Drunk House

Chapter 713: Counselor (1st update)

Su Rong sighed. Looking at her father's guilty look, he knew that she would be very busy in the next six months, or even a year. She would really have to squeeze out time if she could find time for a wedding.

After the morning court, the King of Southern Chu said decisively to Su Rong: "I go to the imperial study room to review the memorials. You, you, take the people to the meeting hall to discuss the matter!"

 After he finished speaking, he hurried away, for fear that Su Rong would catch him and criticize him.

Su Rong was speechless when she saw her father running away so fast. She turned around and grabbed Ye Guixue, "Master Ye, let's go to the meeting hall."

 He will know it when the snow falls on his forehead at night.

Su Rong ordered a few more courtiers, all of whom had to deal with urgent matters today. When these courtiers saw the princess, they started to do things as soon as possible without any delay. They felt very happy and responded one after another and followed her to the meeting hall. .

Having walked halfway, Su Rong thought of Xie Yuan and asked Ye Guixue, "Where is my uncle Xie? Didn't Prime Minister Ye say anything about him joining the court?"

Ye Guixue nodded, "Yesterday, my father went to see Mr. Xie and proposed that if Mr. Xie enters the court, there should be another phase in the court. Mr. Xie did not agree, saying that he had been away from the court for many years and did not like to get up early every day."

Su Rong thinks it makes sense, if she doesn't want to get up early every day.

Ye Guixue sighed, "Mr. Xie is so talented, it would be a pity not to join the court."

"Uncle Xie can help me even if he doesn't go to court. He came to Nanchu just to help me." Su Rong turned around and shouted: "Fengling."

 “Sister.” Fengling appeared in front of Su Rong with a whoosh.

Su Rong told him, "Go and invite Uncle Xie and ask him to come to the meeting hall. Just say that I can't do it without him. It's OK that he doesn't join the court, but he has to be my counselor. When I need him, he has to come to discuss things." Please help me."

“Okay, I’ll go and invite him right away.” Fengling responded and went immediately.

Ye Guixue smiled. He felt that his shoulders were lighter and less weighed down by the help of Mr. Xie.

 Xie Yuan's mansion is elegant and elegant, which is in line with Xie Yuan's preferred style.

After he moved into the mansion, he had a good rest like Su Rong. Except for visiting him at night and pestering him to persuade him to join the court, which took more than an hour, he did nothing during the rest of the time and enjoyed the leisure time very much. .

What happened in the morning court today, three imperial edicts were spread throughout the royal capital after the morning court. Naturally, the Xie Mansion also got the news. Xie Yuan was silent for a long time, and finally sighed. He didn't know who was worse off, between him and Chu Rong.

 Suppose it’s him, right? He and Zhen Min got to know each other and fell in love. This process lasted for a year or two. Later, due to helplessness, Zhen Min accepted Chu Rong and broke off her relationship with him. Later, she fell in love with Chu Rong. Naturally, he couldn't accept it at that time and was very uncomfortable. It lasted for a year or two, but later, she faked her death and escaped from Wei Dynasty. The only one she could trust was him. He chose Jiangning County for her and stayed with her peacefully in Jiangning County for another seven years. It can be said that he later looked away and sent her away, and he had no regrets in this life.

As for Chu Rong, he had calculated very well, that is, during the three months since he got Zhenmin, he was tortured by endless loneliness and longing, and spent more than ten years in decadence. But he had a daughter who was related by blood. Zhenmin gave birth to him, but it only lasted three months, but it also trapped him for the rest of his life. Even the queen of the Nangong family in the palace, who risked her life for him and betrayed the family, could not soften him half a step. Now this posthumous imperial edict also talks about sharing the love of this life, continuing the fate of life, regardless of life and death, and the peace of heaven and earth. He is still begging for the next life.

Fengling quickly came to Xie's mansion. After seeing Xie Yuan, she repeated what Su Rong asked him to convey.

Xie Yuan put down the book and said helplessly, "This is the first day of the morning court." The implication is that he came to the royal capital and only had a day's rest. She was busy, but she still thought of him.

Feng Ling was outside the Jinluan Palace and listened to today's morning court, and said helplessly: "Sir, you must feel sorry for our little mistress! Your Majesty is really unreliable, and there is a mountain of things waiting for her."

Xie Yuan stood up and sighed, "Okay, let's go!"

Xie Yuan followed Fengling to the meeting hall. Everyone inside had been discussing for a long time. Ye Xiang was also there. When he saw Xie Yuan coming, Ye Xiang hurriedly came out to greet him, "Oh, Mr. Xie is here. It's great."

 Xie Yuan raised his hands to Ye Xiang and said, "Ye Xiang."

Ye Xiang was very happy, thinking that Su Rong had to invite Xie Yuan. It didn't matter if he didn't join the court, as long as he was willing to help if he could, "Mr. Xie, please come quickly."

 Xie Yuan nodded and entered the meeting hall.

Su Rong turned around, saw Xie Yuan, and smiled, "Uncle Xie, there are too many things going on in the court. Zhou Gu went to the Ministry of Etiquette to deal with our wedding. I can only come to you. Please be more patient and wait until the court situation is completely resolved." After everything is stabilized and in order, I will definitely not disturb you and let you rest for a year and a half."

 No one knows better than her that Uncle Xie has had no time to spare for her these years.

 Xie Yuan glanced at her and nodded, "Okay."

Therefore, with the addition of Xie Yuan, the meeting hall became even more powerful. When he raised many questions, he got to the point with sharpness and sensitivity. The courtiers thought that it was Xie Yuan who had a long-standing reputation for teaching the princess. Even Xiang Ye sighed inwardly. Hearing it a hundred times is better than seeing it once. Being called a great talent is not just a lie.

It is a pity that he does not join the court and only serves as the princess's adviser. Otherwise, the burden on him could be lighter.

At noon, the King of Southern Chu came to the meeting hall to have lunch with Su Rong. When he arrived, he saw everyone surrounding her daughter, talking to each other, and the discussion was in full swing. Many things were probably urgent and difficult, and her daughter kept talking. Rubbing his eyebrows, Xie Yuan sat aside and frowned from time to time. He felt guilty and wanted to turn around and leave.

Fengling was hiding aside, eating cakes and drinking tea, listening to the discussion in the meeting hall. Because she was too busy, she immediately spotted the King of Nan Chu and stood up immediately, "The king is here."

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden silence inside, the discussion stopped, and everyone looked towards the door.

The King of Nanchu glared at Fengling. He couldn't leave. He was discovered. He could only bravely walk into the meeting hall with a smile. "My dear friends, thank you for your hard work. My dear daughter, thank you for your hard work." Hard."

Su Rong was not angry, "Why are you glaring at Fengling? If he didn't find you, where would you have gone? Is it because you left such a big mess for me and you don't have the face to see me?"

The King of Southern Chu felt guilty and ashamed, so he took the blame and said, "Oh, it's all Ye Xiang's fault. He said that the front line is tight and he should leave other things alone."

 Ye Xiang’s face suddenly turned dark. This is indeed what he said, but he had no choice at that time. Southern Chu was in civil strife, and the Wei Dynasty invaded again. Of course, everything must be focused on the front line. If the princess cannot be saved, and the Wei Dynasty succeeds, the country will be over. , how to talk about governance? Not only did he say this, the king himself also stared at the front line all day long.

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