded, "That's right. It's right for the princess to do this. Since we defeated the Wei Dynasty, no one dares to look down on the princess. From today on, no one dares to have second thoughts."

He patted Ye Guixue on the shoulder and said, "If it weren't for the time when the imperial court was recruiting people, I would have already planned to retire after the princess returns to the capital. It's hard to find a wise master. I, Nan Chu, have finally returned to Golden Phoenix. I can't wait for a while." I can't bear to retire. In this way, I can hold on for one more year, and then the court will be on the right track. After everything is peaceful and prosperous, you can wait for one year and take over my position after one year."

Ye Guixue was startled and said quickly: "Sir, what are you talking about? You are in good health and can serve the court for another ten or eight years. With your current official position, you still have to leave the capital to go to Daliang and be killed by the king." The one who was promoted out of the ordinary has only been here for half a year. Sir, please don’t say that. The junior official is still young and not qualified for your position."

The Minister of the Ministry of Personnel smiled and patted Ye Guixue on the shoulder, "Those with qualifications or lack of qualifications should be replaced by those who are qualified. Guixue, don't be humble. Although you are young, your vision, heart, ability, and ability are obvious to all. You have chosen Ye Guixue's house." Minglu, this road can protect your Ye Xiangfu for a hundred years, this is your ability. What is the fate of the Nangong family? What is the fate of King Liuan? Everyone has witnessed it."

Seeing that Ye Guixue wanted to say something else, he smiled and waved his hand, "I'm old, otherwise I wouldn't have left so many things for you to share when you come back. Hurry up and get busy! I've also gone to work. There will be a big court meeting tomorrow. The princess is entering the court for the first time, so she needs to cheer up."

Hearing this, Ye Guixue stopped talking, nodded with a smile, and escorted the old minister out of his office.

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