Drunk House

Chapter 714: Tricky (second update)

The King of Nanchu saw that Ye Xiang's face turned dark, and he felt a little sorry for the old man, but he didn't want to be stared at by his daughter again. Besides, Xie Yuan was still here, so he couldn't let Xie Yuan feel that he was too useless and embarrassing.

Su Rong, a leaky little cotton-padded jacket, didn't let him go. She didn't think her biological father still had much dignity, so she exposed him and said, "Father, everything is the fault of Ye Xiang. Are you sorry? You are the king of Southern Chu."

The King of Southern Chu: “…”

Oops, can't you save some face for him?

He stammered for a while and then whispered: "Well, it's noon, and people are not made of iron. It's time to have lunch. After lunch, I will discuss with you."

He has never been so diligent. He spent half a day reviewing two days of memorials and hurriedly came to have dinner with his daughter.

His daughter had just returned to the royal capital and entered the court, so he pushed a lot of difficult things onto her, which was a bit unkind. Just say a few words if you are told a few words! Who let him be justified?

Su Rong snorted and let him go, "Okay, let's eat, I'm hungry too."

When the King of Nanchu heard this, he immediately ordered, "Quick, bring all the food boxes in."

 Li He said yes, and the people who followed outside filed in. King Nan Chu knew that there were many people in the meeting hall, so he specially ordered the imperial kitchen to cook more meals.

The courtiers looked at the servants setting up the meal, thinking that the king was finally humane and considerate. They almost wanted to burst into tears. For how many years, they sometimes wanted to discuss matters but could not find the king. It was not easy to find him. , found that the king was drunk and unconscious, they could only find Ye Xiang, Nangong Yin, and King Liu'an, not to mention the king himself came to the meeting hall to deliver meals and worry about whether they were hungry.

Sure enough, it is different now that his biological daughter has returned. The king is still the same king, but he is no longer the unreasonable and unreasonable person.

 After the food was set, everyone sat down one by one.

The King of Nanchu pulled Xie Yuan and took the initiative to sit next to him. He said cheerfully, "Thank you, brother, for your hard work."

Xie Yuan pointed out to him calmly, "You have already said it once."

"Ah? Really?" King Nan Chu didn't remember. "Anyway, I would be very grateful to you for helping Xiao Qi. Why don't you stop running around every day and live in the palace? Let Gu Ren be freed up." A palace is coming to you.”

 Xie Yuan refused, "No need."

"No, you can save a lot of time by living in the palace and coming to the meeting hall every day." King Nan Chu persuaded.

Xie Yuan still refused, "Xie's mansion is very good, and you can live freely and comfortably."

“The same goes for the palace. Don’t worry, no one will bother you if you live here.” King Nan Chu promised.

 Xie Yuan said without politeness, "I'm afraid you'll disturb me."

The King of Southern Chu: “…”

This is said without giving any face at all, it’s true. He finally knew who Xiao Qi's irritating talk was imitating. Su Rong wanted to laugh, but seeing that King Nan Chu was quiet, she coughed lightly and said, "Father, please don't move your chopsticks. Everyone is too embarrassed to move their chopsticks. You are not allowed to talk anymore. Eat quickly. After lunch, we have a lot of food." Things need to be discussed, please don't make trouble and delay our time."

The King of Southern Chu: “…”

All right!

He was not someone who was disliked by others wherever he went before? The courtiers chased him and pestered him every day, and he was the only one who despised them. Now it was good, the old minister of the Ministry of Rites despised him for being an eyesore, and now there was Xie Yuan and Su Rong.

 After everyone had a quiet and quick lunch, after eating and drinking, everyone continued to discuss.

The King of Nan Chu did not leave, but he did not interrupt at will. He only spoke when Su Rong asked him about it after listening to everyone's discussion and thinking. Then after he finished speaking, Su Rong turned to ask Xie Yuan for his opinion, Xie Yuan naturally hit the nail on the head and put forward the pros and cons, which was more insightful, more comprehensive, and more conducive to the situation than what he said.

After Xie Yuan talked about several things in a row, Su Rong made a decision, made a thorough decision, and issued an order. Soon, courtiers dispatched officials to implement it immediately.

The King of Nanchu didn't feel that he had lost face here. He was not as good as Xie Yuan. He had been living in the palace for many years without even stepping out of the capital. If Zhou Gu hadn't stolen him when he came to Nanchu, After leaving the royal capital, he was being hunted from east to west and from south to north. He didn't even understand the livelihood of the people in his land.

But Xie Yuan was different. He had taught Su Rong since he was a child and had been preparing for it. Not only did he know Nanchu very well, but he also knew most of it. Otherwise, he would not have been there after sneaking into Nanchu with his people. He had the courage to break into the royal capital, and even more courage to break into Nangong's house, assassinate Nangong Yin, and succeed.

 Xie Yuan never does anything that he is not sure of. He has the city in his mind and the plans in his mind. He also has the world in his belly and the hills and valleys in his heart.

It was completely dark. Su Rong had ordered a few courtiers and a few things today. There was still no specific solution for the last thing. Just when she kept rubbing her brows, she went to the yamen and returned to the palace. I heard that the king and his daughter were still in the meeting hall, so I came to find them.

 When he came, he was as silent as the King of Nanchu. Just as Fengling was about to shout, he quickly waved his hand to stop Fengling.

Fengling closed her mouth, pointed to the cake in front of her, and asked silently: "Brother-in-law, are you hungry? Let's make up for it first?"

Zhou Gu nodded, came to him, pinched a piece of pastry, and sat crookedly with him, listening to the people inside talking endlessly.

Fengling said in a low voice: "It's about spring plowing. There's still one month left and it's spring planting season. However, there are insufficient grain seeds in various places. Half of the seeds reported are missing. This is a major event that affects people's livelihood. Thank you very much." The gentleman can't think of any good ideas. After all, there is civil strife in Southern Chu this year. There is no food reserve for this war. The military salary sent to the front line has naturally been used. Many of the seeds saved by ordinary people have been borrowed from ordinary people's homes for this year's spring plowing. Seeds. Now that the war is going on, we are short of this."

Zhou Gu nodded. In the morning, he heard a report. This matter is indeed difficult.

Fengling sighed, "It's not easy for my sister. We have discussed a total of seven or eight things today. Apart from having a meal at noon, I don't even have time to drink water. I keep rubbing my eyebrows. I would have looked at her if she hadn't Because of his current status, he almost got angry and left."

 Zhou Gu knew Su Rong's temperament, but now that she had this identity, she had no choice but to think of a way.

Fengling added: "Thanks to Mr. Xie, in these years, although Mr. Xie is in Jiangning County, he pays attention to world affairs and people's livelihood, and has come up with many ideas. But even with Mr. Xie Now, there is still a real shortage of talents. If my guess is correct, after I figure out the method of spring plowing seeds, my sister will have a headache for the lack of talents again. After all, someone has to carry it out. It is said that the Ye Xiang Mansion has a clan. The people are about to be sent out, Ye Xiang and Ye Er Gongzi are now too clever women to make a meal without rice."

 Dear babies, it’s the last day of the month, don’t keep your monthly passes, don’t waste them, okay?

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