Drunk House

Chapter 706: No (second update)

 The emperor's bedroom was unsealed, and news from outside was also pouring in.

The maids, nuns, and eunuchs around Nangong Xin tentatively walked out of the emperor's bedroom, and found that no one restricted their freedom. They walked around the palace, and all brought back shocking news.

"Queen, King Liu'an was executed by Ling Chi just half an hour ago. All the men in King Liu'an's family were beheaded. Even the children who could not speak were not spared. The female family members were all exiled." One person said in shock: "I heard it was the princess who gave the order."

Nangong Xin was also shocked, and for a moment, her expression became numb, "You deserve it."

 That thing, King Chu Qian of Liu'an, looked like a dog when he was young. Over the years, because Chu Rong was trapped in love and decadent and ignored political affairs, he gradually became more and more excited and even missed her disgustingly. What kind of thing did he think he was? If it weren't for the friendship with Chu Rong when he was young, how could he be granted the title of Prince An with so many people in the clan? I don't know the heights of the world, I don't care about brotherhood, I am ambitious, and I don't regret death.

"Mother, you said that the princess really wants to let you go, right? Is she waiting for you to make mistakes and add insult to injury?" An old nanny said worriedly.

It’s no wonder that she has this worry. It’s true that the princess was too kind to the queen and didn’t hurt her at all. But towards King Liu’an, she was so violent that she didn’t even spare a child. This is completely incompatible with being kind and soft-hearted. Related. If they get it wrong, they are very wrong.

"What more mistakes can I make?" Nangong Xin sneered, "Didn't she say it? I have broken my wings, and those who wanted to escape have been sent away to follow their families. I am now a chicken without wings, can I still What are you fluttering about? Where can you flutter to?"

The old grandma thought about it, but she still said: "You can't say that. After all, Mr. Zheng and his family have all gone to the Wei Dynasty..."

Nangong Xin even sneered, "Do you think that if he heard the news that I was not killed by Su Rong and was still alive and well, he would contact me? He designated me as dead. The dead person is A useless person, unfit for use.”

The old nanny sighed, "Then Madam, what should we do in the future? Should we continue to live in this palace, or should we leave the palace?"

"Where can I go after I leave the palace? I live in this palace. Doesn't Chu Rong not want his palace? Then I will live there forever. If he dislikes me, I will let him dislike me until death. "Nangong Xin said.

When the old woman saw him calling the king by his name, if she had given him some advice in the past, she no longer gave him any advice now, so she stopped talking.

The eldest palace maid asked aloud: "Your Majesty, shall we live the same life as before? We can go wherever we want, and we can leave the palace whenever we want."

The old nanny immediately said: "What are you dreaming about? Now that the princess has returned to the palace, although the king has not abolished the position of the queen, how can we be the same as before? Don't run around without anything to do. If you bump into the princess, Be careful with your life."

"My slave looks at the king's wife very well." The eldest maid glanced at Nangong Xin and whispered, "My slave poured tea for her, but she drank it without testing the poison."

Nangong Xin glanced at the eldest palace maid, "That's because she knows medical skills and can detect poisons. If you poison her, she can tell it at a glance."

 Grand palace maid: “…”

Although it was true, she really felt that the princess was very good. She did not have any domineering airs or self-assertiveness. She would never forget how she just sat lazily on the threshold, drinking the tea she poured. While talking to the queen.

Su Rong woke up and asked about Zhou Gu. She heard that he had not come back yet, so she wandered to find the King of Nanchu and waited for Zhou Gu to come back to have dinner with him.

As soon as she arrived at the residence of the King of Nan Chu, she met Li He who was about to go out with the account books in his hands. When he saw her, Li He quickly greeted her and said, "My princess! I was just going to find you. I never thought that you would come by chance. Now, Save the old slave’s legs and feet.”

Su Rong asked: "What do you want to see me for?"

Li He immediately smiled and said, "These are the account books in the palace and the seal of the phoenix in charge of the sixth palace. The king asked the old slave to send them to you."

When Su Rong heard this, he immediately waved his hand, "I don't want it, you go and send it to the queen."

Li He's smile froze, "Give it to the queen?" "Did she take care of it before?" Su Rong asked.

 Li He nodded, "Yes."

Su Rong said: "That's it. Since she was in charge before, now she is also in charge."

Li He hesitated, "But...the past is the past after all, and now this and that time are the same."

"It's no different from before. My father has not abolished the queen. It is naturally her responsibility to govern the six palaces." Su Rong glanced at the account book and the phoenix seal with disgust, waved her hand and urged, "Go quickly, just go and give it to the queen." Send it and say what I say.”

Li He clearly felt that the queen was not happy with what he was holding. He hesitated, "What if the queen doesn't agree?"

"Then tell her, is it so easy to keep her alive and take care of the Nangong family's ancestral graves? She has to work and cannot live in vain." After Su Rong finished speaking, she walked away.

 Li He: “…”

 He ​​had offended the queen quite a lot in the past. Who would have known that the Nangong family was in ruins and the queen would still be fine? If he had known earlier, he would have softened his attitude when he was prevaricating the queen for the sake of the king.

 Hey, when did this Phoenix Seal become like a hot potato? The princess doesn't want it, so it seems he has no choice but to go find the queen.

 So, Li He took things and went to see Nangong Xin.

Nangong Xin never stepped out of the palace. Even if Su Rong lifted her ban, she had no interest in going out for a walk. Listening to the words of the maids and maids beside her, she interjected a few words and thought about Su Rong today. The way he looked when talking to her.

Yan Ruzhen's daughter really looks nothing like her except for her appearance, but her temperament is a bit like Chu Rong's. No one can compare to his entanglement, fallacies, and shamelessness.

As she was thinking, she heard a series of footsteps coming from outside. This sound was familiar to her. It was the footsteps of Li He, the chief **** next to the King of Nanchu. He walked very characteristically, with heavy steps, for fear that others would not notice him. I knew he was coming.

As expected, the eldest maid reported, "Madam, it is Eunuch Li who is here."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li He's voice sounded outside the door, "The queen, my old slave Li He, on the order of the queen, come here to give you something."

Nangong Xin turned around and looked outside the door. Li He was standing at the door politely. She raised her eyebrows and said, "Poison wine and dagger Bai Ling? I really bothered Eunuch Li."

Li He was ashamed, "The queen is joking, how can she do that? You said you don't have these three things."

Nangong Xin snorted, "Since it's not the case, just take it back. I don't want her to give it away."

Li He immediately said: "The empress has misunderstood, it is Feng Yin."

Nangong Xin was stunned for a moment, and then sneered, "What else do I want from Feng Yin? Get lost."

 Li He: “…”

He thought to himself, this phoenix seal really burned his hand.

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