Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1719 Releasing the Plague

Thinking about the countless benefits gained after owning the Drunken Immortal Gourd, Qingyang suddenly had a hint of eagerness in his eyes. He would occupy a world by himself and become the master of the world. All the treasures in it are his own, and all the creatures in it must obey his orders. , life and death, unlimited power.

Qingyang couldn't help but clenched his fists. He must win the token of the Lotus Realm. He must not let it fall into the hands of others. With his true strength, he is relatively strong among this group of competitors. He can deal with him. The threats are Mu Qiu from the spirit world and Leng Yun with a stern expression. No one else needs to worry. Qingyang will definitely succeed as long as he is careful.

Just when Qingyang was thinking about these issues, two more people appeared in the main hall. One was a dark-faced fifth-level Nascent Soul peak monk, and the other was Qingyang's old acquaintance Situ Yong. He didn't expect that he could also leave. At this point, you won't be so lucky later on. There is only one Lotus Realm token. Fifth-level Nascent Soul monks like them will probably be eliminated in the first round.

After these two people appeared, the entrance to the hall was closed, and then there was a tremor, and four arenas appeared in the middle. It seemed that the competition for the Lotus World Token was about to begin.

At the same time, a golden light flashed in the middle of the hall, and then split into eight and flew towards the eight people on the field. Qingyang reached out and took the one closest to him, and found that it was a blue jade token with only There is a simple C character engraved on it, which is exactly the same as the C character on the third ring. Needless to say, he should have competed on this ring in the first game.

Qingyang stepped forward to the ring. At the same time, Situ Yong also walked towards the ring. Seeing Qingyang, Situ Yong couldn't help but look very ugly. He never expected that he would encounter someone as powerful as Qingyang in the first level. Character, it can be seen from the fact that Qingyang scared away two Nascent Soul fifth-level peak monks when he took the stage before, that he is definitely no match for Qingyang. But the token has been issued and the arena is right in front of him. There is no use in retreating. Situ Yong can only bite the bullet and go on. At this time, he has no hope for the Lotus Realm token, as long as he does not lose too miserably. .

With Situ Yong holding this idea, the result of the first game can be imagined. Qingyang spent almost no effort. After a few testing moves, he forced Situ Yong to a dead end. Then Qingyang just used a The four-element sword formation was so frightening that Situ Yong voluntarily admitted defeat.

Situ Yong surrendered, and the C-size arena disappeared immediately. Situ Yong also disappeared into the hall. At this time, Qingyang discovered that three of the four arenas were gone. Only the T-size arena was still competing, except for Qingyang. Except for Yang, Mu Qiu and Leng Yun both defeated their opponents.

The fourth arena did not keep everyone waiting for too long. In less than a cup of tea, the green-robed ancestor walked out, and his opponents disappeared together with the arena. It seemed that the top four contestants were the four of them. I don’t know whether it was because the ancestor in green robes was more skilled or because Xue Canyang was unlucky enough to meet a master. Xue Canyang, who had been unable to deal with the ancestor in green robes before, was actually eliminated first.

Except for the previous dialogue with Xue Canyang, Qingyang was not familiar with these people and had no communication with each other. Now that they have become competitors, there is nothing to communicate with, so the four of them each took a side. Close your eyes and rest your mind, preparing for the second competition.

About half an hour later, the hall trembled again, and two arenas appeared in the middle. Then a golden light flashed through, divided into four parts and shot towards the four people on the field. Qingyang reached out to take it, and it was still a piece of green light. So the token had a simple B character engraved on it.

Qingyang was about to go to the second arena, but someone walked over first. It was none other than the green-robed ancestor. Unexpectedly, his opponent in the second game was actually him. The green-robed ancestor was a senior Nascent Soul sixth level. The monks, coming from a large world like the Qing Demon Realm, might be difficult to deal with.

When Qingyang was looking at the ancestor of the green robe, the ancestor of the green robe was also observing Qingyang. He had seen Qingyang's methods and knew that Qingyang was a very powerful opponent, but he was not afraid of him. On the one hand, his methods Many, on the other hand, he felt that he was sure to block Qingyang's attack.

Qingyang stepped onto the ring, and the competition officially began. The green-robed ancestor waved his hand, and a black mist enveloped Qingyang. Qingyang did not dare to neglect, and instantly activated a storm talisman, and a strong wind came. , the black mist just retreated a little, and then rushed towards Qingyang again.

Not only does the talisman fail to work, but the effect exerted by Qingyang's Four-Element Sword Formation does not seem to be obvious. It cannot be blown away, cannot be driven away, and is difficult to kill. This black mist is not like poisonous smoke, nor is it like divine sand. Qingyang After careful sensing, I can feel that there is a trace of life force hidden in the black mist, but it is not a spiritual insect. What is it? Qingyang was stumped by a black mist for the first time.

Seeing that the black mist was approaching, and seeing that other methods were ineffective, Qingyang suddenly got wise and took out the fire-driving gourd he used to refine weapons. After opening the lid, he pinched a Wind Gathering Jue, and the black mist caught him off guard. Most of it was immediately sucked in. Seeing that the situation was not good, the green-robed ancestor quickly waved his sleeves to take back the remaining black mist, while Qingyang controlled the extreme fire stone in the fire expelling gourd to refine the inhaled black mist. Black fog, it was only then that Qingyang figured out that this black fog was a plague insect controlled by the green-robed ancestor. It was used to release the plague. Once caught, it would cause great harm to the monk's body. Fortunately, Qingyang responded in time. He used the fire-repelling gourd to restrain the plague insect, but the opponent did not succeed.

Missing a hit, the green-robed ancestor took out a handful of withered yellow straw from his arms, flicked his fingers, and countless red lights shot into the straw. The straw seemed to be alive, turning into yellow scarf warriors and beating the green straw. Yang surrounded him and launched a chaotic attack on him. The individual strength of these yellow scarf warriors may only be as high as the golden elixir cultivation level, but if dozens of them attack at the same time, the Nascent Soul monks would not dare to take them head on, not to mention the green-robed ancestors watching eagerly next to them? Qingyang could only use the sword formation to resist.

The green-robed ancestor is indeed a monk from a big world like the Qing Demon Realm. He has various methods in endlessly, and each one is more magical than the last. Many of them are unheard of, forcing Qingyang to muster 120% of his energy to deal with his attacks. In order to avoid capsizing in the gutter, fortunately, Qingyang's real strength is much higher than that of the green-robed ancestor, so he will not be in a hurry when facing attacks.

It's not a problem to always be beaten passively. In the end, Qingyang also got angry and found an opportunity to continuously display the Five Elements Sword Formation. The green-robed ancestor also thought that Qingyang had such a back-up plan, so he couldn't deal with it immediately. He was severely injured and had no choice but to end the competition.

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