Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1720 Seeing Lingbao Again

Just like the previous competition, after the green-robed ancestor failed, he disappeared together with the arena, and Qingyang appeared alone in the hall. Another competition is not over yet. Although Mu Qiu is very powerful, Leng Yun is not far behind. The battle between the two seems to be continuing. As for the specific competition, Qingyang cannot see the situation inside the ring for the time being.

Qingyang waited alone in the main hall for nearly two quarters of an hour before another competition ended. Mu Qiu appeared in the main hall, while Leng Yun disappeared along with the ring. It seemed that Mu Qiu, who came from the spirit world, was still very skilled. One step ahead, but Mu Qiu's situation didn't seem to be much better. All his true energy was exhausted, he looked exhausted, and there were many wounds all over his body. From this, although Mu Qiu finally defeated Leng Yun, this competition was not It was very difficult to win.

When Qingyang saw Mu Qiu, Mu Qiu also saw Qingyang, but she didn't think about anything else. Instead, she quickly found a place to meditate and adjust her breath, heal her wounds and restore her true energy. Mu Qiu didn't expect that this competition would be so difficult to win. The next competition was about to begin, but her condition was extremely bad. However, looking at Qingyang's appearance, she didn't seem to be affected by the previous competition. If She will definitely lose if the game starts right away, so she must adjust to her condition as soon as possible.

It's a pity that the competition is fair, and they won't wait for her because of Mu Qiu's situation. Half an hour later, the hall shook again, and a ring appeared in the center of the hall. This time, only Qingyang and Mu Qiu were left in the competition. It can only happen between two people, and there is no need to issue any more tokens. Qingyang steps onto the ring, and Mu Qiu can only follow despite his unwillingness.

There is only the last game left. As long as he defeats Mu Qiu, the Lotus World will be his. Qingyang knows that these monks from the big world are different from others. They have endless methods and will fall into a vicious cycle if they are not careful. , Qingyang learned the lesson from the last time, and before Mu Qiu could use it, he launched an attack on Mu Qiu, hoping to take the lead.

Qingyang's strategy is quite effective. Muqiu consumed too much real energy and spiritual energy in the last game. After half an hour of adjustment time, all aspects of his condition have not been fully restored. Now he encounters the powerful Qingyang again. After a series of attacks, the results can be imagined. Mu Qiu was forced to retreat frequently, and for a while she was in a panic and was surrounded by dangers. However, she was a monk from the spiritual world after all, and her strength was not comparable to that of a monk from the small world like Qingyang. , he resorted to all kinds of tricks for free, and slowly gained a foothold, even Qingyang was dumbfounded.

Qingyang has the strength to cross levels and challenge, and this Muqiu is not far behind. On the surface, he is at the peak of the sixth level of Yuanying. In fact, his combat power has exceeded that of a seventh-level Yuanying monk. If she hadn't been in the previous level, The consumption in a game is too much, and Qingyang may not be able to gain the upper hand.

After gaining the upper hand, Mu Qiu took a deep look at Qingyang, and with a thought, he sacrificed a magic weapon. As soon as the magic weapon came out, Qingyang was shocked because the level of this treasure was obviously higher than ordinary treasures. To a large extent, its characteristics are somewhat similar to Qingyang's Ziyun Tongxiaoding.

Qingyang's Ziyun Tongxiao Cauldron is a spiritual treasure. It came from the hands of the Alchemy Sage, also known as the Fusion Monk. Although this treasure in Mieqiu is not as good as the Ziyun Tongxiao Cauldron, it is not much worse. At least it is the same as the former Void Refining It is a magic weapon used by monks, and Qingyang's Five Elements Sword Formation is only for Nascent Soul monks. Even if it is made from higher-grade materials, its power is much inferior to that of Mu Qiu's spiritual treasure.

As worthy of being a monk from the spirit world, he has a spiritual treasure in his hand, which is much stronger than the opponents Qingyang has encountered before. Qingyang suffered a lot from several consecutive attacks. Qingyang suffered some slight backlash. The Five Elements Sword The spiritual light above the array has also dimmed a lot. I am afraid that a lot of energy will be spent on slowly warming and repairing it in the future. Seeing that this is not an option, Qingyang has no choice but to use his own Ziyun Tongxiao Cauldron, Ziyun Tongxiao. Although the tripod is not an offensive magic weapon, its level is higher than that of Mu Qiu's magic weapon, and it can withstand Mu Qiu's attack for the time being.

Qingyang's ability to produce a spiritual treasure of a higher level than hers obviously exceeded Mu Qiu's expectations. The battle between the two temporarily fell into a stalemate, but Qingyang's condition was obviously much better than Mu Qiu's. Judging from this trend, it will definitely not be Qingyang who loses in the end.

Mu Qiu had obviously expected this, and couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Seeing that her situation was getting worse and worse, she gritted her teeth and used another trump card, a beast soul talisman from the late Yuanying stage. The soul of a demonic beast that has been sealed at the ninth level of the Nascent Soul is more powerful than Mu Qiu herself. It is the final guarantee for Mu Qiu to participate in the All Souls Meeting this time. She will never use it unless it is absolutely necessary. This time, Qingyang was also I took it out when I was in a hurry.

Qingyang is strong, but not strong enough to defeat the ninth-level monks of Nascent Soul. As soon as the beast soul talisman was released, Qingyang suffered a series of losses. However, Qingyang was not without countermeasures. He moved with his spiritual thoughts. , the alcoholic queen bee appeared on the ring with a large group of alcoholic bees, and cast pollen confusion. The strength of the alcoholic queen bee has increased to the third level of Nascent Soul in recent years, but it is still far behind the beast soul. It took the help of the entire bee swarm to manage to trap the beast soul with pollen confusion.

After trapping the beast soul, Qingyang used his methods to launch a series of attacks against Muqiu. However, Muqiu was not Qingyang's opponent in the first place, but now because his last trump card was restrained by Qingyang, Qingyang was in chaos. Under Qingyang's series of attacks, Being stretched thin, he was quickly defeated.

Mu Qiu was defeated and disappeared with the ring. Only Qingyang was left in the entire hall. At this time, a lotus flower suddenly appeared in front of him. The petals parted, revealing a green lotus-shaped sign inside. Qingyang put the sign Holding it in your hand, it doesn't feel as heavy as an ordinary thing.

Qingyang quickly refined the Lotus Realm Token, and then sent out a trace of his spiritual thoughts to explore the token. Just like observing the Drunken Immortal Gourd, a world appeared in his spiritual thoughts. There were about tens of thousands of people in this world. The area is much smaller than the Kyushu continent where Qingyang was born, but as the owner of the token, Qingyang had a panoramic view of the entire world inside the token when he observed it.

There are about hundreds of thousands of monks in the entire Lotus Realm, but most of them are low-level monks. There are only a few dozen Jindan monks, and the strongest ones are at the seventh level of the Jindan. They are far behind those in Jiuzhou Continent, but slightly better. The strange thing is that there is only one sect in the Lotus Realm, which is the Lotus Sect. All monks worship under this sect, and his spiritual leader is the master of the Lotus Realm.

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